When the three of them arrived at Wen's house, Wen Zeyu just got well. He took his family back to see Wen zhicen and Lin Yufen. He knew that his parents felt bad, so he would come to accompany them when he had time.

"Shan Jiang, what are you doing in our house? Why do you have the face to come to our house?" when he came here, Wen Zeyu already knew about Shan Jiang's recovery of memory.

If it was three years ago, before his sister disappeared and his grandfather had no stroke, he would be very happy to hear the news. But now, he just wants to beat Shan Jiang up.

However, in fact, he also did so. He went directly to Shan Jiang's face and greeted Shan Jiang with his fist. Shan Jiang didn't hide, and Shan Huai and Jiang Yue didn't stop.

"I came to tell you that the baby is not dead, she is still alive, and Bai yaruo knows the whereabouts of the baby." when Wen Zeyu just wanted to punch down his second fist, he stopped in front of Shan Jiang's nose.

"What are you talking about? Say it again?" Wen Zeyu went abroad to look for it many times, but he often came back in despair and dared not mention his confidence again.

"The baby is not dead. Let's tell our parents the news first. We'll sit down and talk in detail. It's important to find the baby." Shan Jiang said excitedly.

"Yes, we sat down and talked in detail. We came here with sincerity and won't cheat you." Shan Huai also stood up and defended his son.

Wen Zeyu was skeptical, but it sounded like good news. Even if there was a big contradiction, it couldn't be worth his sister's life. Finally, he chose to take them in together.

"Why did you come again? If you came to ask for forgiveness, I don't blame you, because we agreed to marry to your single family."

I just had a bad time. I accepted this fact again before I relieved myself from the loss of my daughter.

"Dad, mom, the baby is not dead. Bai yaruo knows her whereabouts." Shan Jiang repeated the news again. The scene was silent, as if they were digesting the fact.

"Bai yaruo? She hurt my daughter again?" Lin Yufen started the case. The last time she framed Shan Jiang made Wenquan Creek sad. At that time, she was still young, so everyone put down this resentment and hoped that Bai yaruo could miss them a little better.

Unexpectedly, she once again took advantage of the loophole to hurt the hot spring stream. Lin Yufen was very angry. She had never met such a vicious woman.

"I'm sorry I listened to her. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was her. She told me that my favorite person was her, and we were getting married. I believed it and hurt the baby. I'm sorry."

Shan Jiang has been repenting and uncovering the dusty memory again. Everyone is sad and sorry, and then hates Bai yaruo. I didn't expect that she would do so well.

"You didn't just hurt her? Even I was hurt by you at the beginning. My daughter loved you so much. You didn't give her a good face, but smiled at other women..." at that time, the Hot Spring Creek didn't show anything, and Lin Yufen didn't say anything.

Shan Jiang naturally knows what he said. He is like this. Many women who want to stick up, he will drive them away. He regards his baby as such a person.

"If you say Bai Ya knows her whereabouts, she hasn't told you yet?" the only thing in the middle is Qin Xin. Women know women better. Bai Yaro must have a purpose to say it at this time.

"No, she asked me to marry her and tell me the whereabouts of the baby after marriage." Shan Jiang darkened his eyes for a moment. If he could, he didn't want to do so.

"Is she lying? Because you remember now, you will hate her to the bone. She always loves you, so she uses the whereabouts of her baby to marry you and fulfill her wishes."

Of course, Qin Xin is very happy that Wenquan Creek is not dead. Knowing this news, she knows that everyone in her family is very happy, but she is afraid that she will be happy in vain in the end, which will only make it more difficult for everyone to accept.

Even if she shouldn't say such a thing now, she should stand up and tell the truth, and then she can alleviate the pain.

"I don't know, but I think the baby has nothing. I believe she has nothing. She lives in a corner of the world safely, waiting for us to pick her up."

Shan Jiang never thought that Bai yaruo would cheat him. Qin Xin's words were like a blow to the head, but Shan Jiang was still willing to believe it.

"We all want her to live, but we don't want to be cheated by Bai yaruo. I'm also a woman. I once wanted to win my lover by means, so we must verify what Bai yaruo said."

If hope is followed by greater disappointment, she would rather not. It has been three years. The pain has been diluted a little. Again, their younger generation can stand it. Wen zhicen and Lin Yufen will only be more sad. What if there are any hidden dangers in their body?

Everyone agrees with this. Bai yaruo is a woman with evil mind. She can think of all kinds of vicious things. There is nothing impossible to marry Shan Jiang by taking advantage of the whereabouts of Wenquan Creek.

Marriage is her wish. She can do whatever she wants. Anyway, Shan Jiang will hate her. It's better to hate her after marriage.

"How can we prove that what she said is true?" Shan Jiang doesn't understand. If a liar really wants to cheat you, she can have thousands of words waiting for you to drill.

"She said she didn't lie. We can't judge it. We can only objectively verify what she said. For example, with a lie detector, although people with strong psychological quality can escape the lie detector, it is always useful since it has been invented."

Wen Zeyu knew what his wife meant. He was afraid that he would be busy for most of the day in the end. He would only draw water with a bamboo basket and make his parents sad and cry again.

They are not ordinary people standing here, just a lie detector. There is nothing money can't do in this world.

Be prepared. If it's true, what can you do if you test it?

"I agree, Bai yaruo is really not a simple woman. She can't play with her every time." Jiang Yue really sees through Bai yaruo's character. Fortunately, she and her son haven't become a family yet.

"If everyone agrees on this, I'll prepare for the lie detector."

"I'll contact Bai yaruo."

Shan Jiang took out his mobile phone. If it is true, they will get married. They can't pay by themselves and get nothing. It's not worth it.

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