Hot Spring Creek loves to eat and Han Jiaxi likes to play. So many paparazzi didn't stop them from eating and shopping after filming.

It is also because of their identities. After this incident, there were twice as many people around Wenquan Creek to protect her. Shan Jiang has lost Wenquan Creek once and doesn't want her to have any accidents anymore.

She wanted to pick her up. She said she would go out to dinner with her friends. It should be said that she was already eating. This routine used well. Shan Jiang had no choice but to stop and pick her up after she had eaten.

With the lesson of waiting in the basement for an hour or two last time, Shan Jiang chose to work an extra hour or two in the office and then go to pick her up.

Moreover, the restaurant chosen by Wenquan river is not far from his company. In fact, Wenquan River wants to send Han Jiaxi away and then let Shan Jiang come to eat.

After all, the topic that the two girls are discussing together, Shan Jiang can't talk at all, and his presence will only embarrass their relationship.

The two people didn't eat much in the whole process. They kept talking about gossip. Wenquan Creek ignored Shan Jiang and Tan Zhiyi didn't ignore Han Jiaxi.

At 8:30, about two hours later, Tan Zhiyi called. Han Jiaxi looked sweet when he received the call from Wenquan river. Wenquan river only felt that he had been sprinkled with dog food for no reason.

She didn't stick to the single river, because they both experienced what they should experience and what they should decide. They didn't want to fall in love, but to live.

The feelings between two people are not only love, but also family affection.

"Let's get together today. I don't want to be a stumbling block that hinders others." she put forward the dinner. Tan Zhiyi must be tired of wasting so much time they can get along with.

"Oh, sister Xiaoxi, don't tease me. Your family doesn't necessarily want to see me as a stumbling block." you know Han Jiaxi hasn't hung up and Tan Zhiyi can hear it clearly. Han Jiaxi is shy.

Men seem to be more jealous creatures than women. At least Shan Jiang and Tan Zhiyi are. Maybe they are strong people.

They also talked for a long time, and they had a lot of time to chat in the crew. They sent Han Jiaxi to Wenquan Creek before they chose to leave.

He packed a pasta and went directly to Shan Jiang's office. He often didn't work because of her. Although he didn't show it in front of her, he must be very tired.

Moreover, with Shan Jiang's character, she must have ignored what he wanted to compensate him when she met. She would rather compensate in the office than be seen by others. How old a person is, she will be ashamed.

At this time, Shan Jiang is reading the financial statements while waiting for Wenquan Creek to call him. It's so late. She's happy to eat. I don't know there's another person waiting for her. She's starving to death.

The company can be said to have been empty. In addition to his office, the lights on the first floor are still on, and the security guard of this building hasn't finished work yet.

Wenquan Creek takes a direct elevator up. The wind in late spring is still cool. There is no popularity in the whole building. I always feel chilly behind me and can't help shivering.

It was a cool wind, but it was a good time for pranks. Wenquan Creek took off her high heels and crept to Shan Jiang's office. Even the sound control light didn't light up.

Shan Jiang never noticed the lightness of the action.

He calmed his heart, "Dong Dong Dong", knocked on the door three times, and the voice control light came on, but Wenquan Creek didn't take the next step.

"Come in." Mingming people have left. Who will knock at the door so late? Shan Jiang stared at the door with doubts until the voice control light went dark again.

Did you hear it wrong? No, the voice control light outside is on. Even if it's a temporary auditory hallucination, it won't happen to be hallucinating, right?

In this building, in such a late hour, Shan Jiang is still in the mood to play a prank with him. Since she wants to play, let's play with her for a while.

After waiting for a while, Shan Jiang didn't speak. Wenquan Creek knocked on the door again, "Dong Dong Dong..."

"Who's out there playing tricks in the middle of the night?" Shan Jiang pretended to be afraid, and even his voice trembled, making Wenquan River feel that the prank was successful.

Wenquan stream chuckled and knocked on the door again. After knocking, he lay down in front of the door to see what Shan Jiang was doing. He still sat in his seat. Wenquan stream turned his back and laughed. Don't scare him.

After laughing for a while, Wenquan Creek calmed down her mood. As soon as she opened the door, she bumped into Shan Jiang's calm eyes. When she just looked, Shan Jiang was still in her seat. When she opened the door, she was only half a meter away from her, and looked down at her, which startled her.

"Ah..." without seeing clearly the person in front of him, he waved his fist directly. Fortunately, Shan Jiang was on guard and took her hand, otherwise there would be a risk of disfigurement.

"Isn't the baby very scary? How can she be scared?" Shan Jiang still looked at her, his eyes full of cold cold.

"Shan Jiang..." Wenquan stream was frightened by Shan Jiang's eyes and jumped into his arms to hide.

"It's all right. I'll scare you." Shan Jiang couldn't cry or laugh. It can be said that he didn't know he was coming. He was frightened. How can he be frightened when he knew?

"How can you scare me?" the prank was teased, and the hot spring stream was shy and angry for a moment.

"My fault, my fault." although Wenquan Creek reversed black and white and clearly she teased Shan Jiang first, since she wanted to make trouble out of nothing, Shan Jiang also tried to be tolerant and immediately admitted her fault.

"Aren't you afraid?" he was alone in the whole building and suddenly knocked on the door. How could he not be afraid? I can't figure it out.

"The thing I fear most in this world is losing you. As long as you are still there, I am not afraid of anything." if I am afraid, how can I protect you? Shan Jiang meditated in his heart.

"Why do you suddenly feel so numb?" the hot spring stream shuddered and goose bumps all over, and my heart was still very sweet.

"Where are you waiting for me? There are many paparazzi outside. What if it's bad for you?" it must be impossible to start, but it's very troublesome to be surrounded.

"I'll bring you dinner." what I hold in my hand is the spaghetti packaged for him. I touched it with my hand, and there is residual temperature. "It's still hot. Eat it quickly. It's not delicious when it's cold. Fortunately, it's not winter, and it may freeze."

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