After filming, mu Junren handed over the later stage to the deputy director. He was afraid that he would be busy very late. Su Haitang would not be happy to wait for him to get off work. This is his chance.

"Begonia, thank you for coming to see me." while in the car, mu Junren tried to find some topics, but it was useless. Su Haitang kept silent as if he couldn't hear.

The two came to the place where they had dinner together before. Mu Junren hoped to find some previous feelings when they were still in love with each other.

"Begonia, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't leave you. Can you forgive me? I promise I won't leave you no matter what happens in the future."

Mu Junren took Su Haitang's hand to admit her mistake. Su Haitang just took out her hand. Originally, she thought she would look forward to this day, but she didn't feel anything. Instead, she was really relieved.

She was silent. It was the man she loved. There was nothing wrong, but she always felt that something was different. Was it too easy to say the oath, but too easy to give up?

Once they never said these words, but they still separated. Mu Junren still didn't want her. She cried and begged him, which was of no use at all.

Mu Junren thought Su Haitang's silence was moved by him. He thought Su Haitang would easily forgive him. He was wrong. Su Haitang just thought of something unpleasant.

"We should not be limited to the past, we should start a new life. I wish you and your girlfriend, and I will find someone who loves me and won't dislike me."

When he said this sentence, Su Haitang still cared, whether it was because he disliked her or because he had a new girlfriend.

"It's not what you think. She is the blind date my friend introduced to me, but I have no contact with her, and I still love you." Mu Junren is telling the truth, but it's really not pleasant to hear.

Do you suddenly think of your ex girlfriend when your blind date is bad? Su Haitang smiled coldly. No one would accept this situation.

"No, it's not because she came back to find you, or because she didn't dare to face you. But I found that only you are in my heart, but I can't let go of Wang canming's things will hurt you. I'm really sorry. I really know I'm wrong. Will you forgive me?"

There was a choking voice in Mu Junren's voice. It can be seen that he was really moved at this time. Su Haitang saw it.

But Wang canming's affair is a kind of injury to Mu Junren, and it's not for Su Haitang? She's a direct victim.

But what can be done? No girl doesn't care about her innocence. Her mother is still lying in the hospital ward and needs her help. She needs money. She can't watch her mother suffer.

"As soon as you see me, you will think of Wang canming. It's so painful. We'd better not go on, so as not to hurt each other. Maybe we can cooperate in a play and be good friends in the future."

Su Haitang is no longer soft hearted. She can't forget mu Junren's disgusting eyes after she was hidden by Wang canming. Now when she thinks of it, she feels as painful as tearing her heart.

I can't stay in this narrow space anymore. Su Haitang wants to leave and leave this sad place. It's a farewell. Although it's not very pleasant, it also puts an end to this relationship.

"But I don't want to be a friend, Haitang. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Mu Junren doesn't want to let go, and Su Haitang can't pull out his own hand.

"Without me, the rest of your life is the same. No one is in your eyes, isn't it? So forget it. Whether it's you or me, we should say goodbye."

In this world, there is no one who can't live without it. Su Haitang has come through such a difficult period of time.

"No, we still have a future, Begonia. Give me another chance. I really know I'm wrong." when Su Begonia turned around, mu Junren hugged her directly from behind, leaving tears of regret.

Mu Junren's head rested on Su Haitang's shoulder. She could feel mu Junren's tears gradually wetting her clothes. She also shed tears and fell to her mouth. It was salty and bitter.

Who is right and who is wrong in this matter? There is no mistake. The mistake is that I love too much, so I care too much, so I can't accept it.

Why did things get to where they are today? Su Haitang doesn't understand that they are two people who love each other. Why does God accept them and don't want to let them go? Fate is not enough.

It's too late to say this now. The air tickets have been bought. She will go back to C city soon, stay with her mother and think about the future.

I don't know how long it took to keep this position. Su Haitang felt that his legs began to numb. Mu Junren should be the same.

Because this time, Su Haitang easily pushed mu Junren away. The sudden loss of warmth made her not used to it, but Su Haitang knew that she should get used to such days, because in the future, there will be only cold in her life.

Maybe the car accident took away all her luck. She doesn't ask for anything now. She just wants nothing to happen quietly, so she doesn't want to be with mu Junren.

"Mu Junren, let's say goodbye. We don't entangle each other and owe each other." so things have ended so far. Don't affect each other's lives. After struggling for so long, a new life should begin.

"Begonia, how can you forgive me? As long as you say, I can do whatever it is, as long as you say..." Mu Junren, who calmed down, began to wipe his tears again, not to win sympathy, but to really feel deep.

"Then let me go. I'm going home." Su Haitang still chose to leave. If she didn't choose to start again, Su Haitang might promise mu Junren.

But now, it seems late. I don't know why I just can't accept it. Su Haitang slowly retreats to the door and just wants to leave.

This is the man she loves. Now she chooses to leave for him. Well, after all, she's just a dirty woman, which will hinder her eyes, won't she?

"Begonia, don't leave me..." Mu Junren doesn't want to let go. Since they all choose to ask her for forgiveness, they shouldn't easily choose to give up.


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