When she was filming, she was afraid that taking her to and from work would affect Shan Jiang's work. Now she is taking the president on a trip. Needless to say, it will be delayed.

"I hired them at a high salary to share my worries. What else should they do? And I can operate some important meetings remotely. I believe in my strength."

Shan Jiang's strength is absolutely convincing. Of course, Jingming's salary can't be taken in vain. It's a big deal that he's still paid three times his salary these days, so he should comfort his heart.

"Of course I believe you..." Shan Jiang interrupted Wenquan Xi before he finished his words. He always made it clear that work is not as important as his wife.

Moreover, he had such a plan, and had already thought of a comprehensive plan. After all, the business of the two big companies is not simple.

"Let's go to Thailand together. Haven't you always liked Phuket? Go to see our wedding venue and see what my baby wants."

Even without Bai yaruo, these things still need to be done. It's just a matter of time. There has been no major turmoil in the business community recently. There are no projects that need special cooperation. It's a great opportunity. We can't just miss it.

"Are we really going?" Wenquan Creek likes the scenery of the island very much. She has also been to the seaside in China. What's the style? Mostly people.

She has seen Phuket on TV and books. She thinks it is a very beautiful place, and she is also very interested in the human demons there.

Curiosity instantly made her forget the burden in her heart. It's nothing to go out to play. Since Shan Jiang has said that he has this strength, believe it. After all, there is only one marriage. They used to see the wedding venue.

"Really, I know you still feel uncomfortable. Let's go out and relax and forget some unhappiness, OK?"

Shan Jiang is afraid that Wenquan Creek hides all the discomfort in his heart and always puts the happy side in front of people. He wants his baby to know that when he is around him, he doesn't have to worry about anything. Just trust him.

"OK, do you know what's interesting in Thailand?" she only knows that Phuket has beautiful scenery and the iconic human demon.

"We still have time to prepare and go wherever people go." as long as we are happy, there are scenery everywhere. He doesn't care where he goes, as long as he is around this person.

"Then I'll use your computer to search the introduction." Wenquan Creek can't wait to run to Danjiang's computer. It's rare to go out once. She wants to go to all the interesting places.

As soon as the entry of Thai tourism, Bangkok Chiang Mai Pattaya and other words are entered, it is a variety of beautiful pictures, which overwhelmed the hot spring stream, and everything is full of freshness.

"Wow, you see, it's so beautiful here. The children are so cute. Look, they sit on elephants..."

Wenquan Creek shouted excitedly when he saw anything he hadn't seen. Shan Jiang was obviously used to it, but smiled spoiled.

"We can all go. I'll take you wherever the baby wants to go..."

"Thank you, dear." Wenquan stream rushed into Shan Jiang's arms and rubbed around. It couldn't stop excited at the thought of traveling.

But what they didn't know was that an uninvited guest had been standing at the door. Bai yaruo came. Jingming didn't know what happened yesterday and showed her the way politely.

In Jiang Yue's mouth, she learned that Shan Jiang had known about her medication. Bai yaruo couldn't restrain her heart for fear that Shan Jiang would break up with her.

The two of them have been together for more than 20 years, and there is still some love between them. Shan Jiang pitied her yesterday, didn't he? That proves that she is still different from others in Shan Jiang's heart.

So she came here today to explain everything. Although Shan Jiang kissed her, she just regarded her as a hot spring stream. After all, it wasn't her.

She wanted to ask if she had any place in his heart? If there is no hot spring stream, is there any possibility for them.

But I didn't expect the two of them to make up so soon. Wenquan Creek is not as careful as she imagined. She can definitely accept such an excellent man as Shan Jiang as long as she is willing to bow her head.

Hot Spring Creek, Hot Spring Creek, why does she have a hot spring Creek wherever she goes? Listen to the two of them, you and I, Bai yaruo feels angry.

Originally, I thought I would give up if I didn't succeed this time. Now, I'm going to give up the ridiculous idea in my mind. Shan Jiang is clearly his own and was robbed by Wenquan river. Why should I let him?

If this matter is found, then apologize. Who won't make some mistakes in the process of growing up? As long as they are poor enough, they won't do anything to themselves.

With a long sigh of relief, he pressed his inner anger and took out a pitiful look. His eyes were tearful, as if he had deeply realized his fault and knocked on the door.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Shan Jiang unconsciously frowned. Didn't Jing Ming say that nothing would disturb them?

"Come in." think about it or endure it. After all, there are still many things to trouble him in the future. It's also right to be nice to him.

But it was Bai yaruo who came in. Shan Jiang frowned. Jiang Yue found Bai yaruo, so Shan Jiang was ready to let her go. Unexpectedly, she didn't reflect at home and went to the company to find him.

If the baby is not with her today, Bai yaruo may do something and apply medicine to him. No one here comes in casually, or she wants someone to come in.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here." although Shan Jiang used to regard Bai yaruo as a friend, such a thing happened, which is equivalent to betrayal.

In the face of a friend who betrayed himself, why give him a good face? Shan Jiang's indifference and disgust deeply hurt Bai yaruo's heart.

The moment she looked down, the anger in her eyes burst out. It was clear that she loved so much, and finally got such a result? It's not fair.

All this, only because a woman named Wenquan Creek stepped in, it made Shan Jiang hate her. Bai yaruo was half dead and shed wronged tears in her eyes.

"I... I came to apologize. I'm sorry. I did such a thing yesterday because my selfishness hurt you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Bai yaruo's big tears rolled down, but not because of the overpowering drug, but because of Shan Jiang's ruthlessness.

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