Tonight is Ji Xiaoyu's last night in the small restaurant. He packed his few luggages and put them in a floral bag, and cleaned the attic again. After I was busy, I took a shower and lay in bed. He touched the little white egg and said, "Oh, Dad will change to a new job tomorrow and will also move to a new house. Are you happy?"

Naturally, the little white egg would not answer, and lay quietly in his palm.

Ji Xiaoyu gave a kiss on the little white egg, then put it under his belly, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

At this moment, Wu Yaoqiang's snoring sound that could shake the roof dust was heard from downstairs, and Ji Xiaoyu had to pull the quilt up and cover his head to filter out a little noise.

Thanks to him now that he doesn't have the problem of violent sleep when he doesn't sleep well, he is not so comfortable when he is pregnant.

It is certainly impossible for the old head of Li to spend money to rent a house outside to house the buddies. He only hopes that the accommodation conditions can be improved after entering Hongsheng, and he can have a relatively independent private space to incubate the eggs.

I don’t know how long it has been. When Ji Xiaoyu was about to sleep under the quilt, he vaguely heard a little rustling movement in the room, like a mouse crawling around. Although the sound is not loud, it is better than Wu Yaoqiang’s snoring. The sound is also annoying.

The dead mouse dare to be presumptuous on the site of this mountain chicken essence, to see if the little master does not pick your skin to make dried bacon!

Ji Xiaoyu pulled the quilt off his face, and suddenly found a dark thing squatting in front of the bed, stretching out a paw and leaning under his quilt, so that he instantly got goose bumps.

As a pheasant, Ji Xiaoyu also has the shortcomings of ordinary chickens, that is, his night vision is relatively poor, and it is difficult to see things around him clearly in a dimly lit environment. But before he went to bed that night, the curtains were not tightened tightly. The light from the street lamp outside shined into the attic through the gap of the palm, so that he could barely see the appearance of the thing in front of the bed.

The size is about the same size as a normal medium-sized dog, with black hair, a sharp beak and long beard, a pair of sneaky black bean eyes, sharp and sharp claws, and a thin tail that is more than one meter long behind him—

It's a mouse, but it's not an ordinary mouse, it's a rat demon who has become a spirit!

Ji Xiaoyu felt a bitter cold in his heart, and immediately slapped his palm like a knife at the paw that the rat demon was spying over.

The rat demon let out a painful "squeak" and withdrew his right paw.

"Which rat sperm came out of the ditch, I have no grudges against you, why did you sneak attack in the middle of the night?" Ji Xiaoyu cursed, a carp bounced off the bed, and the quilt was lifted to one side, revealing the bed. In the middle is a small white egg with a faint halo.

The rat demon didn't answer, and a greedy thief flashed in his eyes. Regardless of the pain in his right paw, he stretched out his left paw to catch the little white egg.

Damn it, it was for his own egg, **** it! Ji Xiaoyu's face changed, and he flew up and kicked the rat demon's head.

With this powerful foot, with a whirring sound, the rat demon had to shrink his head and avoid him, and then rolled on the spot and turned into a lean man described as a wretched rat eye. It was Ji Xiaoyu who met at the entrance of the small restaurant a few days ago. The guy with the smell of sewers!

Ji Xiaoyu remembered what Hou Changsheng had said that day that the eggs he lay was like a panacea for some monsters to increase cultivation. The alarm bell suddenly sounded in his heart. He stood by the bed and blocked the little white egg on the bed, with his fists tight. Holding it, he glared at the rat demon: "Dare to steal the little master's egg and look for death!"

Half of the mouse demon's face was swept by Ji Xiaoyu's legs, and he was suddenly red and swollen, but he didn't give up. He crossed his hands in front of him, and his fingertips popped out of his fingertips with a long sharp black nails, screaming and rushing over. .

Ji Xiaoyu didn't dare to take it hard, so he picked up the bedside table next to him and stood in front of him.

The rat demon's long armor penetrated the bedside table like cutting tofu, and plunged into Ji Xiaoyu's chest in the splash of sawdust.

Ji Xiaoyu turned the bedside table left and right like a steering wheel, twisted the rat demon's nails, and temporarily resolved his offensive.

The Rat Demon was no longer in a hurry to grab the little white egg, and rushed up again aggressively with his fingers open.

Ji Xiaoyu dodged from left to right for a moment, and suddenly raised his leg to kick in a whirlwind. The rat demon's reaction was also very quick, and he shrank his neck and went under his crotch.

Ji Xiaoyu's castration did not disappear, and he kicked the closet. There was a loud noise, and the shaky closet collapsed.

The snoring of the restaurant downstairs stopped as if pressing the pause button, and then it rang high and low.

Before Ji Xiaoyu had time to turn around, the rat demon's eyes showed fierce light, his sharp claws flicked, and he slammed his back.

Ji Xiaoyu heard a sharp noise coming from the back of his head, and immediately jumped behind the rat demon with a backflip, and then jumped up, kicking with both feet on the rat demon's back.

The rat demon flew out, howling, and hit the air conditioner hung in the corner of the attic head-on, making a muffled sound of broken bones, and then fell heavily to the floor.

There was a creak, and the walls of the attic cracked like a cobweb with several cracks. The old air conditioner shook twice and then fell off, and hit the rat demon's head impartially.

The rat demon "squeaked" a mouthful of blood and rolled his eyes.

No way, this is dead? Although Ji Xiaoyu had a small frame with the spirits on Xiaoqingshan for three days and a big frame for five days, it was the first time in his life that he had put such a heavy hand.

Just walking to the front, the rat demon suddenly moved again, and instantly shrank into its original form, slipped from between his legs, and then ran through the window with a bang.

Ji Xiaoyu ran to the window and saw the big mouse rushing from left to right in the alley in the dark night, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, so she had to give up. The rat demon was seriously injured, and after learning how powerful he was, he would definitely not come back to make any demon moths again.

Looking back at the wolves everywhere, it was like a small attic after a typhoon passed. Ji Xiaoyu hugged his henhouse and wanted to wailing. This is all over, and the old head Li will definitely not let him go!

The next morning, Li Defa came to the small restaurant and almost rolled his eyes when he saw the miserable situation in the small attic. Fortunately, Zhang Qiaoyan held him back.

Wu Yaoqiang still didn't know what was going on, and asked with a dazed expression: "Xiao Yu, what happened last night, did the earthquake happen?"

Ji Xiaoyu couldn't say anything, so he could only make a random excuse: "No, I may have been sleepwalking in the middle of the night, and I don't know what's going on. I woke up like that."

Li Defa, Zhang Qiaoyan and Wu Yaoqiang: "..."

Li Defa looked like he was about to vomit blood, beat his chest and said: "Xiao Yu, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can directly rush to me. Why do you want to demolish my house before you leave? You want my life!"

"Uncle Li, I am not, I have not, this is actually a misunderstanding..." Ji Xiaoyu weakly defended, "Forget it, you count the loss, and I will pay."

Li Defa's face looked a little better. He snapped his calculator and said, "A total of eight thousand three. For the sake of our relationship in the past few months, I will take the fraction away, even if you are eight thousand."

Ji Xiaoyu: "..."

Is there any mistake? He made a total of seven thousand four after three months of work. After removing the hundreds of dollars he spent, he has seven thousand left in his hand. Where can he get eight thousand yuan to pay for it?

This time I changed my eyes to Ji Xiaoyu and cried out in disbelief: "Eight thousand, are you stealing money from Uncle Li?! The wardrobe, bedside table, air conditioner and everything are old, even if you replace it with a new one, you won't have that much! "

Li Defa said with grief: "Those are only a small part. I have already given you a 30% discount! Didn't you see that the whole attic is about to be demolished by you? The walls are cracked and the windows are rotten. I have to find someone to remake The attic needs to be renovated to live in. I will calculate the cost of materials and wages as cheap, otherwise it will be more than 10,000 yuan. If you don’t believe it, find someone to install it yourself!"

After Ji Xiaoyu was defeated, he could only play a bachelor cheeky: "I don't have that much money. There are only seven thousand in total. If you want it, you can't do it without me."

Zhang Qiaoyan hurriedly came up to persuade him when he saw this: "Uncle Li, you calm down, Xiaoyu didn't mean it. It's not easy for him to save some money."

Wu Yaoqiang also helped to round the game: "Yes, Uncle Li, I have a fellow who is a small contract foreman. I turned around and asked him, maybe the price could be cheaper."

Li De groaned and said, "Forget it, it's seven thousand to seven thousand. I'm unlucky."

Ji Xiaoyu choked silently, he was even more unlucky, okay, these three months were completely for nothing!

After enduring the pain and giving Lao Li Tou 7,000, Ji Xiaoyu left the small restaurant with a sad heart and went to Hongsheng Building to report.

When he arrived at the place, he found that the door outside the building was quite lonely, and the inside was deserted and there were few people walking around, which was very different from usual. Look at the huge red lanterns hanging on each side of the gate. There is also a red banner hanging in the middle with four characters "Celebrate National Day".

Ji Xiaoyu slapped his forehead. It turns out that today is October 1st, which coincides with the National Day. All Hongsheng employees have a holiday. According to national regulations, this holiday should be taken for seven consecutive days.

What a coincidence, why did you catch up with the long holiday? Do you have to wait a few days before the holiday is over?

No, no, he is now penniless and desperate. If he can't enter Hongsheng, he can only go to sleep on the sky bridge at night.

Ji Xiaoyu thought again, even though it was a statutory holiday, since Hongsheng was still opening the door, there should be someone on duty at the security office, so let's go in and have a look.

Mr. Cheng, you must be convinced, otherwise, the little master will demolish your house!

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