Wenquan Creek, who had been taught a lesson, woke up early the next day and saw Shan Jiang sitting on him when he was asleep. He beat him indiscriminately and directly spoiled his dream.

"It seems that the baby was not tired yesterday? Did my ability decline?" Shan Jiang turned over and pressed the hot spring stream under him.

Wenquan Creek probably didn't expect this kind of operation. Obviously, it overestimated its power. Unexpectedly, what should Shan Jiang do when he suddenly woke up.

"No, no, no, my dear man is the most man in the world." as the saying goes, a man who knows current affairs is a hero. She will be a man who can look at her face very well.

"Do you need me to prove it again?" anyway, he doesn't mind. Anyway, it's still early now. It doesn't matter if he's a little late. The president needs to make people.

"No, no, no, the little woman has a deep understanding." she won't gamble with her spirit of the day. Once again, she will have a good day in bed today.

Two people are flirting. The doorbell breaks the beautiful picture. Who will come and knock so early? The two of them looked at each other.

Suddenly, the hot spring stream patted its head. It must be Mom and dad who came to discuss marriage again. This is really heartbreaking news.

"Go and open the door. Just say you ravaged me yesterday. I can't get up today." Wenquan stream just wants to escape now.

"You want to see me scolded." Shan Jiang usually likes to be reserved in front of his parents. Now he actually let him say such words. Maybe it's really four parents. It's terrible.

"What I said is the truth, the truth!" he had been severely ravaged by him last night. Now he is in a state of soft legs, so... Shan Jiang deserved to be scolded.

When Shan Jiang went to open the door, Wenquan Creek agreed to get up and brush his teeth and wash his face. Today, there is another tough battle to fight. There is no way. Who wants to get married only once?

Mom and dad have brought breakfast. On the table, everyone eats quietly. Fortunately, after breakfast, Danjiang withdrew, and mom and dad began to be busy.

Looking at the things they went back to choose in the evening, Wenquan Creek only felt that life was gray and could not be happy at all.

It's OK to be decisive. The key is to hesitate all the time. Everyone has a fear of choice. It's more than one play.

When she was having a headache in the hot spring stream, a phone call saved her. It was Gan Mengjia.

"Mom and Dad, Mengjia called me. There must be something. I'll answer the phone." whether there's something or nothing, you must say something.

At this time, Gan Mengjia is the Savior of Wenquan stream, saving her in deep water and fire.

"Mengjia, thank you for calling me. You saved my life. Shall we go out? Hi, I'll buy you coffee and go shopping."

Before Gan Mengjia explained the purpose of the call, Wenquan Creek had already chirped for fear that Gan Mengjia would not agree.

"Well, what's the matter with you? Are you unhappy?" Gan Mengjia called to find a good friend to relieve his boredom because he was in a bad mood.

"Let's meet and talk." the bitter water in the hot spring stream group is like a surging river, but mom and dad are in the living room, and their words are too ugly, not good.

Maybe we'll go back with him and scold her, saying that she's short-sighted and under siege, it's better to be honest.

"Mom and Dad, Mengjia has something to do with me. I'll go out first and come back later." Wenquan Creek can't wait to breathe free air.

"What about these things?" Wenquan Xi said and ran upstairs to the bedroom for fear that his parents would disagree.

"Shan Jiang and I absolutely believe in mom and dad's vision, and it's still early. Mengjia really has something to do with me. I have to go out. These things will trouble mom and dad."

"No trouble." don't let your son organize the wedding. How can you say it's trouble? Jiang Yue quickly said it was no trouble.

What Wenquan Creek wanted was that they said no trouble, leaving a thank you floating in the air. After returning to the bedroom, they changed their clothes at the fastest speed in their life and ran outside at the speed of 100 meters.

Free air, good.

In the morning, Uncle Li sent her parents over. He just asked Uncle Li to send her to meet Gan Mengjia. The place where they met was a very private cafe, and then decided where to play.

Uncle Li wanted to follow her to protect her. Wenquan Creek refused and asked him to go back and wait for his parents, because she didn't go back to lunch, and Uncle Li wanted to send his parents to lunch.

Uncle Li had to leave. When Wenquan Creek arrived, Gan Mengjia had been waiting for her at the door. When he saw her, he took her into the box.

There was no expression in the whole process. Wenquan River didn't talk to Gan Mengjia. The two had been together for many years. Wenquan River found Gan Mengjia different.

"What's the matter? Did Gu Qi make you unhappy?" it must be Gu Qi who can make Gan Mengjia so unhappy. Wenquan Creek immediately wanted to defend against injustice for his good friend.

"He said every day that he was busy at work. I put up with it. I wanted to go to dinner with him at noon. I called his office. It was a woman who answered. It was evil in talking. I was so angry."

Gan Mengjia clenches his fist and can make friends with Wenquan Creek, which proves that the two people still have similarities. This temper is the same impulse.

"Gu Qi had a secretary. Maybe he was in a meeting, so the Secretary answered the phone? Don't think about it. You comforted me last time? I can't think about it this time."

Everyone can see that Shan Jiang likes the hot spring stream, and the hot spring stream can also see that Gu Qi really likes Gan Mengjia. Sometimes what he sees is not necessarily true, let alone not at all?

Gan Mengjia is angry because Gu Qi didn't accompany her. Girls want to coax. It's hard to be ignored.

"Who can't think of it? I can't think of it." Gan Mengjia said awkwardly. Gu Qi said he was busy. A woman answered the phone, which proved that Gu Qi no longer has an office and won't have an affair with the secretary.

For a moment, Gan Mengjia figured it out, but she wouldn't think she was such a person and quickly denied it. Anyway, Gu Qi ignored her, so she was wrong, that's it.

"Then why did you find me out?" Wenquan Creek didn't expose her. The duplicity woman looked at her with a smiling face until she was ashamed.

Shan Jiang is like this. He can see through her every time.

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