After arriving at the set, the play in the afternoon has begun to be prepared. He was directly absent from work without asking for leave. Wenquan Creek felt it was very necessary to apologize.

After the warmth in the morning, I didn't have a good rest. My face was red, but my steps were vain, and there was an unspeakable smile around my mouth.

I'm happy because Shan Jiang is guilty and absent from work, but on the whole, my mood is very good and my smile is still as sweet.

"My aunt, you are here at last. The sun is almost setting." Mu Junren has no courage to blame Wenquan Creek and understands her character. It must not be for no reason.

However, the play in the morning was not finished. Mu Junren was always uncomfortable. He could still say a few sarcastic words. He knew what had happened at a casual glance.

The red plum on Wenquan Creek's neck is not covered. I guess I don't know yet. It seems that she is not the only one who is lazy, and she doesn't dare to say anything. How dare he blame the president? He wants to stay in his job for a few more years.

"It's still a while away from the downhill." Wenquan stream's solemn answer stunned mu Junren. Why do you turn the tip of an ox horn like this?

From yesterday's situation, I didn't even enter the door of making cake. I must spend more time practicing, otherwise I can't make the cake germ.

"So we still have time to shoot a few plays. Go and prepare quickly." Mu Junren urged him to finish shooting early and go home early to marry his daughter-in-law. It can't be delayed.

"Well... I'm going to take a leave this afternoon." after struggling for a while, I still decided to take a leave. The crew was in a hurry. Wenquan Creek knew and wanted to finish early.

But Shan Jiang's birthday is only once a year, and it's the first time to prepare a birthday gift for him, so it must be careless. Filming can work overtime, and Shan Jiang's birthday can't be missed.

"What? I have to ask for leave. What are you going to do?" Mu Junren didn't understand. He asked for leave to make a phone call. He specially ran over and said to him. Won't it bother them because of this?

"Shan Jiang's birthday is today. I'm going to prepare gifts. I can work overtime. Please." Wenquan Xi's hands swing on his chest.

"All right, all right..." he promised Wenquan Creek with the idea of becoming a beautiful person. Since he will give them a quiet world for two on his birthday, the president will think he knows how to watch his words and colors at that time.

Now he is not alone. He will have a home soon. He still has to think more about his work. The future of himself and Begonia is still in their hands.

In fact, mu Junren is also very moved. If other people look down on others, they will either ask or order directly.

Wenquan Creek really treats them as friends. Mu Junren is very glad that he and Su Haitang can meet Wenquan Creek, otherwise they won't have today.

There is no reason why Shan Jiang likes hot spring Creek. He should. Everyone will like her frankness, pure and unaffected?

With the approval, wenquanxi went to the cake shop for a moment, because he was really too delicious yesterday. Wenquanxi added money today as compensation.

This time, maybe God wanted to help Wenquan Creek. The store didn't receive the list. Master Zhao only had one thing to teach Wenquan Creek by hand.

Master Zhao already knows the degree of her hand deformity, so every step is to do it well and then give it to Wenquan Creek for symbolic work. Wenquan Creek is afraid of making mistakes and is absorbed. This time, the two people cooperated well.

When I opened the oven, the smell of eggs and milk came to my nostrils without depression. A flat and regular Qifeng cake was made by the hot spring stream.

When he saw the finished product, master Zhao also wiped a cold sweat secretly. The food was saved and his skills over the years were saved. You should know how sad he was about the successive failures of Wenquan Creek yesterday. He thought it was his own problem.

The next step is to spread cream. Master Zhao can't help. Novices and experts can't compare what they make. Since she wants to send her heart, he can't intervene.

For two days, Wenquan Creek has only made a visible Qifeng cake, and buttering is a technical job. If it is wasted, it has to start again, wasting time, energy and food materials.

Then master Zhao doesn't know where to make a cake model for Wenquan Creek to practice. He would rather waste cream than waste ingredients to make Qifeng cake. He still wants to use a box of eggs for a day.

"When wiping, the action should be light and must be applied evenly..." master Zhao taught patiently with his hands. Wenquan Creek did it again and again. Knowing that the action was skilled and looked like such a thing, master Zhao dared to let her do it.

His mouth kept talking about the key points of action, and Wenquan Creek kept it in mind. The final result was that Qifeng cake maintained its integrity without missing arms and legs.

It's just that the cream coating is too uneven. The thick place is too thick, and the cake germ can be seen in the thin place, but it's OK. It's OK to fill the thin place.

After this step, the final step is to mount flowers and decoration. He doesn't think the hot spring stream can make flowers. Squeeze two laces next to it so that it doesn't appear empty below.

To avoid trouble, sprinkle it directly with dark chocolate powder, put all kinds of fruits on it, and leave a blank space to write happy birthday to Shan Jiang. I love you.

The final decoration of the Hot Spring Creek is quite handy. Just put the fruit in the position said by master Zhao. She can also write.

After the finished product came out, Wenquan Creek was filled with a sense of achievement. Regardless of the effect, she at least challenged herself to make the cake and expressed her mind.

"Master, how about this time?" Wenquan stream couldn't help but share his joy with master Zhao.

"It's not easy, although it's a little ugly." it's really not easy, and it's really ugly. Master Zhao is embarrassed to say that she taught it by herself. It's in vain.

Well, Wenquan Creek looked back at his work. Is it so ugly? Why does she think it's ok? Maybe professionals can't see it. Shan Jiang is not. It's just right.

Thank God for being able to do it. It doesn't matter how high their looks are. Just eat it. It's its honor.

Carefully packed in a box, it was more pleasing to the eye when you couldn't see the cake. Wenquan Xi shook his head. Anyway, you should have confidence in yourself.

This cake is good or bad. She made tomato and egg noodles into batter or black batter, which is more than several times stronger in contrast.

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