New year's Eve is coming soon. Jiang Yue just thought about how to prepare for the new year's Eve dinner. Shan Jin stopped Jiang Yue's behavior. She hasn't seen her old friend for a long time. Now she has become a family in law. She has to go and have a look at both emotion and reason.

Shan Jin and Wen Leiting got married a long time ago. He once pursued he Shujuan, but he Shujuan chose Wen Leiting. When she was young, she almost fell down.

Now think about it is also a good memory. I just didn't expect that his granddaughter has now become his daughter-in-law. Apart from some unhappiness, it is still very fate.

"Baby, didn't you spend the new year outside? Let's go to Wen's house to visit. I didn't come back when you were engaged. It's a sin."

Now that they have become in laws, and the baby praises him as more popular than thunder, we still have to turn fighting into friendship. We can't lose face too much.

"Ah? Is this OK?" Wenquan Creek naturally has 10000 willing in his heart, but grandpa Shan Jin said so alone, and if he was particularly excited, shouldn't he be particularly good?

Although she is in laws, after all, she and Shan Jiang love each other. The parents on both sides don't have much love. Will they be reluctant to spend the new year together?

"I think it's a good idea. There are many people, and both parents are reluctant to give up the baby. Moreover, there are two old people at home. It's right to respect them."

As soon as Shan Huai said these words, Wenquan Creek couldn't restrain the joy in his heart. He was just afraid that they didn't want to. Now it seems that they are willing.

"Then I'll call my parents and let them prepare well."

The reason for the Chinese New Year is that Wen zhicen, Lin Yufen, Wen Zeyu and Qin Xin all gathered in the old house of the Wen family. After receiving the news, they hurriedly began to prepare the new year's Eve dinner.

When he left to pick up things, he went back to the room to dress up. He still walked on a gentleman's route, his hair was smooth and sprayed with some perfume.

Love enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and they don't know how many years they haven't seen each other. Meeting in this way can't be suppressed. Originally, there was one more her around Wen Leiting, so he can't be too happy.

"What's the shape of Grandpa?" Shan Jin made a pose of Dick cowboy. Wenquan stream nodded helplessly, and he won.

When the car arrived at the door of Wen's old house, Shan Jin sighed. Years are a pig killing knife. Fortunately, he is more fashionable. He doesn't know what happened to his old friend.

Seeing the car coming in, he Shujuan was the first to welcome out. Her baby and her son-in-law were coming back, and her in laws, parents and parents, she was naturally excited.

From a distance, he Shujuan is still as elegant as ever. Although years have carved wrinkles on her face, it has not alleviated her amorous feelings at all, and is even more gentle carved by years.

It may be the reason why he didn't get it, so it has always been the most beautiful appearance in his memory. However, if he missed it, he missed it. Both of them have a family. He came here today to compare with the old man Wen Leiting. He doesn't know what to compare, just to compare.

"Old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time." this is a foreign gift learned from a foreign country. Shan Jin opened her arms and hugged he Shujuan. She was seen by Wen Leiting who just went out.

The smile was frozen in his mouth. He only knew that his granddaughter, grandson-in-law, in laws and in laws were coming. Why did the old man come back? The engagement didn't come. What are you doing now?

"Old friend, we haven't seen each other for a long time." looking at Wen Leiting wearing the same Chinese style clothes as he Shujuan, there is a slight difference between the buckle on the chest and the collar, which is almost a couple's dress.

It's not easy to be so loving at such an old age. It's not wrong to let go.

Wen Leiting is not as lively as Shan Jin. The old people's ideas are very conservative. How can he laugh when his wife is held by his rival?

"Who is your old friend? I let you come to dinner for the sake of my granddaughter and son-in-law." I directly ignored Shan Jin and walked towards them.

After greeting Shan huaijiang Yue, she welcomed the four of them into the house. Shan Jin didn't know much about each other and didn't welcome him. He also wanted to go in. He wasn't so careful.

Shanjiang Hot Spring Creek said she didn't know what was going on, but Shan Jin didn't care about it, and didn't ask. It's not something they need to worry about. If it's really an enemy, it's estimated that she can't speak like this. Wen Leiting's temper Hot Spring Creek knows.

"The meal is not cooked yet, do we always need something to amuse ourselves?" the atmosphere is still very embarrassing on the whole. Wen Lei's face is not very happy. Shan Jin takes the initiative to show kindness and adjust the atmosphere.

This careful old man, at his age, what else can he do? The hug just now is just an international etiquette, not to take advantage. I really don't know what's in his mind.

"Why don't we play mahjong?" Shan Jin suggested.

Wen Leiting saw that he was a new year's Eve. As the head of the family, he shouldn't look at the guests. He reflected on his temper and became kind.

He became his in laws with the dead old man. It can only be said that Shan Jiang is really a good child. Otherwise, as long as his in laws are Shan Jin, he won't let his granddaughter marry.

He Shujuan knocked on Wen Leiting. He took several adults to play mahjong. Wen Zeyu Qin Xin hot spring Xi Shan Jiang stayed in the living room to fight the landlord.

Such a big house is full of human feelings at this moment. I believe that through today's coexistence, everyone's gratitude and resentment will be written off.

"You say my grandpa and your grandpa have any grudges? Although I have a bad temper, I won't treat my guests like this." Wenquan Creek has a curious attitude towards all things.

"Your two grandfathers used to be rivals in love. They both pursued grandma." Lin Yufen answered the question of Wenquan creek when she came down to pour tea.

For a moment, everyone smiled tacitly. It turned out that grandpa was jealous of Grandpa Shan. Everyone had been young. This is the arrival of the new year year year by year and slowly getting old.

"No wonder I praised grandpa today. He would be so happy. When I went out, I had to dress up. It turned out that I thought of my former dream lover."

Wenquan stream smiled secretly. I thought the old man looked down on everything. It turned out that he was just young again.

What an old boy.

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