"The voice of the masses is strong, baby, let's kiss one." Shan Jiang said angrily, but it's not particularly convenient to kneel on one knee, otherwise we'll kiss it directly.

Not to mention that when there are many people in Hot Spring Creek, it will be a little shy to do these intimate things. Almost all friends gather here to watch the excitement. How can they follow their hearts?

Even if I haven't seen her for so long, I'm very happy, but why is it uncomfortable to hear them say so? She can watch the excitement. It's still a little shy to watch her own excitement.

"I'm willing to marry you." Wenquan Xi stretched out his hand and asked Shan Jiang to put a ring on her. There was an unstoppable smile at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

Shan Jiang put a ring on her with a smiling face. He can finally be sure of the answer. He felt the sincerity of his baby.

Because of this, he wanted to pass on his happiness to others. In response to the call of the people, he leaned down and kissed.

No, she hasn't gone down yet. Wenquan Creek blocked Shan Jiang's chest with her hands. So many people saw that she didn't want them to be happy.

"We decided to go home and close the door to do such a private thing, so you'd better ask for something else." especially Qin Zhun's face, the saliva is about to flow out.

"Don't you want us to come here so that we can witness together? Isn't it bad that we don't even give us any benefits now?"

We all know that Wenquan Creek is a very awkward person. They are unwilling to give up, but they still make a fool of themselves.

"The engagement rings have been put on. Haven't you witnessed it yet? Do you want to wear them again? You don't love my husband, but I still love it." thinking that Shan Jiang has just knelt on the ground for a long time, how can he do when it's frozen to his knees in such a cold day?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter now. Wait until you get married and have a wedding. What you don't get today will be available at that time."

Qin zhunyin smiled bitterly. He was not prepared to let Shan Jiang go so easily. He was usually serious. He didn't believe in this evil.

In this case, Wenquan Creek really didn't think so much. Shan Jiang knew his friends' urination and decided to offend his baby.

When she didn't pay attention, kissed her, just like tasting sweet and soft jelly

The onlookers were satisfied to see such a scene, but now it is now. Making a bridal chamber is making a bridal chamber, and the nature is different. Who can guarantee the things at that time?

Every time Wenquan Creek is not confused, once confused, she doesn't know the southeast and northwest. When Danjiang stops, she can only be paralyzed in Danjiang's arms.

With so many people watching, she simply can't get up in his arms. She's still a baby. Don't bear what you can't bear. She's a very dignified person.

"Oh, we will be a family in the future." the fact that the two children are not married has always been a hindrance in the hearts of parents. Now that the children have been determined, they are relieved.

Shan Jiang said his arrangement. Because his baby said he liked the scenery of Thailand a long time ago, the wedding venue was arranged on Phuket Island, Thailand.

Wenquan Creek was moved again because he was a three minute hot person. When he saw a very moving news or story, he would fall in love with a place.

The speaker is careless and the listener is intentional. The person who loves you will keep every word you say in mind and help you realize this wish at an important time.

"Why do you know what I think?" Shan Jiang was moved by every surprise he prepared for her. She vowed to pay more attention to him in the future.

She always felt that it was enough to be with him, because Shan Jiang was a sticky person. She gave him most of her time just to be good to him.

Now Wenquan Creek knows that it's not like this at all. Because I like you, I want to stay with you, but it has nothing to do with paying more attention to each other and giving each other a little more love.

"Because I love you." a seemingly understated sentence reveals how much of course? And let the atmosphere of the scene reach its peak.

Everyone is together because of love, family love, friendship love, love, because love is everywhere, so everyone is very happy and will be moved by this warm word.

But the truth still needs to be respected.

"We'll get married after the new year, OK? It's winter..." wenwenxi doesn't want to get married during the new year or in winter.

"I know you're afraid of the cold. We're getting married in the spring." Shan Jiang is very satisfied to be able to determine these things.

In the past, her baby always prevaricated with various reasons, saying that she was still young, that she had not grown up, that she had not been psychologically prepared and delayed again and again.

"Yes, marriage is a lifetime event, so we should make good preparations and not leave a little regret for each other." Jiang Yue agrees with the couple very much.

I was in a hurry when I got engaged. I had prepared well, but Su Mengmeng made everything unreasonable.

Marriage must not be done in a hurry. The details must be strict. This is not only respect for the in laws, but also respect for the children, but also respect for the guests.

"At that time, our two families can get together to discuss this matter. The children are relatively young, and their ideas may not be mature. We still need to grasp it."

Lin Yufen fully believes in Shan Jiang's ability to handle affairs, but she also fully believes in her daughter's destructive ability. At that time, if her daughter puts forward any unreasonable requirements, she will have to talk about it.

"Then we'll trouble mom and dad." the parents ordered the matchmaker to say that after free love, we can't skip this link.

Mom and dad's blessing is the best blessing for this marriage, because they won't harm their children.

Shan Jiang bowed to his parents to thank them for their trust and their willingness to give their children to other men.

"What did you say? We're a family, and we can't talk about trouble." Lin Yufen said angrily.

"Yes, we are all a family." Wenquan stream ran to her parents, just like a little child, playing a spoiled role and asking for a hug.

The people around are happy. As long as there is a hot spring stream, there is no lack of laughter. This is her magical place.


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