Should I pass the test?

Neither exposed his identity, but also successfully completed the interview task!

Back in the office, a group of colleagues who had been waiting for a long time immediately gathered around. Tang Xiao was the first to bear the brunt.

"Ruo Wei, you've finally come back. How's it going? Has the president accepted your interview? Have you embarrassed you?" her tone was somewhat related, as if she was really worried about what injustice Ann Xiaoxi suffered in Bo Jingyan.

Ann Xiaoxi smiled. At the thought of what happened in the office just now, she still felt a little funny. Her tone was relaxed and said, "it's all right. The interview was very successful and the president cooperated very well. Next, just sort out the manuscript."

"Ruo Wei, aren't you afraid to see the cold face of the president?" a colleague asked curiously.

"Why should we be afraid?" an Xiaoxi asked with a smile: "the president is only a person, no matter how powerful he is. He is not a monster."

"Awesome." the onlookers gave a thumbs up to an Xiaoxi.

Tang Xiao's face is a little ugly.

She thought that an Xiaoxi had received an interview task for the first time today. The object to be interviewed was Bo Jingyan, the most difficult person in the imperial group.

Maybe at that time, if a stage fright says the wrong words or forgets the words, it will leave a bad impression on him. The deduction of salary is light

But who could have thought that she had finished without any pressure?

You seem happy when you come back?

"Ruo Wei, what questions did you ask the president?" Tang Xiao tried to inquire.

An Xiaoxi blinked and simply threw his interview manuscript on Tang Xiao's table: "it's a normal problem. Here, you see."

Tang Xiao's eyes flickered for a moment, took an Xiaoxi's interview draft and looked at it carefully.

"Ruo Wei, you designed these questions too well. No wonder it will be so easy today." she didn't look carefully at it at all. She just glanced at it roughly, and she smiled and praised an Xiaoxi.

Ann Xiaoxi was a little embarrassed by her boast: "no, it's just a normal interview."

Tang Xiao smiled and continued to praise an Xiaoxi, but he had already turned his eyes in his heart.

Cut... This kind of thing is written far worse than yourself. It doesn't look very good. Maybe it's because the president is in a good mood today that makes her interview so successful.

I knew I wouldn't refuse. I lost such a good opportunity for nothing!


On the other side, Bo Jingyan was sitting in the office, but his mind was full of the things he had just interviewed.

I don't know why, the figure I saw when I entered the door always came to mind.

It's really... So much like

But that face is not the same as the person you want to find.

Constantly sounded the little action when she apologized to herself. Bo Jingyan felt a little upset inexplicably.

"Mr. Bo." Lu Dong pushed the door and came in. He seemed to have something in his hand: "this is the interview draft sorted out by the public relations department. I have checked it. There is no problem. Do you need to have a look again?"

Bo Jingyan wanted to say no, but when he reached his mouth, he suddenly turned around and said, "take it over and let me have a look."

"Yes." Lu Dong stepped forward and put the interview draft on the table.

Bo Jingyan picked it up, only glanced at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the new woman looks a little reckless, her working ability is speechless.

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