After Bai yaruo's explanation and guarantee, this matter finally turned over and came to the conclusion that Wenquan Creek deeply loves Danjiang, which is also a harvest.

It's noon, and they should go to dinner. Wenquan stream thought he would bring it to Shan Jiang. Maybe he would be very moved.

I packed two desserts in the coffee shop and went to the restaurant opposite to pack two dishes and one soup. Although it was not made by Wenquan Creek, this heart moved the people in the office who haven't had time to get off work.

Eating a piece of dog food before dinner is good for their health. They can only comfort themselves in their hearts and not be killed by the sweetness of the president and his wife.

"Honey, it's time for dinner." Shan Jiang was very uncomfortable when Wenquan stream went out with Bai yaruo just now, not to mention yelling at him before leaving.

Shan Jiang was worried and angry in the office alone. He didn't have a good face when he saw Wenquan Creek coming back. He was like a wronged complaining woman.

"What's the matter? I'll bring you food to eat. You still have such an expression." Wenquan Creek put down the food in his hand and took Shan Jiang's hand to act as a spoiled child.

Shake and shake, rub and rub. Shan Jiang is still defeated. In the face of his lovely little wife, there is no reason to be angry. He will drown directly in her smile.

"What did you just go out and say? Did Bai yaruo embarrass you?" Bai yaruo has always been a strong woman in his eyes and will never give himself a disadvantage in business interests.

People's character can be seen. In Shan Jiang's eyes, if Wenquan Creek confronts Bai yaruo, Wenquan Creek will be wronged.

"She said she loved you." Wenquan Xi looked into Shan Jiang's eyes to see how he reacted.

"But what I love is you. Her love for me has nothing to do with me and has caused a burden to me." Shan Jiang frowned and didn't expect Bai yaruo to say such a thing.

Hearing what Shan Jiang said, Wenquan Creek was relieved. He and Bai yaruo had only friendship, not love between men and women. Now it seems that they can't even be friends.

It's because they appear, but even if they don't appear, there will be a very excellent woman among them, just because they don't love. No one can blame.

"How can you hurt people? Sister Yaro is going back to the United States soon. She knows she is wrong and doesn't feel ashamed to see us. I guessed that sentence myself, not her."

Wenquan Creek is as innocent and kind as ever. Bai yaruo will choose to believe that such a character has both good and bad as long as she does a little superficial Kung Fu.

"I don't believe she is such a talkative person." can you expect her to be a good person if she can do such a thing? Shan Jiang is not as naive as Wenquan river. After these things happen, he will be wary of Bai yaruo.

"Did she say anything nice? I said yes or no? I said you were the man of my Hot Spring Creek. Let her stay away from you. Finally, I wish she could find her right one."

Wenquan stream believes that there will be more good people in the world, so it feels that others will pay more attention to it if they advise each other. Moreover, Bai yaruo was nice to her before. Although she pretended, she didn't let Wenquan stream feel it.

She would say such words, which Shan Jiang didn't expect. She always showed a state of no struggle, no grab and no care about anything.

Just before that, Shan Jiang still thought that Wenquan Creek would abandon him because of this. Unexpectedly, his baby loved him too much. He believed he was good enough, but he was not sure that Wenquan Creek would like his excellence.

The occasional revelation of true feelings will make him happy for many days. He just went out with Bai yaruo, rather than what he did that would move her. Therefore, Shan Jiang really didn't expect to hear such words.

"I'm the man of your Hot Spring Creek, so you should watch me closely. I welcome you to sit in the office and watch me every day."

Shan Jiang holds the hot spring stream, lowers his head and just kisses her forehead. If he can, he really hopes that his baby can stay in his sight forever.

"That will either suffocate you or me." although Wenquan Creek is usually lazy, it will never be a person who can die at home.

There's nothing to do all day. Just stay in the office and watch Shan Jiang. Even if the handsome boy with the burst universe stands in front of her, he will be tired of it over time.

Risk two people together, originally is to live a lifetime, even if there is a contradiction because of trust, as long as the feelings are still there, it is to give life a little lubricant, not so boring.

"I will never let you suffocate..." Shan Jiang obviously thought this sentence wrong. If he can only see and can't eat, he will suffocate.

"You're afraid of suffocating yourself. Don't rely on me." Wenquan Creek heard Shan Jiang's meaning. If you can suffocate Shan Jiang, Wenquan Creek feels very happy to see such a situation.

She is not afraid of being widowed, that is, she is afraid that Shan Jiang will not die, because Shan Jiang is not a person who can suppress her desires.

"Did you just say that? Either you hold it or I hold it, so it's possible for both of us, but if we do something together, we won't hold it. If we do something, we won't hold it."

Shan Jiang rolled onto the sofa with his baby. It goes without saying what he wants to do. Wenquan Creek is not a fool. This is an office. She thinks it's better to have principles. This is an office.

"Stand up for me, or you won't go back and sleep on the sofa." Wenquan Creek's strength is too small to push Shan Jiang, so you can only roar out.

"We can talk, talk and eat together. We won't suffocate. Did I say something wrong? Why should I sleep on the sofa?" Shan Jiang said wrongly.

What if you're guessed? The culture of language is broad and profound. As long as there is no explicit meaning, you can change it as you want.

Sure enough, as soon as Shan Jiang said this, Wenquan Creek fell into a state of meditation. It turned out that it was wrong. Under the leadership of Shan Jiang, Wenquan Creek successfully became an old driver.

"Stay away from me. Don't talk and eat with you. If I let you sleep on the sofa, you have to sleep on the sofa. Do you have a problem?"

How dare you have an opinion?

Shan Jiang raised his hands to make a gesture of surrender, because what his baby said was what he chose to obey unconditionally.

Of course... He won't obey except to meet other men.

"Our baby decides..."

"Good, good fruit to eat..."

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