"OK." Ann Xiaoxi didn't doubt Tang Xiao. Now she only worried that Bo Jingyan would fire herself. She wasn't afraid of losing her job. She was just afraid that she didn't have the chance to get close to Bo Jingyan and lost the only possibility to find her baby.

After entering the room, Tang Xiao quickly comforted her: "Ruo Wei, don't be unhappy."

"What's Mr. Bo's attitude?" Ann Xiaoxi asked directly.

"Nothing special..." Tang Xiao replied perfunctorily.

"Really?" an Xiaoxi murmured.

It's impossible. Bo Jingyan doesn't like her. She's late again today. Why didn't he respond?

"In other words, it's all my fault. At that time, if only I waited for you to go together." Tang Xiao suddenly said.

Ann Xiaoxi was stunned: "what do you mean?"

"You forgot?" Tang Xiao blinked at her.

"What should I remember?" Ann Xiaoxi asked unidentified. She didn't remember anything.

"I called you at more than seven o'clock in the morning, but you waved your hand and told me to go first and you'll come later." Tang Xiao's words were not fabricated out of thin air. After she got up and dressed herself in the morning, she did call an Xiaoxi.

However, her purpose is not to wake an Xiaoxi up, but to confirm whether the sleeping pills are still effective.

She pushed Ann Xiaoxi. Ann Xiaoxi just muttered, turned over and continued to sleep.

Seeing her sleeping so hard, she left at ease.

Then, after meeting with her colleagues, she called Ann Xiaoxi several times, but each time she rang a bell or two and hung up. She called once every minute, so that she would not wake Ann Xiaoxi sleeping, but also leave a record of missed calls on her mobile phone, indicating that she didn't deliberately wake her up.

An Xiaoxi heard the speech and didn't doubt Tang Xiao's words, especially after seeing the missed call from the mobile phone, she believed it. She just felt that she was sleeping too heavily.

"What's the matter with me?" she couldn't help raising her hand and rubbing her head. "How could I sleep so heavily?"

"Ruo Wei, don't blame yourself. Anyway, things have passed, and President Bo didn't say anything about you. Everyone's work is going well and there are no accidents." when Tang Xiao said this, there was a touch of pride in his eyes.

An Xiaoxi couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed when she heard Tang Xiaohe say that the work in the morning was very smooth.

She should have prepared the speech this morning, but because of her own mistake, she didn't give the final manuscript to Bo Jingyan. Even in this case, he finished the work smoothly.

What should I say? When you have done something hard and find that everything you have done is dispensable and unnecessary to each other, you will lose your mood.

She hoped that there would be no trouble over Bo Jingyan, and she would have a greater chance of keeping her job, but she could not stop her melancholy.

"Ruo Wei, are you still unhappy?" Tang Xiao asked carefully.

"I'm so outrageous this time, I'm afraid Bo will get angry." an Xiaoxi felt powerless for the first time. Originally, she was full of confidence and could make Bo Jingyan convinced of her work ability, but oversleeping this time was enough to make all her previous efforts in vain: "by the way, Tang Xiao, President Bo didn't get the speech. Did he give a speech all on the spot?"

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