"Qinggong Mingyue Zhuan" has reached the end of the broadcast, so Wenquan Creek is famous. On the road, people ask her for her signature.

It can be seen from the fact that she and Shan Jiang will be surrounded when they go out for dinner. Not to mention Shan Jiang and Wenquan Creek are very distressed.

After becoming famous, there will be more paparazzi around. People take pictures when eating and sleeping. Wenquan Creek doesn't adapt to the feeling of sudden redness.

Accompany Shan Jiang to work and don't go out to dinner. Let people send them in directly. They still have time to get bored for a while and arrange the details of the wedding.

When they went to Hager, he Qiulian stopped the hot spring stream and wanted to discuss something with her.

"Xiaoxi, your fame has improved rapidly recently. Many crew members are thinking of you. I have a lot of scripts in hand, but it depends on your own opinion."

Every agent is looking forward to the popularity of her artists, but he Qiulian doesn't dare to have such an idea about Wenquan Creek. Even if she likes filming, she is only interested, so most of them are not arranged by her, but according to her own opinions.

The clear promotion of Wenquan Creek is inevitable, not only because of her films, but also because of her identity as the president's wife.

While enjoying the fun brought by entertainment stars, many people will also dislike that the star is just the identity of a actor and can't go on the stage secretly.

Especially for large families, the girl who went to must be a lady of the family, not an actor in public. However, Wenquan Creek did it. Regardless of her real identity, she did it.

Some people are sincere blessings and think they are talented and beautiful. Some people are waiting to see them break up and wait for her to be abandoned by Shan Jiang, so her fame rises so fast.

Hype or gossip, the ultimate goal is to achieve. To enter the entertainment industry, the most important thing is fame. Wenquan Creek has done it.

He Qiulian brought the previous scripts, but now they are sent by others, which is enough for Wenquan Creek to be complacent for a while.

Finally, a script came to the door. Wenquan Creek was very excited, but because the wedding date was approaching, her family certainly wouldn't allow her to pick up the play again.

"Sister Qiulian, Shan Jiang and I are going to have a wedding soon, and the filming may have to slow down." he refused with heartache.

In fact, he Qiulian knew the result early in the morning. She just said that a director came to the door. She still needs to let her know and increase her self-confidence.

"Then I'll tell you if the director is willing to wait for you. If there is a good script, I'll fight for it."

Calculate the wedding day, March 21, there are still 20 days, and then have a honeymoon. You can take over the new play at least two months later. He Qiulian calculates the day in her heart.

Now it's almost all fast food culture. Popular things are changing with each passing day. It's likely that your play will become popular at this time. After a period of time, if you imitate more, it will rot in the street.

Therefore, most of the crew can't wait to start shooting, and there are many female stars with topic. Wenquan Creek is just a newcomer. Of course, there will be newer people, which people are happy to see.

"Who is willing to wait for me, unless he is interested in my identity as president's wife." Wenquan Creek is not stupid and says with self mockery.

Her acting skills are only enough to make a beautiful vase. The director who is really keen on directing must not be cold to her. She knows herself.

The people who really invited him to act came to curry favor with her. With her, it is equivalent to Hager's investment and production fame, etc.

Coupled with the gimmick of her falling in love with Shan Jiang, are you afraid the play will not be hot? Anyway, it doesn't rely on strength and acting skills, but on topic.

"At least you have the identity of a president's wife. You always want to work harder than others for a lifetime. You can only be a good runner. Luck, opportunity and patience can change your life."

He Qiulian is a past person. In her early years, she overdrawn her luck and mistakenly believed the wrong person. She only hopes that now she can get back 10% with her efforts.

"Then I almost rely on luck? I hope my luck can be so good forever, but what if God closes his eyes one day?"

God is fair. Suddenly, this sentence pops up in the mind of Wenquan Creek. Will it be unfair for others to get so much?

He was so confused that he fell into meditation.

"Bah, bah, this new year has just begun. How can I say such a thing? Although I'm not superstitious, I'll feel better if I ask for a good omen."

"Well, I know I'm wrong. Thank sister Qiulian for caring about me."


After this, he Qiulian soon put herself into work. Wenquan River introduced so many good friends to her, and she will try her best to make them occupy a place in the entertainment circle.

These are the chips for he Qiulian to succeed.

After hanging up the phone, wenquanxi was still in a daze, just like entering another world. Shan Jiang shouted to her for a long time.

"Baby? What do you want to be so fascinated?" Shan Jiang leaned close to the mouth of Wenquan stream and gently bit her lip. Only when Wenquan stream ate pain did she react.

"What do you think? Of course I miss you." Wenquan Creek said gnashing his teeth. This is a standard textbook answer. Shan Jiang must love to listen.

However, Shan Jiang's bite just made Wenquan Creek want to bite back directly, but she knows that if you continue to play this game one by one, she will suffer in the end.

"Since you miss me, why don't you look like spring breeze, but bitter hatred?" Shan Jiang pinched the face of Wenquan stream and wanted to see her burst. It's cute.

Sure enough, when Shan Jiang pinched his face, he was hit by the pillow of Wenquan Creek. The two launched a love chase in the office.

"Stop for me, let me fight, and I'll forgive you." Wenquan Creek's physical strength is not as strong as Shan Jiang. It's out of breath in less than two minutes. Looking at Shan Jiang who hasn't changed at all, it's very unwilling to surrender.

"Did I do something wrong?" Shan Jiang said wrongly.

Did you do something wrong? Wenquan Creek doesn't know, but women are unreasonable, don't they? For such a long time, she will make trouble for nothing.

"I don't know what you did wrong, but if I say you did wrong, you must have done wrong. Come here and let me call."

Shan Jiang stood still and raised his hand to catch the pillow hit by the hot spring stream

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