After returning to the dormitory, Yangmei and her party discussed how to use the news to ruin Wenquan Creek, which is what they are most willing to see.

This practice of uploading directly has long been denied. Instead, it will offend the people of Hager entertainment. At that time, they will get nothing, and they may die miserably.

"How should we spread this news? Have you all figured out a good way?" Jiang Yang couldn't think of it. She didn't know any people in this circle, so she couldn't help.

"We can't let this news be wasted like last time, otherwise it won't be worth it. We've been waiting for so long." Wu Zhenzhen helped. In a word, it can't be too cheap.

"She is a little famous star now. The most important thing is that she is also the president's wife of Hager. This news is worth a lot of money." bayberry has bad water and has long thought of a solution.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yang and they didn't know what bayberry thought. The three were all ears.

"This news is really of little value to us, but we can sell it to those paparazzi. At the end of the year, they also need performance. Maybe they can make a lot of money."

Not long ago, a long time ago, they had done such a thing, but Wenquan Creek was just a young actor who had just set foot in the performing arts circle. Now its value has also increased a lot, and the value of this news should be doubled.

"But who wants it?" they said plainly that they are only students, and there is no backstage backing. They don't know what to do.

"China Star scout." has been committed to following all kinds of star privacy, and then sell it to the star at a high price. If the star doesn't pay for public relations, it will be exposed directly.

Before, the Chinese star scout had made a lot of money in Hager's hand with Wenquan Creek. The paparazzi took intimate photos of Wenquan Creek and Lin Yunchen walking in the forest. In fact, this is not the case at all, but the audience believes it.

"You can not only expose the hot spring stream without exposing your identity, but also make a sum of money." Myrica rubra once had a sweet taste, so this time it is a winner.

"Have you contacted the people over there?" Jiang Yang was also very excited. How could she forget it? It seems that Wenquan Creek is doomed this time.

"Haven't you just come back? I'll contact you now." proudly took out a business card and prepared to contact the Chinese star scout, who made a little pocket money.

Several people held their breath and looked at the mobile phone screen. It took a long time for someone to answer.

"Hello, is it a Chinese star Scout? We have a news to sell." Yang Mei plucked up her courage and said that she had cooperated once. There should be no problem.

"Talk about it." the paparazzi who answered the phone didn't get any news for a few weeks. They were dismissive of Bayberry. Even he didn't have any news. What news can a few women have.

"Hot Spring Creek, do you know?" bayberry heard the disdainful smile of the paparazzi, holding her breath in her heart, but she was still very polite. After all, only he could help.

"Say." the paparazzi in Hot Spring Creek has heard of it. Mrs. president of Hager entertainment, it's no problem for a company as big as Hager to make a lot of money.

"I have a video of the gold master before her private meeting, which is very popular." when I hear the word private meeting, it must be a bad thing, and it is also something that many melon eaters are happy to see.

"I need to see it." bayberry, they are not stupid, so they first cut some pictures for him to see. The photos can be synthesized, and the people over Hager are not stupid.

Therefore, video is the best thing to threaten Hager, and it seems that it is still on the shooting scene, which can definitely make a big sensation.

"Deal, I'll give you 500000, buy it now, pay for it and deliver it." if you sell it to Shan Jiang, it's definitely more than 500000, so the paparazzi can make a lot of money.

However, the paparazzi was a little worried that the Myrica rubra group would dislike the low price, and then find a home. He was holding his breath and waiting for the answer of Myrica rubra.

Yangmei and his party were stunned. What is the concept of 500000? Anyway, they have never seen so much. For a white-collar company with a monthly salary of more than 10000, it is also a two-year company. They made 500000 so easily. No wonder they are paparazzi.

Jiang Yang, Wu Zhenzhen, Wang Xiaoya and bayberry held their hands tightly together. It was obvious that they couldn't respond to the price, but bayberry regretted a little. The 500000 yuan should be hers alone.

"Deal, how is the money?" I thought I was making thousands of dollars to play, but the result was much beyond their expectation.

"Just give me a card number and I'll transfer it to you directly." bayberry was happy and was about to faint. She quickly instructed Jiang Yang to get her bag and find out the bank card.

"I need to see the money and give you the video." bayberry thought that 500000 was too much. Whether this person would cheat her was a little cautious.

The last thing we discussed was to give 200000 to Yangmei, give him the video, and then give 300000 to him. Of course, Yangmei has no opinion. 200000 is enough.

"This video doesn't belong to you anymore. You can't send it to anyone, otherwise I can sue you, you know?" the paparazzi said fiercely, which is also to ensure that he can get money in Hager pit.

"I know, don't worry." sure enough, the rich man is the father. For the time being, bayberry has forgotten the hot spring stream to deal with, and her mind is full of money.

After the transaction, the hearts of Myrica rubra and his party did not calm down. It is estimated that they will not calm down for a while. This is a huge sum of money.

"I didn't expect the Hot Spring Creek to be worth so much money." Yangmei sighed. They discussed 200000 Yangmei and 100000 of them, because the news was taken by Yangmei and the people were found by Yangmei. 100000 is enough for them.

"It can't be said that Wenquan Creek is worth money, but Shan Jiang, President of Hager, is worth money, but he is wearing a green hat." Jiang Yang is not wrong. If Wenquan Creek alone is not worth so much money.

Almost all the big stars in the entertainment industry have backstage. What if there are one or two gold owners? Maybe there will be more exposure to her.

But Shan Jiang is different. He has never had any scandal. He is simply a clear stream in the entertainment industry, but if he has a crush on a girlfriend who doesn't know how to pick up, he deserves to be blackmailed by them.

"Anyway, the news has been solved and the money has been obtained. Let's forget about it." Yang Mei lies in bed and is waiting for Wenquan Creek to fall into disrepute.

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