"Next, Lin ruowei!"

Do not know how long, Ann Xiaoxi heard his new name.

Standing up, she tidied up her clothes and walked into the interview room.

"Have you done this before?"

In the office sat a woman, wearing a black suit and short hair, but only one finger long. She looked sharp and capable.

The interviewer asked an Xiaoxi several questions, and she answered them well, even some places are commendable.

The interviewer nodded with satisfaction: "good, you can leave. If you pass the interview, the personnel department will call you within three days."

"OK, thank you." an Xiaoxi smiled and bowed humbly to the interviewer before turning away.

Standing in the elevator, she carefully recalled what she had just answered. After several times in her mind, she confirmed that her answer should sound good.

But... What if someone is better than himself?

If you really don't succeed

It seems that you can only sneak in to be a cleaning aunt

I don't know if there is one kind of cleaning office for Bo Jingyan?

It seems that's good

Thinking all the way down the elevator, just one step away, an Xiaoxi saw several girls at the front desk sorting out their appearance quickly. Even the security guards in the lobby stood much taller than before.

Slightly stunned for a moment, then an Xiaoxi saw a familiar figure walking up from the door of the company.

He was wearing a gray suit, his posture was still tall and straight, but there was no expression on his face. He almost walked towards his exclusive elevator step by step.

He was also followed by a man who kept talking. The man was not as serious as he was, and his tie was loosely tied. It seemed that he was begging the serious man next to him for something.

Those two people are Bo Jingyan and murongchu.

"Going out for a drink at night? I've agreed with them. You Bo Dashao hasn't participated in any activities except business for more than half a year. Should you meet everyone? Just give me a face..." Murong Chu looked at Bo Jingyan with a bitter face.

Bo Jingyan smelled that there was no expression on his face and said coldly, "it's your business to promise them, but I didn't promise anything."

"Bo Jingyan! You are really......" Murong Chu was helpless after saying that he didn't move him all the way.

An Xiaoxi stood blankly in place and looked at the two people passing by from his eyes. He knew he should leave immediately, but his steps couldn't move for half a minute.

Perhaps her eyes were too direct, so that Murong Chu, who was talking, noticed her.

"Hey, there's a glasses girl over there who has been watching here. It seems that she's looking at you..." he whispered to Bo Jingyan.

"Boring." Bo Jingyan was unmoved.

Glancing his lips, murongchu deliberately said, "but how do I think... She looks a little like an Xiaoxi?"

An Xiaoxi has already put on makeup, which is much worse than the original appearance. Murong Chu said so, but he just wanted to see if Bo Jingyan would react.

Sure enough, Bo Jingyan's footsteps gave a slight meal, fiercely turned his head, and turned his eyes with an Xiaoxi.

His eyes were cold without a trace of temperature, which made an Xiaoxi's heart pull up fiercely, and his heart jumped quickly for a moment.

How you paint your makeup depends on now!

Fortunately, he only looked at each other for just two seconds, and he left his eyes with some disgust.

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