Hawaii Island is known as the most exotic place in the United States. Angel was very excited when he went abroad for the first time in his memory. He searched all kinds of travel strategies on the Internet.

It seems that a long time ago, I was so excited because I wanted to go somewhere, but I can't remember anything. This is a new journey.

"Are you ready? We're leaving." Allen has prepared a private plane to take them directly to Hawaii.

"Of course, I'm ready. I can start at any time." I brought two or three sets of clothes and sunscreen. I thought I could go shopping locally, but Allen's legs are not particularly convenient. I'd better prepare them by myself and have a look at the scenery.

It's hard to hide his excitement. This is the first time Allen has seen her show such a happy smile since she came to the nameless island. It's like the smile that goes deep into the bottom of their eyes for the first time. It's very infectious.

I think the past three years have also bored her. Three years have passed. If Bai yaruo hasn't done it, the man is really stupid. He cringes every day and always wants to start a new life.

The biggest thing he learned from angel is optimism, even though he never knew what optimism was before? This different feeling excited him.

If there were no accidents on this trip, he should often take her out for a walk. Allen thought in his mind.

"I thought you were in poor health, but since you like it, I'll take you out when you have a chance." Allen promised, and angel looked incredible.

She is not a person who can stay in the same place for a long time. She likes all new things, or gossip, but there is nothing to gossip in this place. Even the Internet on the island is restricted.

"Really? Did you really promise me?" for fear that what he heard was only the noise in the air, angel confirmed again and again.

"I promised you that I would never cheat you again." now there is only him in her world, or only two of them in the world can snuggle up to each other. What about cheating? He likes the feeling of absolute control.

Angel was immersed in joy and didn't hear what he said was never again. That was cheating before and enough to change her life.

The plane took off and soared into the sky.

They live on the nameless island. Hawaii is also an island. If there is any difference, everything is different except sea and beach.

The beach is very lively. There are handsome men with strong muscles, beautiful women in bikini, children with piles of sand and all kinds of people they have never seen in three years, and they seem to have never seen before.

"It's so lively here." she likes such a lively atmosphere. People can't live on an island forever. Everyone needs friends and needs to talk about their feelings.

"Do you like here or our home?" Allen suddenly said a word seriously in the face of angel's excitement.

"Everyone likes it. It's a different feeling. There are you at home and many people here." now even the fresh air is free.

Freedom? Have you ever been bound? Angel knocked on her little head, but Allen never restricted what she did. Staying on the island was just that she was in poor health.

"I think you still like it here. Don't you want to go back?" when he came to a crowded place again, he felt panic. Maybe he stayed alone for too long and he didn't have friends.

"It's not their own home in busy places." angel doesn't know how other couples get along. Although she doesn't think they are very like husband and wife, Allen is very kind to her.

She doesn't seem to know anyone except Allen. Even if she prefers this place, she will choose to go back with him.

When he got this answer, his heart finally felt better. It was not home in busy places. As long as there were two of them, it was home.

Allen has no father, no mother, no brothers and sisters, no friends, except money, bad reputation and his own strength. Fortunately, he has a person around him.

The two people smiled at each other. The wet and salty sea breeze blew in the face, and people's laughter and heartfelt joy rippled in their ears.

There were also some people around him, some amazing, some envious, some regretful... Angel just felt uncomfortable.

I was relieved for a moment, but I just felt that the two of them were talented and beautiful. They wanted to show others that they were good-looking. Their gradually deepening smile left only envy and blessing next to them.

She looked at the sea, he looked at her, there was nothing else in the world

"The sun is so hot here. Shall I buy a drink?" the noon sun was so hot that I felt dry after standing for a while.

"I'll go with you." Allen wanted to follow, not worried that she would run away, but that she lacked common sense of life. What if she got lost here?

Even if she is strong and doesn't have a pair of healthy legs, she is lost and helpless. It's difficult for her to save her, which is also to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"No, just wait for me in this cool place to avoid getting involved. You can see me here, and I won't run away."

Angel is also worried about his legs. After all, it's a beach, not a flat asphalt road. It's hard to walk in a wheelchair. It takes a lot of effort to go back and forth. He wanted to buy a glass of water, but I'm afraid it's not enough to drink back and forth.

"Did my leg drag you down?" to prevent him from getting involved, what should be said is that his leg is inconvenient. Others can say, but he doesn't want to hear from her mouth.

"How could you have me without you? You should not have said such words if you were my husband." husband and wife should have helped each other, and how could there be drag and no drag?

No matter what she said, he believed it. No wonder people in the world say that only when they meet the people they love, can they find their own shortcomings, resulting in a sense of inferiority.

How could you be such a person? Allen questioned herself in her heart. Everyone thought she was cruel and ruthless and did everything to achieve her goal.

Even if all people look down on him, just a disabled person, he will only use more vicious means to block youyou's mouth. When will he become inferior?

"Don't be paranoid. Wait here until I come back. Don't let me come back and can't find you." angel talked back to him as he ran, telling him not to be paranoid.


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