"Sister Haitang, since you are in a much better mood now, I will go back first. You should also have a good rest and have good energy to work tomorrow."

In fact, what Wenquan Creek wants to say is that there is still a hard battle to fight tomorrow, but Su Haitang has finally forgotten the pain brought to her by mu Junren. It's better not to mention it for the time being.

"Well, go back quickly. I'm disturbing your nightlife today." when Su Haitang was in the car, although he was in a low mood, he didn't have direct communication with Shan Jiang.

But now looking back, Shan Jiang should be very uncomfortable. After all, he wasted so much valuable time because of her.

If it's a good job, but it's just doing it. Waiting for them to come back, receiving and sending, and also helping her arrange accommodation, it's really very troublesome. If it's her, she'll be uncomfortable.

"Sister Haitang, what are you talking about? It's all right." Wenquan Creek said nervously. In fact, I'm very embarrassed. How can people become so open now? In fact, they are not married yet.

"I know, I know. Hurry back to your home, Danjiang's arms." Su Haitang said as he hurried to the hot spring stream and occupied it again. It is estimated that Danjiang will come and kick the door directly.

"Good night, sister Haitang." Wenquan stream said sweetly, and the people who listened were also warm. She just had such affinity to make others happy with her.

The moment the door closed, Su Haitang's eyes were still lost. She really wanted to give up. She covered her heart, climbed to the bed and covered her head with a quilt. She needed to think about it.

Since you choose to give up, how do you go next? It's definitely impossible to keep depressed. She wants to live better than mu Junren.

Finally untied the knot in her heart. It is estimated that tonight should be her best sleep. Maybe she can live more down-to-earth in the future.

Wenquan Creek thought Shan Jiang was still waiting outside. I was a little distressed. I could sleep well tomorrow. It happened that I spent three or four hours with her here.

I don't know if he has been so angry. He wrapped up his big cotton padded jacket and has come to the gate. The wind outside must be very cold.

When she was just about to go out, a supervisor called her name. She met Wenquan Creek. This is the manager of Shan's hotel.

"Madam President, President Shan is waiting for you in the presidential suite. Let me take you there." the hotel manager made an invitation, which is their professionalism.

"No, I know where it is. Just go by myself." Wenquan Xi waved his hand. Fortunately, he didn't go out just now. He took out his mobile phone and looked. In fact, Shan Jiang sent her a message.

Wenquan Creek has a hunch that she will not return to manyue Bay today. Before she was engaged, Shan Jiang always took her to live here. Now it's so late, there's nothing wrong with making do here.

When I entered the door, I was still a little guilty because Su Haitang's affairs made him wait outside for so long, and, as Su Haitang said, disturbed their nightlife.

What shall I do? What can we do to make Shan Jiang feel more comfortable, or take the initiative to give it to him and bully him. It's always OK.

She can't change other things at this time, and Shan Jiang doesn't lack anything. Ordinary gifts can't coax him well, so she can only go out by herself.

"Dear, I'm back..." when Wenquan Creek opened the door, she shouted happily. As a result, she replied that there was silence, even the sound of the needle falling to the ground.

At this time, she would rather Shan Jiang didn't know from which corner to rush out and pick her up. Then she didn't struggle and followed his will, but there was nothing.

Is he really angry? He was originally a stingy man, but he ignored himself. What can he do? The hot spring stream goes in carefully. If the man is really so small, she will be angry.

How can you be angry with your wife? The bad comments were not discussed.

Just about to put down his bag, he saw Shan Jiang sleeping on the sofa. He didn't deliberately ignore himself. Maybe he was really too tired and boring.

Wenquan stream went forward. Danjiang was the quietest only when she slept. She was a little unaccustomed to the quietness, but she was relieved.

"If only you could be as gentle as you are now." Wenquan Creek dared to accuse him only at this time. In fact, what she didn't know was that she was used to this way of getting along.

When she just came in, she was still not used to it because she didn't have Shan Jiang's hegemony. No one was perfect. She was just stubborn and liked it in her heart.

"Have you taken a bath... Just lie here and sleep?" Wenquan Creek said to himself, but he didn't want to wake Shan Jiang. He was really tired.

During the day, I went to the crew to pick her up on time. After I got engaged to her, I almost never worked overtime. I must have made more efforts in the middle. Wenquan Creek knows it.

In the middle, she also tried many times not to let him so tired, but he seemed to be happy without fatigue. In fact, Wenquan Creek also enjoyed such a time, which made her feel very safe.

The person you love has always spoiled her. All women will hope so, but she has always been in such a happy state and satisfied.

"I remember you took a bath, so let's go to bed." Wenquan River wanted to carry Shan Jiang to bed. As soon as he made a force, he knew it was his delusion.

Shan Jiang's physique and weight are not what she can resist. With such a small body, after another try, Shan Jiang lay motionless on the sofa.

He didn't wake up after this, and the heart of Wenquan Creek was even more guilty. It had to be how tired they were during the day. As usual, it's not time for them to go to bed.

"For the sake of your kindness to me, I'll give you the quilt." the sofa is as soft as the bed, except that the position is a little smaller, it's not particularly bad.

It was because it was too small. Originally, Wenquan Creek wanted to put herself in, but later gave up. It was not because she was too fat, but because the sofa was really too small and could only let one person sleep on it.

But in winter, without a quilt, I felt very strange. I went to bed and dragged the quilt over him, covered him and left a kiss on his forehead.

After dealing with everything, Wenquan River looked at Shan Jiang wrapped in zongzi with satisfaction. She still lacked the experience of taking care of people and didn't take off her clothes.

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