In short, he instinctively accelerated his pace, as if he wanted to escape as soon as possible, and didn't want to see her wronged expression again.

Lu Dong followed Bo Jingyan out, but didn't close the door of the lounge.

An Xiaoxi left in frustration. As soon as she went back, she saw Tang Xiao sitting on the sofa surrounded by a group of people.

"Lin ruowei is back!" someone saw her.

Tang Xiao immediately raised his head: "Ruo Wei, where are my shoes?"

Ann Xiaoxi felt guilty: "I can't find that pair of shoes."

"What?" Tang Xiao pretended to be surprised, but he was very happy that an Xiaoxi didn't find her shoes, because only in this way can she continue to sell miserably: "well, if she can't find them, it's OK."

"How can I do that?" several other colleagues were distressed when they saw Tang Xiao's poor loss.

"Ruo Wei, do you know that the pair of shoes you lost was bought by Tang Xiao's boyfriend? Let's not say the value of the shoes themselves, but the value of the friendship between other people's young lovers? You say you lose them now, and who dares to lend you anything in the future?" one of the female colleagues said, telling the voice of others.

The workplace is like a battlefield. If you can't be cautious, you may be doomed.

Through such a small event, we can see an Xiaoxi's attitude.

She can be so careless about what her colleagues lend. Who dares to give her important information in the future? This time, I lost a pair of shoes. Next time, it may be a USB flash disk full of company documents.

"Don't say that about Ruo Wei, she doesn't want to, and it's just a small problem, as long as Ruo Wei's feet are all right." Tang Xiao still wants to stand up and pretend to be a good man.

Anyway, the situation of an Xiaoxi has been spread among colleagues. A person's reputation is good or bad, which is easy to be destroyed.

Now there is a crisis of trust in her. What if she can finally turn the corner? No one is willing to work with a partner who likes to have problems, which will only affect their work attitude.

"Thank you, Tang Xiao." an Xiaoxi was very upset: "how much do you want for those shoes? I'll transfer them to you later."

"Really not." Tang Xiao patted her hand. "Don't blame yourself. It's over."

Hearing what she said, everyone thought Tang Xiao was very elegant.

It wasn't a big deal, so people soon dispersed.

"Don't worry about Ruo Wei. Everyone is afraid that you will delay business in the future. They don't have any bad thoughts. They just speak a little straight. You haven't been in the company for long, and you'll understand it after a long time." Tang Xiao seems to be comforting, but actually wants an Xiaoxi to know that her entry time is much longer than her.

According to seniority, I have no reason to set her off.

"I know everyone has good intentions." Ann Xiaoxi didn't care, she only cares about Tang Xiao's mood.

The mobile phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated. She took it out and found that it was Lu Dong's message: "the shoes are still in the lounge. Take them back while no one is there."

Such a piece of news is enough to sweep away Ann Xiaoxi's gloomy mood.

"Tang Xiao, you haven't lost your shoes." she immediately told Tang Xiao the good news.

Tang Xiao looked embarrassed: "really?"

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