Maybe it was because they had been resting for a long time. The next day, they agreed to go to God's mother and set an alarm clock at nine o'clock. As a result, they were too tired last night and the alarm clock couldn't wake them up.

Also, they don't take these things to heart at all. As a new human in the 21st century, it's absurd to say what to go to God and calculate whether they can get married.

But the parents at home attach great importance to it. One by one, they have to get up if they don't remember.

"Let me sleep a little longer, just a little..." it's very easy for you to become lazy, but it's not easy to suddenly become diligent and form a good habit.

The new year, at home, is your most comfortable and presumptuous life, except for those who urge marriage.

"Now the sun is shining, baby, let's get up first to solve the marriage. We only get married once. Get up quickly."

If this matter cannot be solved smoothly, I'm afraid Wen Leiting will not let them get married like this. If there is no suitable day this year, I don't know when to delay it.

You know, this year has just begun. One year is enough for their children to be born. If a year is wasted, who is responsible for any changes?

At the thought of possible changes, Shan Jiang wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible. He directly took his baby, the lazy cat, to the washing room and washed her face so that she could wake up.

"Just fix a date to get married? As long as we love each other, it doesn't matter at any time." Wenquan Creek wailed. Now she has backache and leg cramps. She can't wake up at all, but can't move.

"We should respect the ideas of our elders..." Shan Jiang comforted his baby and just finished saying this. His baby beat him with his hands and feet.

Even if he punched and kicked hard, although nothing hit him, it was enough to let him see the resentment of his baby. This really can't blame him, and he can't ignore the opinions of his elders.

If he can, he can't wait to fly to the past to hold the wedding tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In order to get married, he has conceived so many ideas and is already preparing.

"It's all your fault. I don't know how to hurt me. I don't know how to be gentle." it's a good time to have a good rest at home. Now I want to contribute to a god woman.

In Shan Jiang's hard work, Wenquan River can't think of any reason to embarrass him. After all, he doesn't want to go to these things, but there's no way.

This opportunity must prove to Grandpa that not only master Wang can count the days, but also all the gods in the world, and the calculated days are of little use.

She pushed Shan Jiang out of the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face and changed her clothes. Now she doesn't want to complain. After these days of marriage, there should be no place to use superstition. This time she tolerated it.

"Baby, after breakfast, we can go out." considering that he was a little out of control yesterday, in order to relieve his baby's mood, he'd better be honest.

Wenquan Creek said she didn't want to talk, but as a foodie, she would never be unable to live with what she ate, so she turned her grief and anger into her appetite and went out with her stomach full.

When you are full, you feel much better. As Shan Jiang said yesterday, the scenery in the suburbs is still good. You should go out for an outing along the road. You have so much meat at home. You should find a reason to exercise.

After persuading herself, Wenquan Creek went out happily. It's not her style to keep everything in her heart when things happen. She must be happy during the new year. After all, it is to lay the foundation for the luck of this year.

There is a lot of rain and snow in Beicheng. The branches are bent by the heavy snow on both sides of the road. Today is a sunny day. The sun is very warm and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Why do you suddenly feel better so much?" seeing his baby's unconscious smile, Shan Jiang was curious. Didn't he want to come over?

"We have come here and are about to do what we don't want to do. Since it has become a fact, why should we make ourselves unhappy?" Wenquan stream asked.

There are many bad things in the world, but as long as you change your way of life, you will find that there are many good things in the world. What you have to solve now is a good thing, which is related to their future!

Shan Jiang liked his baby's courage at first, but now he likes his baby's openness. He used to put himself at work. It was his baby who made him know the world again.

After driving for nearly an hour, they arrived at the suburb of Beicheng. This is really a quiet place. Half of the pedestrians on the road can't see it. They don't know where the specific place is in Danjiang.

"There's no one on the road. Where can we ask for directions?" they drove to a residential area. Maybe it's time for lunch. There were no people on the road.

According to the information provided by his mother, it should be in this residential area. Shan Jiang parked his car and decided to go there. He didn't know what was going on inside and whether it was good to stop.

All the way to the community, an old man in the back hurried with his granddaughter. This is the only living person they can see.

"Grandpa, we're looking for a god woman. Do you know where she lives?" Wenquan Creek played his clever specialty.

The old man was in a hurry and stopped looking at her.

"I'm going to find the God woman, too. My granddaughter has a fever, or you can go with me." then he hurried inside.

"Why don't they go to the hospital when they are sick and have a fever, but to see the God woman? Can the God woman still have medical skills?" Wenquan stream didn't understand.

"Shenpo is better than a hospital." when they followed the old man, Wenquan Creek whispered behind them. I don't know why the old man's ears were so sharp.

Wenquan stream wanted to refute, but it was his belief.

"Well, that's the so-called feudal superstition, which will only drag the disease seriously." if the God woman was really so spiritual, there would not be so many people who died of painful diseases in the world.

Afraid that the old man heard it, Wenquan Creek just lowered his head and muttered. He had no good impression of that God woman in his heart.

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