Finally, I'm honest. Wenquan Creek has time to see Su Mengmeng's expression now. Although the light is dim, the moist corners of Su Mengmeng's eyes can be seen from the angle of Wenquan Creek.

After the video was played, Su Mengmeng wiped her eyes and saw that Si Zhenye was on the stage. Su Mengmeng stood where she was at a loss. The scene she was most afraid of came.

In fact, she has long accepted Si Zhenye, but she can't convince herself. The naked facts make her despise herself. She has no beauty in Si Zhenye's imagination.

"Mengmeng, from the first time I saw you, I thought you were a very quiet girl, but in the camera, your smile was really beautiful.

Outside the camera, you have never shown that kind of comfortable smile. I think why? Unconsciously attracted by you, I want to give you that smile. "

When Si Zhenye spoke, his hands were shaking, so he had to put them in his pocket to prevent others from discovering. It seemed useless, and he squeezed his fist to cheer himself up.

"When you're alone, you're very lonely. I don't think this emotion should belong to you. Meng Meng, in fact, you laugh really well."

He was attracted by Su Mengmeng's lens. He was always confident and beautiful in front of the lens. He didn't know before. Now he knows that Su Mengmeng was hurt by a man.


"I like you, Mengmeng. Would you like to give me a chance to take care of you? Would you like me to protect your smile?" Si Zhenye's smile is also gentle and dazzling at the moment.

Su Mengmeng could no longer stop the tears in the corners of her eyes and let them slip bit by bit. How long has it been since she shed tears? It seems that tears have been shed for some time.

She thought she had come out. It turned out that she was just lying to herself. It turned out that she had always been lonely.

"I do these things just to let you know that you are a good girl. I don't want to force you, but just say my heart, so forgive my selfishness."

After a period of silence, Si Zhenye thought Su Mengmeng had no feelings for him, but he felt much better after saying it. He won't regret it when he thinks about it in the future?

"I know you don't like me. After killing the green, we may never meet again, so forgive me this time. I'm sorry, and thank you for showing up around me and letting me know what love is."

Even if it is a one-sided love, he also realized what it feels like to love someone. It is beautiful and painful. It should be said that it is a mixture of feelings.

In the future, he may hide this relationship in his heart and will not let anyone know or embarrass Su Mengmeng. This is his beautiful and sad dream.

The whole audience was silent and looked at this confession silently. It was not like a ceremony, but a unilateral statement, more like farewell.

No one persuaded Su Mengmeng to accept Si Zhenye. It was hard to express anything. She could only silently support and hope in her heart, but the embarrassing atmosphere in the air still spread.

Because Su Mengmeng didn't say anything, because Si Zhenye didn't know what to say.

"Mengmeng, I love you. I just hope I can meet you earlier in my next life and protect you from harm." he knew about Fu Ziyan and only hated that he didn't meet her earlier.

If there is an afterlife, he hopes he can meet the girl early. Si Zhenye goes down and gives Su Mengmeng a hug.

Just once, lasting for three seconds, Si Zhenye consciously let go of her. This is his own love that ends without illness.

That short three seconds was a century for Si Zhenye. He felt warmth, sadness and despair

He was afraid he couldn't let go, so he counted one, two, three. His arms were empty and his heart was empty. Will it be all right? Everything will be fine, he believes.

"This is a necklace I made myself. Do you think I'm not prepared for my confession? Is it especially insincere?" Si Zhenye joked to hide his heartache.

The necklace still looks like lily of the valley. It is Su Mengmeng's first feeling to Si Zhenye. In order to keep this feeling, Si Zhenye designed and made this necklace himself.

"Goodbye." because he didn't want to embarrass Su Mengmeng, Si Zhenye turned around and left. As a result, he had already expected and did what he wanted to do.

The gift was not delivered to her hand. She was afraid that she would not accept it. When she turned around, it was put into Su Mengmeng's pocket. Even if she didn't like to lose herself, she could accept it as her own.

Su Mengmeng recalled the picture on the screen. Si Zhenye's words lingered in her ears. She was stiff as if the body didn't belong to her.

Hearing the word goodbye was like hearing a flat thunder, which exploded directly in her mind, and her heart panicked in a moment.

"I promise." as if she had made up her mind, Su Mengmeng shouted loudly. As soon as she said it, all the depression these days was gone, and her heart was never happy.

Si Zhenye was stunned. He didn't move for a long time. Was it auditory hallucination just now?

"I'm not a good girl. It's not that you don't deserve me, but that I don't deserve you. Even so, are you willing to accept me?"

Su Mengmeng decides to forget the past and start over. Even if Si Zhenye can't accept it, she will start over. Why should she always live under the shadow of Fu Ziyan? Maybe they are still as handsome abroad.

I firmly want to go in the direction of Si Zhenye. Why can't she have someone to love? These days, she is too busy to see such a good person.

Pull up Si Zhenye's hand. She knows it tomorrow morning and has been receiving it. Why can't she have a good result?

"I will, of course I will." the soft touch told Si Zhenye that he was not dreaming. Si Zhenye quickly turned around and it was really Su Mengmeng.

Happily hugged her in his arms. The feeling of hugging turned out to be like this. It turned out that this feeling was so beautiful. Si Zhenye's eyes were inexplicably red.

"Sorry, I didn't meet you at the most innocent time." she is no longer a clean woman.

"It doesn't matter. It's not too late. I don't care about anything, as long as it's you." compared with some people, Su Mengmeng is still very simple.

In Si Zhenye's heart, beauty is in the eyes of lovers. Su Mengmeng is the best.

"Why me?"

"Because you are su Mengmeng."

Si Zhenye did not hesitate. Su Mengmeng also knew love again at this moment. It turned out to be so beautiful.

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