Now Bai yaruo doesn't want to see anything related to Danjiang. She bows to Jiang Yue, covers her chest and runs away in a hurry.

Shan Jiang, on the other side, watched a taxi in Wenquan Creek. When he ran, he could only see the tail of a taxi.

While he ran to the parking place at the door and found his car, he called his baby and replied to his mechanical female voice again and again, "Hello, the phone you dialed can't be connected for the time being..."

I don't know how many times I thought about it. The last prompt sound was that it had been turned off. The memory of the just broken article slowly recovered. Bai yaruo called him back, and then he didn't know anything.

Vaguely, I took her as a hot spring stream. In the rearview mirror, I can see the traces of my lips and lipstick. I already understand in my heart.

His baby must have seen himself and other women in English, and then thought he betrayed her, so he was so angry.

There is a saying that seeing is not necessarily true, but only those who see will know how much damage they see to their hearts.

My baby is not a smart person. I can't imagine the causes and consequences. When I see it, I naturally feel that he has cheated.

What shall I do? Shan Jiang has always felt that he can handle everything. He always looks like planning strategies, but now the feeling of panic oppresses him so much that he can't breathe.

When Wenquan Creek came home, he ran all the way and directly rushed to his father who was still watering flowers and plants. Only then did he have a sense of sureness and dare to cry loudly.

"What's the matter? Baby, don't scare Dad..." Wen zhicen was so frightened that he lost his watering can. From childhood to childhood, he had never heard his baby cry like this except when he was just born.

The family gathered around. Wenquan Creek is a princess held in her hand for fear of falling and held in her mouth for fear of breaking. It's also painful to see her crying so badly.

"Baby, you talk, mom and dad are there." Lin Yufen took a paper towel to wipe her tears at the hot spring stream. She was so distressed that she had to cry.

"I want to retire..." her eyes can't hold a grain of sand. Thinking of Shan Jiang hugging and kissing with other women, she feels sick.

"Did you two quarrel?" at the beginning, Wen zhicen and Lin Yufen didn't think of the seriousness of the matter. There must be friction when they live together. Their daughter is a troublemaker and thinks it's just a small fight.

"I want to retire..." Wenquan Creek has been repeating this sentence. Now she feels sick even if she tells her why. Her body really reacts like this.

"Baby, you have to tell mom and dad what's wrong. Mom and dad can decide with you. Shan Jiang is a good child..."

Before Lin Yufen could finish, Wenquan stream ran directly to her room and vomited in the small bathroom.

Shan Jiang once said that her favorite person is her and her favorite person is her. She can't help falling in love with her because of a kiss. Now it seems that it's all a joke.

Before they met because of that kiss, maybe Shan Jiang and Bai yaruo had used it countless times, and the hot spring stream vomited out again.

"I'm going to retire... There are other women around him. Is this a good child in your eyes?" Wenquan Creek locked the door and cried in the dark in his own small world.

She doesn't want to say or hear anything now. She just wants to vent her emotions. Every time she explains, her heart hurts. She just wants to get better early.

"What? Impossible?" Lin Yufen exclaimed. They didn't believe that Shan Jiang would be such a person. They all saw Shan Jiang's love for Wenquan Creek. How could it change so easily?

If you are interested in their family background, it is not necessary. The strength of single family and Wen family is equal, and there is no place for cooperation for the time being.

"You see, our daughter cried so sad. When did she cry so sad? Hmm?" Wen zhicen swept the freshly watered flowers to the ground.

The sound of broken porcelain hit everyone's heart. They cried in the dark inside the door. They were worried outside the door, but there was no way.

Every parent in the world believes in their children. Even if they don't believe that Shan Jiang will cheat, they have eroded their trust in him in the cry of Wenquan Creek.

"Baby, don't cry first, will you? If you cry, your mother is distressed, or will you open the door?" Lin Yufen stood at the door and knocked. There was no sound in Wenquan Creek, so she just cried.

When they were helpless, Shan Jiang rushed in. Standing at the door, he heard the cry of Wenquan Creek. He knew that his unclear move had hurt her severely.

He can explain, he can comfort, he can accept all punishment.

"Stop!" when Shan Jiang rushed to the gate of Wenquan stream, Wen zhicen stopped him, "I don't know what happened among you, but now I know very clearly that my daughter doesn't want to see you."

"Dad, this is a misunderstanding. I can explain it." Shan Jiang stopped for fear of hurting Wen zhicen, hoping that Wen zhicen could understand him.

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding makes my daughter cry so sad? We haven't made her so sad since childhood. She is a bit unruly and willful, but before I handed her over to you, you promised me to take good care of her, but now, this is your answer?"

Wen zhicen hammered Shan Jiang's chest. About the affair of cheating, Wen zhicen didn't see the facts and couldn't talk nonsense, but Shan Jiang made his daughter so sad, then he shouldn't.

"Dad, will you let me comfort her first? We'll talk about other things later. I can accept everything as long as the baby is not sad, Dad..."

The cry of the hot spring stream hurt his heart. He wanted to slap himself. Why didn't he wake up when he met Bai yaruo?

Her baby is very simple and has not been hurt. When others are hurt, she will feel heartache together. Now it's her turn. She is estimated to have collapsed.

"It's much better to have me and her mother here than to be an outsider. The Wen family doesn't welcome you anymore. Get out of here!" now that you know how distressed you are, why did you go early? There is no regret medicine in this world.

If they really read the son-in-law wrong, they are responsible for the baby's injury. Wen zhicen is angry with himself in his heart.

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