"Don't worry, I'm ready." unexpectedly, because of this, an Xiaoxi replied with a smile.

"If you're ready, I'll rest assured." Tang Xiao's tone was still gentle.

When she hung up the phone, a cold feeling crossed her eyes.


The next morning, an Xiaoxi went directly to the airport at the agreed time.

Bo Jingyan had already let people pack the first class of the whole flight. Lu Dong waited there. Seeing that everyone had arrived, he took everyone on the plane.

Gu Zhixing had already sat inside. An Xiaoxi found her position according to what was written on her boarding pass. For a moment, she felt speechless.

How come the more you want to avoid Bo Jingyan, the more you can't avoid it?

Your seat is behind him?

Although Bo Jingyan didn't look back, he also heard the voice of Tang Xiao and an Xiaoxi, and subconsciously frowned.

The woman sitting behind herself?

Bo Jingyan wanted to ask her to change her position, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know why he swallowed them back.

"Xiao Xi, are your feet better?" Tang Xiao sat next to an Xiao Xi, pretending to be concerned and asked.

Bo Jingyan, sitting in front of him, gave a slight meal, and subconsciously was attracted by the voice behind him.

"It's all right." an Xiaoxi shook her head with a smile. "There was a little swelling before, but now there's nothing at all."

Afraid of Tang Xiao's guilt, she deliberately didn't say that there would still be some pain when walking.

Tang Xiao's eyes twinkled for a moment, and then he nodded.

Soon, the plane took off slowly.

City B is not too far away. It only takes about two hours to land stably.

Ann Xiaoxi took out a book specially placed in her bag and read it with interest.

"Miss, would you like something to drink?" halfway through the flight, a stewardess came over and asked with a smile.

Bo Jingyan unconsciously noticed how an Xiaoxi would answer.

He remembered that Ann Xiaoxi liked orange juice

"Please give me a cup of... Coffee, thank you." an Xiaoxi smiled.

She had subconsciously wanted to say orange juice, but when it came to her mouth, she changed her mouth when she thought of Bo Jingyan sitting in front of her.

Sit behind him and be careful

So as not to accidentally expose any habits and arouse his suspicion

Hearing that she didn't ask for orange juice, Bo Jingyan subconsciously frowned, and his mood was inexplicably complicated.

He didn't know whether he wanted Lin ruowei to order orange juice or not in a moment.

Two hours later, the plane landed steadily in city B.

"President, the club has been arranged. Shall we go directly?" Lu Dong checked the next process and asked.

"HMM." Bo Jingyan nodded faintly and turned to get on the car.

An Xiaoxi followed Bo Jingyan's team on a business trip for the first time. Seeing him get on the bus, he couldn't help but pull Lu Dong's sleeve and asked, "assistant Lu, where are we going to live? Is it a hotel near the president?"

Lu Dong was stunned when he heard the speech. He shouted and explained, "of course not. In order to facilitate everyone to discuss work at any time, naturally they all live together."

As he spoke, he pointed to the other car. "You'll take this car later, and we'll go where we live now."

"Oh, I see." an Xiaoxi nodded suddenly and took Tang Xiao and others to the car behind.

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