As predicted, Wen Leiting took close care of him every day and amused the two old people. Under the care of them, he could go out in a wheelchair to bask in the sun.

Because of the stroke, half of his body is unconscious. Fortunately, Wen Leiting's willpower is strong enough and the doctor is professional enough. He guides him to do some rehabilitation actions every day and slowly has consciousness, even if it is not enough to support him to stand up, but he can recover again.

"You should take time to go to a single house and see your parents in law." if there was no accident, they would have been real parents in law.

Since they still choose to get married, they should go to the Shan family. These days when Wenquan Creek disappeared, the Wen family didn't give the Shan family a little face until Shan Huai and Jiang Yue were embarrassed to come again.

"I'll discuss it with Shan Jiang." I've been busy taking care of my grandfather. I really ignored Shan Huai and Jiang Yue. Shan Jiang didn't remind her. Wenquan Xi decided to call and ask Shan Jiang's opinion.

If you let her go back alone, she is still a little empty. Three years will change a lot. Moreover, when Wenquan Creek knows that she is not here, they acquiesce in Shan Jiang and Bai yaruo's preparation for marriage.

"No matter what matters, we really have to discuss it." he Shujuan was nervous and sweaty when she thought that she had been missing for three years because of Wenquan Creek's self assertion.

Marriage needs to be discussed. Wenquan Creek said to wait for Grandpa's condition to improve, so Shan Jiang didn't force her, and Shan Huai and Jiang Yue were willing to wait.

This time, the hot spring stream took the initiative to put forward it. Naturally, the single family can't get it. Jiang Yue has long wanted to have grandchildren.

It is said that Shan Huai and Jiang Yue feel guilty when Shan Jiang wants to bring back the hot spring stream. Naturally, they have heard about Bai yaruo. If it were not for them, the Bai family would not give up.

They were welcomed home at the door early. After three years, they felt that nothing had happened. They were still as close as before.

"Baby, I'm back. I'm not thin. I'm as beautiful as before." Jiang Yue held the shoulder of Wenquan River and looked back and forth, before choking.

"Dad, mom." Wenquan Creek said sweetly, which made the two old people feel intimate. They felt guilty, but after being targeted by Wen family for so many years, it gradually dissipated.

When they saw it again, they remembered their dusty memories for three years. They didn't deliberately forget it. It was also one aspect that they didn't dare to think of it.

"Hey, come in, I've cooked a lot of dishes you like." people who know Wenquan Creek will remember that she is a very fond eater, and Jiang Yue will also remember that she is greedy like a cat, and everyone who sees her will have a great appetite.

"It's rare to cook in person, baby. You must have a good taste." Shan Huai doesn't remember how many years Jiang Yue hasn't cooked a meal. This time it's a blessing for her daughter-in-law.

"Then I must have a good taste." Wenquan Creek was flattered, but it was also a special welcome ceremony. If you had something to eat, you would be inexplicably happy. Every food would look like this.

Jiang Yue's craft is good and has been highly praised by all of them. The talk and laughter on the table has not appeared for a long time. Bai yaruo doesn't have such treatment.

Today, their main thing is to talk about marriage. Shan Jiangdu is 30 years old. Jiang Yue has always wanted to have grandchildren. Wenquan Creek knows and promised.

Look at your little niece. Wenquan Creek also has the impulse to have children, but I still have to ask sister Xin for advice on how to be a mother. First, get married first, and other things should go with the flow.

Today is also the first time that Shan Jiang and Wenquan Xi have shared a room in three years. However, they have no sexual desire and have experienced more things. They just cherish each other more.

"What kind of wedding do you want?" although the previous preparations are still there, they have been shelved after all. Shan Jiang thinks they need to inject some new things and prepare again.

"I haven't changed. How did we discuss before? Let's do it now to avoid trouble." thinking of the headache said by the parents of both sides at that time, Wenquan Creek inexplicably wanted to escape.

"Don't you have any requirements?" it seems that her baby is different. Shan Jiang thinks she may have different ideas in her heart.

"It's not good that things haven't happened in the past three years. Just like we went to God's mother yesterday and asked for a day, we'll get married after a while."

What requirements did she have? She had no brain to ask. She drilled into Shan Jiang's arms and smelled the familiar fragrance. She finally knew why she couldn't sleep when she just went to nameless island.

Because she is used to relying on Shan Jiang, suddenly there is no one around to rely on. Her memory can be forgotten, but her body language can't be used to it.

"OK, I'll take care of it all. You won't worry about it this time." Shan Jiang said well, but he didn't dare to forget it.

He must remember what happened in the past three years, warn himself not to make the same mistake again, and be good to Wenquan Creek unconditionally.

"I believe you." maybe I'm too tired recently. After staying in the soft bed for a while, the Hot Spring Creek feels sleepy.

Maybe I haven't slept with him for too long. Wenquan Creek suddenly had an impulse to cry.

"What about the wedding dress? Let's go and get back the wedding dress designed by Vera Wang? She has been waiting for us to go, and I think of my baby because of her. She is also our noble."

If he didn't accompany Bai yaruo to choose the wedding dress, if Bai yaruo didn't choose her, he couldn't recall the past.

The Wen family avoided him like snakes and scorpions. Shan Huai and Jiang Yue shut up to him. Bai yaruo was more happy to see that no one paid attention to him and made up everything with her happiness.

"Yes, that's OLINA's intention. OLINA's eyes must be right." every woman looks forward to wearing her wedding dress, and so does Wenquan Creek.

"The wedding venue is still in your favorite Phuket Island, baby. Fortunately, I remember, but fortunately you came back." recalling the past bit by bit, you can feel the thrill that they almost separated.

"It's all over." Wenquan Creek looked open and yawned just to sleep.

"You have changed and become mature, but I still hope you are as happy and carefree as before, always with a simple smile."

"You have also changed and become wordy." Shan Jiang is trying to listen. A word from Wenquan river made him laugh. He is willing to become wordy for his baby.

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