If this can also be regarded as love, Shan Jiang would rather never know Bai yaruo.

When it comes to Bai yaruo, Jiang Yue's idea at this time is the same as that of Shan Jiang. She is complaining to her husband that they actually see the wrong person.

It's unbelievable that he has been a vicious woman who lied and framed others.

This happened because of her. Although Wen zhicen and Lin Yufen chose to forgive her, it would be too cheap for her to let her go.

When Shan Jiang and Wenquan Xi have such a good relationship, they dare to use this strategy, which shows the weight of jealousy. If we don't solve her, something worse may happen in the future.

No matter how late it is now, Jiang Yue angrily dialed Bai yaruo's phone.

"Hello, aunt." when Bai yaruo received the call, she just finished the last drop of wine in the cup and was ready to have a rest.

Seeing the caller ID, a bad hunch rises in my heart, but if I really want to marry a single family in the future, it is necessary to have a good relationship with them and don't slack off on them.

"Yaro, haven't you gone to bed so late?" she opened her mouth in an ordinary tone. Jiang Yue didn't want to scare others away as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Not yet, aunt comes to me and has time at any time." he flattered quickly. He didn't hear Jiang Yue's question. He thought she didn't come to trouble, but the next sentence made her cold.

"Since you haven't slept, I'll teach you well." the tone suddenly became severe. What I wanted was that Bai yaruo hadn't slept and could listen to her carefully.

Bai yaruo was shocked in an instant. She just wanted to please her and pave the way for her to enter the single family smoothly in the future.

React in an instant, it's all about drugging. Have you been found? It's impossible. Shan Jiangming doesn't remember anything. When he left, he still apologized to her. It's impossible to investigate this matter in depth.

"Aunt, what's the matter?" thinking like this, Bai yaruo also has some confidence in her heart, which may be because of other things? But if it comes out, she's finished.

"What's the matter with me? I should have asked you what's the matter. I watched you grow up. I really didn't expect you to become such a person one day.

If you like Shan Jiang and you have so many opportunities before you meet the baby, why should you give Shan Jiang medicine to destroy their feelings when they are ready to get married? "

Facing Jiang Yue's question, Bai yaruo's mobile phone almost didn't hold steady. How could this matter be exploded? Who would have thought she was drugged?

He clearly doesn't remember. Wenquan Creek didn't see him. What would Shan Jiang think of her if he knew? Will you still worry about your previous friendship?

"Aunt..." Bai yaruo quickly pretended to sob. Since she had been found, she could only admit her mistake and put herself in a humble and poor position.

"I've always liked Shan Jiang, but I'm not an active person. I thought he would see me one day when I was around him, but I waited and waited, but there came a stream. I'm really wrong about these things? I've always been guilty in my heart, so I can't sleep over and over at this time."

Obviously, I was happy in my heart, so I couldn't sleep, but now that I can also be a reason to prevaricate others, I cried as soon as I finished this sentence.

In the Wen family, what their parents discussed was not to embarrass Bai yaruo. After all, she is only a child. In front of her elders, all the younger generation are children.

What's more, the Bai family and the Shan family are also worldly friends. The two families are in contact both privately and in business, and it's hard to say anything about her.

Stay on the front line today and meet each other in the future. It is children who do wrong, but we can't break the relationship between the two families because there is no contradiction between parents after all.

Jiang Yue is thinking in her mind. Poplar is also brainstorming. What should I say to soften Jiang Yue's heart?

"Aunt, I'm sorry. I can apologize to them, but I was jealous because I told Shan Jiang that I was rejected. I'm really sorry, sorry, sorry..."

During Jiang Yue's spare time when she didn't speak, Bai yaruo kept apologizing and crying. Jiang Yue felt that she had been a bad man.

Obviously, he is on the side of justice, but from the current situation, it seems that he is bullying a child. Jiang Yue has a headache and sees clearly that Bai yaruo is not a fuel-saving lamp.

In the face of their second interrogation, Bai yaruo sat in the hotel hall crying like this. At that time, she didn't even have a little sense of shame. Now she doesn't know whether it is true or false.

"Well, because we didn't cause any real harm to them, this time we all choose to forgive you. I hope you won't do such stupid things in the future.

If you can't be with my son, it will prove that you two have no fate. Therefore, if you destroy other people's feelings, you will be punished. "

The words are clear. I'm afraid Bai yaruo won't listen. I'm afraid she will have more ideas in her heart, but the warning should still be warned. Otherwise, I'll blame her for not warning at that time.

"There will never be another time, aunt, forgive me." anyway, if you still want to have an intersection with Shan Jiang, you can't offend Jiang Yue.

Shan Jiang hasn't called her yet. She can cheat herself. If she admits her mistake more sincerely, she may be forgiven.

It's just that it's even harder to get in touch with Shan Jiang.

"I've forgiven you. I just wanted to remind you not to do such things in the future. It's against human ethics."

The baby cried and she was distressed, but Bai yaruo had a different feeling in her heart when she cried Jiang Yue. She always felt that it was false.

"Thank you, aunt. Please help me apologize to brother Jiang and Xiaoxi. I have no face to see them now."


After hanging up the phone, Bai yaruo began to lose her mind again. This dream was just sitting for an afternoon, but she had spent her whole life with Danjiang in her mind during a glass of red wine.

Will she change? How could it be that she only had hatred in her heart, which could not be eliminated, and the jealousy in her heart began to spread infinitely and evolved into hatred.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night. Bai yaruo has spent many nights like this. She is used to being alone.

She went to her lab for a night. Only by working constantly can she find her sense of existence.

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