After the first three months, the stomach of Wenquan Creek began to grow up slowly. With the speed visible to the naked eye, the lower abdomen bulged slightly, and the child slowly grew into a human shape in the stomach.

There's nothing to do, but when Shan Jiang needs to go back to the company to deal with things, Qin Xin will come and chat with Wenquan Creek. There is not much difference in age. As mothers, they already have a lot of things to discuss.

"Although it's still early, many things have to start learning, which is helpful to you and the growth of children." facing the comfortable life of Wenquan Creek, you have to learn parenting knowledge from now on.

The experience of the older generation is important, but scientific parenting methods are also very important. It's not so easy for you to be a good mother.

After hearing about it, Wenquan Creek also thinks it makes sense. As a mother to be, what diapers look like, how newborns hold them, when they should be fed, and how newborn rooms are arranged

In this way, although she is ready to be a mother, she is not ready to be a mother, but no mother can learn all the knowledge in three months of pregnancy, and there is still so much time to learn before giving birth.

Under the guidance of Qin Xin, wenquanxi decided to report to her mother's class to learn parenting knowledge from scratch, and scientifically raise the fetus so that the child in her belly can grow up healthily.

As soon as Shan Jiang came home, he saw his wife giggling with a piece of paper, and then ran to him foolishly, but he was very frightened.

"Do you think so of me?" he firmly took her in his arms. Shan Jiang was relieved. Fortunately, he was surprised by him alone.

"I signed up for mom's class. Let's study together. Prospective fathers had better follow." although mom's class sounds like it has nothing to do with Dad, Wenquan Creek has listened to a class with Qin Xin, and many prospective fathers.

It's too boring to stay at home. Wenwenxi can find something to do with herself. Shan Jiang promised to accompany her and did what he said. Even if she was unwilling, Shan Jiang didn't go to work.

After thinking about it, as expectant parents, they do have a lot to learn. Shan Jiang was surprised that his wife could have such an idea, but he was sincerely happy.

Mother's classroom address is in a very remote suburb, about an hour and a half away from the city center. It's also Danjiang's slow driving for safety.

But the scenery here is very good. It's difficult to find such a green place in the city center. It's like a kindergarten, but there aren't so many colors.

Looking around, the yard is full of flowers and plants. Now it's summer. It's the time of flowering. The air is particularly fresh. The whole person's mood is relaxed. I have to say that this is a good place.

Their first lesson is to understand the whole process of pregnancy, from the first month to the whole process of production, what changes will happen and what will happen.

Looking at the PPT, the baby's first month is like the size of a finger. It starts to become human at three months, grows hair at seven months, and becomes a stereotyped child at nine months

The baby in the belly of Wenquan Creek is now slowly turning into a human shape. Maybe she is not a professional, so she can't see it.

When I got home, wenquanxi specially took out the B-ultrasound taken in the hospital and reviewed it again. It was already night and I didn't seem to see anything.

"Come on, face the light." you know, when he just got the report, Wenquan Creek couldn't wait to go out. Shan Jiang just heard from the doctor that Wenquan Creek was in stable condition and didn't have time to see these things.

In the light of the incandescent lamp, there was a small piece of meat in the uterus, and the child could not be seen, but the two of them also watched with interest for a long time.

"Where is my child? Why can't I see it? Does it look like a face?" Wenquan Creek pointed out the outline of the whole uterus, but Shan Jiang didn't see a face.

"If it's really like a face, it's a monster." even if their children start to develop, their heads won't fill the whole uterus.

"How can you say my baby is a monster?" Wenquan Creek stepped on Shan Jiang's foot when he disagreed. Fortunately, he wore flat shoes and had a small range of movement.

"Wrong, wrong, misspoke." looking at the fierce look of their baby, it seems that there is no threat, but some cute.

Wenquan Creek gave him a big white eye and continued to appreciate the children in his stomach. It seems that he should communicate more with doctors next time to learn about this knowledge.

I didn't know before. Now she wants to grow up with her baby. If she comes, she will be at ease.

"Wife, why do I think you're becoming more and more violent?" it's just a joke. It's nothing to beat him twice. I'm afraid she's hurting herself greatly.

"Why, do you still feel wronged?" the word violence came out in Shan Jiang's mouth. Wenquan Creek didn't know what it was like in her heart. A word from Shan Jiang could affect her.

Shan Jiang looked at the hot spring stream. He felt that his good days were numbered. These days, his baby became more and more interested in his baby. He just said a word casually, and his baby began to hate him.

At that time, she gave birth to a particularly lovely baby. Will she forget him in the corner? The two of them are so beautiful that their children are absolutely likable.

"I'm wronged. You don't love me so much." now you don't like it so much. Shan Jiang can't stand that his baby can't see him.

Make complaints about make complaints about the "hot springs".

"You hurt me and beat me for the baby in your belly. Are you going to murder your husband?" Shan Jiang began to accuse. If so, he wouldn't mind the child's less father and mother's love.

"It was an accident. You are as important as my baby." forgetting that Shan Jiang is a vinegar jar, Wenquan stream quickly comforted her and ate her children's vinegar. Wenquan stream's white eyes kept turning.

"Is it equally important? In my heart, you are the most important." Shan Jiang took his baby to bed. It's really uncomfortable to see whether he can eat or not, but it's OK to take advantage of it.

"My baby is important. You are the most important. Is that ok?"

"Who is the most important?"

"The whole world is not as important as you!"

"Well, this can be, darling, I'll take a bath..."

"Don't catch a cold..."

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