"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Su Mengmeng kept saying I'm sorry. Then she hurried away and rushed out without even taking her coat.

Because of Fu Ziyan's affairs, I always have a pimple in my heart, not because I still love him, but because I am no longer a pure girl.

Her first time was gone, and she sent it out voluntarily. She hated why she was so shameless at that time, but what had happened could not be redeemed.

How can she deserve to start a new relationship when she is so dirty? Si Zhenye looks so simple. How can she harm him?

Si Zhenye subconsciously wants to catch up with Su Mengmeng. Wenquan Creek throws Su Mengmeng's cotton padded jacket to him. The temperature outside is so low that Su Mengmeng will catch a cold.

Tan Linlin and Shen Yunsi also want to comfort Su Mengmeng. They all know what happened to Su Mengmeng, which must have reminded her of something bad.

"We don't have to go there. Let them have a good chat. At this time, we should give them a little space." the hot spring stream stopped them.

For a moment, no one spoke in the box. The atmosphere was very depressed. Everyone was not in a particularly good mood. Except mu Junren, he didn't know what had happened, but he was too frightened to go out.

"Sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't mention anything that makes Zhenye confess. I should let them accept each other." Tan Linlin regretted that she hadn't experienced the dark days when Wenquan Creek looked at Su Mengmeng.

Su Mengmeng has never shown how much she cares, so tan Linlin thinks Su Mengmeng has come out. After all, Su Mengmeng comforted Su Haitang with her scars, and she thinks she has come out.

As a result, looking at her expression today, she must have thought of that thing, so she was so painful and upset. Tan Linlin shed tears of remorse.

"I don't blame you. Sooner or later, this situation will happen. There will be others without Si Zhenye today. Mengmeng can't close herself and don't pay attention to others. No one can die alone."

Wenquan stream comforts Tan Linlin and herself, hoping that Su Mengmeng can face up to the reality instead of living in the past forever.

When Si Zhenye chases him out, Su Mengmeng is crying against the wall. Su Mengmeng thinks of some bad things in the past.

I remember at that time, she fell in love with Fu Ziyan, the man who enlightened her love, but he made herself never want to know what love was like.

She thought she had forgotten these things, but she saw Si Zhenye's pure eyes, just like seeing herself, and couldn't accept it for a moment.

"Sorry, things are so sudden today that they must have scared you." Si Zhenye pulled Su Mengmeng into his arms and put her cotton padded jacket on.

On such a cold day, Su Mengmeng's whole body is cold. At this moment, Si Zhenye has no other ideas. He just wants to warm Su Mengmeng. Su Mengmeng just needs a shoulder to cry at this time.

Si Zhenye is a male model with a height of 187. Su Mengmeng is only 162. There is a big difference in the middle. He only reaches Si Zhenye's chest and doesn't look up to his chin.

Su Mengmeng knows that she shouldn't be like this. Since she doesn't want to promise others, she shouldn't occupy others' chest. Moreover, they don't deserve each other. In terms of height, there is a big gap.

"Mengmeng, don't cry..." Su Mengmeng's tears instantly soaked Si Zhenye's chest. Looking at the person he likes, he was sad, but he couldn't do anything. He felt very uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Su Mengmeng knew that she must be very ugly now. She subconsciously wanted to escape. She couldn't take a souvenir for Si Zhenye.

Pushing away Si Zhenye, Si Zhenye felt a chill in his chest, and a flustered feeling rushed into his heart, subconsciously holding the person he missed so much.

"Mengmeng, I really like you. I know it's not because of me that you cry, but I want to take care of you. I want to make you happy. Can you give me a chance?"

Si Zhenye confesses again. Su Mengmeng must have thought of something to cry so sad. The girl she likes is not as quiet as it seems.

But this is more flesh and blood, which makes him more reluctant to let go. Si Zhenye feels that he likes Su Mengmeng more and wants to take care of this girl who is strong in appearance and fragile in heart.

"Mengmeng, I know I'm abrupt, but for so many days in the crew, I've been secretly watching you every day. I'll like you more without looking more. I don't know why. It's like being fascinated, but I can't let go and forget..."

Si Zhenye said what she thought. Su Mengmeng paused. She was very moved. Someone would like her, making her feel that she was not good for nothing.

If you miss this person, will there be another one? Maybe not? Su Mengmeng was very tangled, but she still chose to give up.

She is no longer a clean girl, so don't think about some things that are not. At least she can't put it down now, so she's unwilling to accept it.

"Zhenye, it's not your problem, but I'm not good enough, so I'm sorry..." Su Mengmeng pulled back her hand and left in a hurry.

Everyone will crave a warmth, and Su Mengmeng is no exception. Maybe she needs a warmth more, but she is not good enough, so she can't accept a better him.

"Mengmeng..." Si Zhenye just wanted to say something to save Su Mengmeng, but she didn't have the courage to look at her back in a hurry.

It was not until he watched her get into the taxi that he felt that his strength had been drained and leaned against the wall. He was rejected by Su Mengmeng. In fact, this is also very normal. He thought of it.

But really rejected, or so heartache, so easily give up? No, Zhuge Liang was invited to Liu Bei only after he had paid close attention to his humble abode. He was only rejected once. How could he shrink back?

If you keep saying that you like Su Mengmeng, you can't give up. You should show Su Mengmeng your courage and love and show it to everyone. Su Mengmeng will be moved.

He knew that Su Mengmeng must still have a person in her heart who made her sad, and the more he wanted to make her feel the look of love and beauty.

Thinking about this, they didn't feel so sad. They must still be waiting for his results in the Hot Spring Creek in the private room. They took a look at the place where she left and turned around and went back.

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