Song William left with Wenquan stream and Qin Zhun. Bai yaruo began to coax Shan Jiang to sleep. Her good words and advice, coupled with drug reasons, soon put Shan Jiang into a coma.

Shan Jiang will feel when he sees the hot spring stream, which can be seen by the naked eye. Now Shan Jiang will not believe Shan Jiang because of her words, but Bai yaruo is a person after all and can't stand everyone's suspicion.

Only when Wenquan Creek left, everyone turned their attention, and Shan Jiang didn't take the initiative to mention it. The Wen family and Shan family are strangers, which is what Bai yaruo wants to see most.

Yesterday, she was still worried about this matter. During the dispensing, the doctor had called to help her solve all her worries and stay with Shan Jiang at ease.

It's time to have a good talk with Wenquan Creek. This is the last time she bowed to Wenquan Creek.

Bai yaruo went out and saw the hot spring stream sitting on the stool in a daze. Song William and Qin Zhun had left. Qin Zhun was not happy, but they didn't play any role here. They needed to find a doctor for evidence.

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry for the current situation. Shan Jiang just doesn't remember you. I'm sure it will be better." Bai yaruo went to the hot spring stream and put her hand on the shoulder of the hot spring stream.

"You're sorry? Then why don't you choose to leave? Even if Shan Jiang doesn't remember me, it's not necessary for you to take care of me yourself?" Wenquan Creek is often very simple, but it doesn't mean you have no temper.

She also loves Shan Jiang and doesn't want Shan Jiang to focus on other women. Even if they had some hidden secrets in the past, Shan Jiang needs to say it himself.

When Shan Jiang remembered all the circumstances between them, she said to let her leave. She promised to leave without looking back, but the fact is that this woman has been in front of Shan Jiang and remembers her by virtue of Shan Jiang.

"You know I like Shan Jiang, and you know that I can't forget like a person so soon, but I really don't mean to intervene in you. I came here today to tell you something besides seeing Shan Jiang."

"What's the matter?" Wenquan Creek was in a bad mood. She didn't particularly want to circle with her rival. Listening to Bai yaruo say that Hua likes Shan Jiang, Wenquan Creek wanted to slap her.

Mingming promised to leave. Mingming said he would forget, but he still liked it. At this moment, it was the biggest blow to Wenquan Creek. Because she won, Shan Jiang wanted her to stay with her.

"I know a man who is very powerful. As you know, I majored in pharmacy in college and know a lot of medical wizards. It's just this man..."

Then he stopped halfway and took a sneak look at the expression of the hot spring stream. The joy flashed from the bottom of his eyes quickly turned into a variety of complex expressions, worry, hesitation and entanglement

The expression of Wenquan Creek became very nervous as soon as she heard of the medical wizard. She is looking for such a person now. Maybe Shan Jiang will wake up.

"What's wrong with this man?" Wenquan stream couldn't wait to hear it. This is the effect Bai yaruo wanted.

"I wanted to worship him as a teacher, but I didn't mean to offend him. He wouldn't help me, but I'm absolutely sure he can cure Shan Jiang's amnesia."

The more you say it, the more excited you are. As long as Wenquan Creek says she wants to find that person, she and Danjiang can live together all her life. How can Bai yaruo not be excited?

"Why do you say he has this ability?" so many famous doctors can't find a way. Bai yaruo likes Shan Jiang. Can she believe what she said?

"When I was in school, he once wrote a paper to verify a memory restoring drug he made, and the experiment was successful. This is his published paper."

Now that she has come here to persuade Wenquan Creek, Bai yaruo is ready to persuade her to leave.

The potion for restoring memory is particularly pulled as soon as you hear it. How can you remember what you forget? This depends on personal will rather than medicine. In fact, Wenquan Creek is not particularly believed, but after reading a paper, it is also dizzy by the professional terms inside.

"I want to go myself, but he doesn't see me, and I can't go to Aunt Jiang to say that she doesn't believe me because of the stupid thing I did last time." Bai yaruo clenched her fist and beat her thigh, looking very upset.

"Then why should I believe you?" didn't she leave just a chance for them to get along alone and cultivate their feelings? If Shan Jiang really fell in love with her, he would have nothing.

"Xiaoxi, I know I've done something that makes you sad, but if I really want to be with Shan Jiang, I won't tell you this. Anyway, Shan Jiang still remembers me. Why do I expect him to remember? You really misunderstood me."

"Really, I dare swear." Bai yaruo's tears have been swirling in the frame of her eyes, just like Wenquan Creek saying that if she doesn't believe her, she will die.

Wenquan Creek looks at the paper in his hand. The conclusion can restore people's memory. It really moves Wenquan Creek. Then look at Bai yaruo. It doesn't seem to want to harm people.

This sentence is not wrong. She comes back with the medicine. Shan Jiang recovers her memory. She and Shan Jiang will get married. Bai yaruo will never have a chance to get close to Shan Jiang again. Shan Jiang will not let Bai yaruo get close. She is really kind.

"Where's that man?" it's acceptable to bite her teeth. Shan Jiang has done so many things for her. She just went to find a grumpy expert to ask for medicine. She has plenty of money and anyone can ask for a price.

It's a very simple thing to think about. What can I do? How about fighting once for the future? At least I won't regret it.

"In the United States, it's too far away, and the man's temper is really strange. I'm afraid you can't beg back, or we'd better treat conservatively." Bai yaruo pretended to change his mind.

"The chance is slim, but we always have to try, right?" she hasn't been to the United States. When she was a child, she grew up abroad with poor grades, and she still speaks English very well.

"Really? Your family shouldn't want to. Forget it. After all, I've done things that hurt you, and they won't believe me." Wenquan Creek had an idea, and Bai yaruo began to retreat.

"I will naturally have my way and I will go." she has been capricious since childhood. Although she has never run away from home, she will come back when she gets the medicine. I believe the family will understand her.

Even if the family won't understand her, when Shan Jiang's memory is restored, he will stand on his side and protect himself.

The family won't do anything to her, so there's no problem with everything. It's good in the future.

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