Shan Jiang also wants to kneel here until they forgive him, but he can't wait. He must find the whereabouts of Wenquan Creek.

I have no impression of what happened three years ago. My parents should know something. Go home and ask them first.

Driving a sports car on the road, he finally knew why he always kept a low profile. There were sports cars in the garage. It turned out that his baby liked it, so he catered to her preferences.

The shrill whistle made Shan Jiang's spirit highly nervous. It was like returning to the scene of the car accident. His baby cried out that he was about to lose consciousness. He could hear it, but he had no strength to answer.

Slowly reduce the speed, as if there was a shadow. If his baby was still sitting next to him, he would be more careful.

Back home, Bai yaruo and Shan huaijiang sat in the living room every month. The three people were worried. Shan Jiang's recovery of memory should have been a good thing, but now three years later, everything has changed.

The baby is gone, and the Wen family won't easily forgive them. Now when I think of it, I won't get anything except more sadness.

"Don't you understand what I said? You can leave and don't step into my house all your life." when you get home, Bai yaruo is still sitting on the sofa, which makes Shan Jiang very uncomfortable.

She doesn't deserve to come to their house at all. The seat she is sitting in now originally belongs to the baby. Everyone blames him. In fact, it's just that he believes in Bai yaruo too much.

In the past, before his baby was found, he didn't want to investigate. He didn't want to see Bai yaruo again. It was disgusting to see her hypocritical face.

Directly pulled Bai yaruo and pushed her out of the door. Bai yaruo fell to the ground. The whole person was in a state of ignorance. Shan Jiang remembered everything. She was finished.

No, I can't just give up. I've insisted for nearly 30 years. How can I just give up? She spilled her medicine. She wanted to go back and prepare another one for Shan Jiang to drink. There was nothing left.

Close the door, Shan Jiang sits beside Shan Huai and Jiang Yue, devastated. His red eyes are like a crazy lion. He is calm in his anger, leaving only sadness.

"Dad, mom, how much do you know about the missing baby? Tell me." now only their parents can tell him something.

"The baby has been missing for three years. Life and death are uncertain. Do you still want to find her?" it's not Jiang Yue's ruthlessness, but she really feels that Wenquan Creek is no longer in the world.

If you are still there, even if you don't travel with Shan Jiang and the whole single family, you won't go back to your parents and your brother.

Even if they are unwilling to accept this fact, they must accept it. Even their parents may have accepted it in their hearts.

"All these things are caused by me. How can I let her suffer outside? She can't do anything. She must have suffered a lot in three years..."

Anyway, without finding her body, Shan Jiang would not believe that Wenquan Creek would leave her so easily. In the final analysis, she is just a timid little girl to rely on.

"But..." Jiang Yue wants to cruelly point out this fact, but her son has just recovered his memory. I don't know if he can be stimulated by this kind of stimulation.

"Mom, I know what you want to say. I don't believe it. You just need to tell me. There were clues about the baby three years ago. I need to know." Shan Jiang knows what Jiang Yue is thinking. He can't give up.

If he gives up when he hears the news, does he deserve love? If it weren't for his poor driving skills, if it wasn't for his amnesia, everything wouldn't happen.

If you can't be sure of the baby's news, his heart will not be peaceful all his life. If you are sure that she has left, he will follow her steps to complete his oath.

"Now that the child has remembered, he has the right to know everything. No matter what he wants to do, it is his responsibility." Shan Huai has been hard to let go. Today, he finally found a breakthrough.

"Three years ago, on the day after you woke up from amnesia, she and her family came to accompany you in the afternoon. After seeing off her family, she didn't evaporate like the world. No one had seen her again. We adjusted the surveillance video on the scene. After entering the stairs, we didn't see anyone again."

When they participated in the investigation, the Wen family had no intention of blaming the Shan family, because there were many people and great strength. They were all helping with the investigation and knew the situation very well.

"Didn't you see people? Did the world evaporate? Did you see any suspicious vehicles or suspicious people at the stairs?" it's not magic. Can you change people into living people? Shan Jiang doesn't believe it.

"There is indeed a van at the entrance of the stairs, which perfectly blocks the camera. You can see him open the door, but you can't see whether the baby has gone in or not. We asked. The man said he just came to pick up his child. His child is indeed in hospital."

At first, the man was bribed by Bai yaruo. He didn't tell the truth. He was only responsible for sending a person on the plane. He was at ease without any fault.

"And then? You can't just investigate these things."

"Then, the Wen family left a security chip in the baby's body, which showed that she was in Germany." Shan Huai said word by word for three years, and then recalled it as if it happened yesterday.

"That proves that people are safe? Why don't you bring her back? Is she disappointed with me and unwilling to come back?" three years later, maybe she has found someone who loves him more, married and had children, and Meimei all her life.

"Zeyu immediately rushed to Germany, but only found the chip and didn't see anyone. It's unlikely to be killed, but the person is missing."

If you really kill people, you won't take out the chip and throw it directly into the wilderness, and no one will know it.

"Why did she go to Germany?" Shan Jiang wondered. She should have no friends in Germany, and what friends would be more important than her when he was lying in the hospital? The reason is more important.

"No one knows why he appeared in Germany. At that time, she flew in the United States, but the chip appeared in Germany. It should be that someone set a fog, but there was no breakthrough."

No one knows why she went to America?

Who did you see?

Why is the security chip taken out?

And why were they sent to Germany?

Want to find, do not know where to start

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