When wenquanxi woke up, she was taken by the doctor for a general examination. The examination report showed that she had fully recovered.

Her most important task now is to stay with Shan Jiang and take care of him until he wakes up. She stays with Shan Jiang as long as she sleeps.

She has always been a person who is most afraid of boredom, but now she can spend a day quietly in the ward, muttering alone.

The parents of both sides discussed, afraid that she would be stunned, and wanted her to go back to rest and take over the shift by herself, but they were rejected by Wenquan Creek.

Wenquan stream was afraid that she would be afraid if Shan Jiang woke up and couldn't see herself. She also wanted to be the first to watch Shan Jiang wake up and tell him that she loved him as much as he loved himself.

She will never complain or refuse again. As long as the other party is him, she is just a servant and arrogant.

On the fifth day, Shan Jiang was still lying in the hospital bed, motionless, and the doctor couldn't give a specific reason. Jiang Yue and Shan Huai were desperate. They sighed and wept at home all day.

Wenquan Creek still smiles and repeats with him the interesting things they get along with each other every day. He tells him that no one is in charge of the company. It's very tired for Dad to manage the two companies at his age. Let him wake up quickly.

In the days when Shan Jiang was in a coma, in addition to the parents and Wenquan Creek who came to have a look every day, Bai yaruo also came to accompany him.

However, the time she chooses is after lunch and before dinner in the afternoon, so as to avoid meeting with her parents.

"Xiaoxi, I bought you a dessert you like to eat. If you eat some dessert, you will feel better." Bai yaruo handed the packaged dessert to Wenquan Creek.

"Thank you, sister yaruo. I'm embarrassed to bother you so much every day. Otherwise, don't come. I have doctors and parents. I'll call you as soon as Shan Jiang wakes up."

Wenquan Creek is really afraid to trouble Bai yaruo. In the days when Shan Jiang is unconscious, Bai yaruo will come and stay for an hour or two almost every day.

She is used to such days now, and her mood is not as unstable as before. She doesn't have to bother others for what she can do.

"What are you talking about? How can you say trouble? And I only come here for a while when I have free time." Bai yaruo wanted to stay here all day, just afraid of being suspected of ulterior motives, so she only stayed for an hour or two every day.

Even if she really has ulterior motives, Wenquan Creek is embarrassed to doubt.

"It's time to go to work now. Of course, it's troublesome for you." Shan Jiang is not in the company. Shan Huai needs to be familiar with the company's business while worrying about his son. He is tired every day. Wenquan river looks distressed and guilty.

"Although I go to work, I sleep well every day. Look at you. Black circles have fallen on my face. I'm sure I haven't slept well all night. Go to bed and I'll leave when you wake up."

Wenquan Creek had nightmares all night. She dreamed that Shan Jiang was covered with blood and that Shan Jiang would never wake up again, so she simply didn't close her eyes all night and was afraid of losing.

But during the day, she can sleep, but she can't sleep stably. She will wake up every ten minutes to see if Shan Jiang has woken up. For five days, she hasn't had a good rest, and her face is poor to a state.

The skin is as good as Hot Spring Creek. Now there are acne on the eyebrows, which is a manifestation of endocrine disorder and staying up late at night.

"Only after you have a good rest can you take better care of Shan Jiang and go to bed. Trust me, I can." Bai yaruo pushed the hot spring stream onto the sofa bed and let her sleep.

"That's trouble for sister Yaro." when she said to sleep, Wenquan Creek felt that her upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

In front of her family, she didn't dare to show too tired. She was afraid that her parents, grandparents would worry and let her rest. She also said that she had no problem at all.

In front of Bai yaruo, there was no need to hide. The hot spring stream said thank you and lay in bed ready to squint for a while.

In less than two minutes, she went to sleep. This time, she had a beautiful dream. She dreamed that Shan Jiang woke up.

As soon as Shan Jiang woke up, he hugged her tightly and said he would never leave her and would never worry her again. He recalled the most comfortable smile in his dream these days.

Bai yaruo stood by the hot spring stream and looked at her quietly. Until she was sure that she had fallen asleep, she turned and walked to Shan Jiang's bed.

There is no problem observing the instrument recording Shan Jiang's physical characteristics. Is it her medicine that keeps Shan Jiang awake?

However, she has personally checked the composition of the drug, which will not cause any side effects on the body, let alone make people unconscious.

Then why doesn't Shan Jiang wake up? Bai yaruo's heart is very anxious. It's better not to wake up. After waking up, how can they have such a lonely time?

"Shan Jiang, you are so silly. Why did you choose Wenquan creek? If you were with me, I would never let you happen like this."

Bai yaruo and Danjiang Hot Spring Creek have been together. Danjiang has indulged in the Hot Spring Creek infinitely. Bai yaruo has never felt how much the Hot Spring Creek loves Danjiang, so she has always been unconvinced.

For the sake of a hot spring stream, she broke up with a person who had been with her for more than 20 years, and totally ignored the cooperation between the Bai family and the Shan family and asked her to leave.

In addition to knowing that Shan Jiang is a very affectionate person, Bai yaruo is riddled with holes by what Shan Jiang has done.

"If you give me another chance, I will do anything to let you stay with me, Shan Jiang, do you hear me?"

Confessing with Shan Jiang is the most courageous thing Bai yaruo has ever done in her life. She even confessed. What else does she dare not do?

Suddenly, Shan Jiang's heart beat kept rising, from a steady 69 to 120. Bai yaruo stood up excitedly and was at a loss.

In just a minute or two, Shan Jiang returned to his normal appearance and didn't wake up.

"Did you want to stop me because you heard that I was going to step in your love?" Shan Jiang was so excited when she said she was going to take him, and Bai yaruo laughed at herself.

As long as the Hot Spring Creek is, Shan Jiang's profits will never see her shadow. If she can, she should find a way to get rid of the Hot Spring Creek directly.

There is no hot spring stream in the world, and Shan Jiang belongs to her.

Even if Shan Jiang still loves Wenquan Creek, she is also accompanied by Bai yaruo. Time can always dilute and change a lot of things.

Such a crazy idea formed in Bai yaruo's mind. She really wanted to do so, get rid of the hot spring stream and never suffer from it.

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