In fact, Wenquan Creek didn't have a problem with Shan Jiang, but she suddenly remembered that when she left, she seemed to slap Shan Jiang. Shan Jiang's face was slightly swollen because it was handled late.

"Does it hurt?" Wenquan Creek was distressed. Since he misunderstood him, he suffered for nothing. He took it and almost exhausted all her strength. Now he feels that his hand is aching faintly, which may be a psychological effect.

"If my baby cares about me, I don't feel much. I deserve it and just give me a memory." now think about it, this is the first time someone dares to greet him in the face. Fortunately, my baby is not a naughty person.

The two hugged each other tightly and enjoyed the peace after the storm. Wenquan River lay in Shan Jiang's arms and looked up at his lips.

This place is occupied by other women today. Although Shan Jiang has been forgiven, the resentment in his heart doesn't seem to disappear.

The grievance in my heart is still there, but Wenquan Creek doesn't know how to express it. This matter is not what Shan Jiang thought, and can only restrain his grievance.

"Mom and dad must be worried about me today. Now, let's go out and have a look at them?" Wenquan Creek has never been so sad at home. Whether he has made it clear, he must be worried.

"OK, let's go out and have a look." Shan Jiang was obedient to Wenquan Creek before. After this incident, this obedience will only intensify.

The two people held hands and both parents, who had been watching their movements, breathed a sigh of relief, especially Jiang Yue and Shan Huai.

For this matter, they broke their hearts. When Jiang Yue saw this scene, she had a faint impulse to cry. Her son and daughter-in-law were still there.

"Mom and Dad, I'm really sorry to make you worried and tired today." as soon as Wenquan stream came out, I noticed Jiang Yue and Lin Yufen's red eyes.

Not to mention crying with her, but they must be worried and angry. If they hadn't gone away and questioned Shan Jiang, they might not have wasted so much time.

"It's good for you two to make up. Now the days are bumpy, and it will be better in the future." Lin Yufen watched her daughter return to normal, and her heart loosened.

"In the future, don't say you quit your marriage. Mom was scared to death by you today. No one can be my daughter-in-law except you." Jiang Yue made it clear that she would always stand on the side of the hot spring stream.

"Thank you, mom." such a sentence, Hot Spring Creek can not be said to be moved. The terrible mother-in-law in the script and TV series did not appear in real life.

Jiang Yue shook her head. Others married her daughter to their house with a dowry. That's part of their family. We should respect and love each other.

It's their fault that such a thing happened. It's also their fault to be sad. Fortunately, now the misunderstanding has been explained clearly. There won't be any more problems. It's OK.

"I'm to blame for what happened today. I'm sorry to bother you." Shan Jiang bowed deeply to the people. It happened on the first day of the year. I'm really ashamed.

"So that God woman is still a little accurate." because of Shan Jiang's apology, everyone's look is still a little dignified. This sentence of Wenquan Creek made everyone confused.

The parents of both sides, the four of them, actually don't believe in these religious things as much as Wen Leiting. They just say that they are willing to try and accept them for the sake of the children.

"What did the God woman say?"

"It's just that we're not suitable to go to the wedding recently, otherwise it will collide with our wedding spirit." Wenquan Creek told the truth. Parents of both sides reacted strongly.

"Why don't you say it? Then we won't go to the wedding." if we had said it earlier, Jiang Yue wouldn't let them go. This kind of thing would rather believe it or not.

When people are old, they don't dare to break through and fight as much as when they were young. They can't afford any setbacks and fright, as long as their children can take good care of themselves.

"Did the God woman say anything else? It's bad for you." Lin Yufen didn't care so much about the past, but if the God woman was right, other words should also be right. It's better to ask yourself now than wait for them to remember after something happened. Everyone can be on guard together.

Wenquan Creek took a look at Shan Jiang and wanted to see his expression. Shenpo told them that the wedding day was May 21, but they concealed the truth and changed it to March 21 two months in advance.

I don't know whether these things should be said or not. This thing is likely to happen. Not all of their circle of friends may have Bai yaruo.

She still has a grudge about this matter, but if the marriage is delayed because of this matter, it should be a blow not only to Shan Jiang, but also to the parents of both sides.

I've hurt them once today. Maybe the news that they can get married smoothly can make them feel better. There is also a saying that it's better to hit the day than to choose a day, so it's better to hit the day directly.

"Let's say our wedding day, March 21." she still chose to hide it. Apart from this misunderstanding, Shan Jiang didn't do anything sorry to her. She was willing to believe him.

"March 21 should be a good day. My daughter is grown up and wants to get married. It used to be a little bit..." he said with a gesture.

When many parents talk about their children's embarrassment, they will talk endlessly, as if they always have endless words, but in fact, these children don't remember.

This is also another manifestation of parents' love. Where you can't see, they care about you and love you in various ways. They remember everything you don't remember.

When they talked about the embarrassment of Wenquan Creek, Shan Jiang held Wenquan Creek closer in his arms. He thought this misunderstanding would make Wenquan Creek change his mind.

But unexpectedly, wenquanxi didn't put forward the matter of delaying the wedding date. Shan Jiang felt that his baby had him in his heart and was very moved.

"It's been an uncomfortable day today. Although it's past dinner time, everyone should not be in the mood to eat. Aunt Zhang has prepared dinner. Let's have some."

Wen zhicen asked Aunt Zhang to prepare supper. He strained his nerves all day and relaxed. Everyone felt empty. They didn't eat much all day.

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