Open your eyes at the same time every day. When you think about it, your body is getting heavier and lazier. Close your eyes and you want to sleep again.

"Little lazy pig, it's a long time to get up and eat first and go to bed later." pregnant women naturally need to pay more attention to rest, but they also need proper exercise, so early in the morning, Shan Jiang wanted to take a walk in the hot spring stream.

"I can't get up, I can't move." I feel sealed by the bed. I want to move, but I can't move. The whole person is like being filled with lead.

"With me, I'll hold you to brush your teeth and you'll have a good meal." Shan Jiang felt like an old mother, taking care of this and that, and couldn't help laughing.

He became an honest president and an old maid. Many people couldn't believe it, but he enjoyed it.

"What are you laughing at? Have I become ugly?" Wenquan Creek has no requirements for its own image for a while, as long as it is comfortable.

Although she is usually casual, she usually doesn't want any face like this. She wears a wide and loose maternity dress every day. Her hair is just tied a few times and rubbed twice to become a chicken nest.

"My wife, of course, is the most beautiful in my heart. I just feel that such a day is very dull and happy." there is nothing wrong with such a day when I rush about for my career in the first half of my life and work for my family in the second half of my life.

I went to the nursing home with Wenquan Creek. Even the toothpaste had been squeezed. Enjoying such treatment, Wenquan Creek felt very lucky.

"I can do it myself. Go and see if the meal is ready." she still has very important things to do secretly. She can't overcome her psychological fear for the time being.

Shan Jiang pays great attention to his diet. As soon as Wenquan Creek said he didn't think about anything, he went to the kitchen. The aunt introduced by Jiang Yue is very observant and can do things very well. They never need to worry.

As soon as Shan Jiang left the room, Wenquan Xi secretly closed the door and took out the weight scale hidden in the cabinet. She was already ready to look directly at her weight at any time.

It's just that Shan Jiang is too sticky, and in about three months, she feels that she has lost her freedom, and nothing else has changed, so the scale is not in use.

You don't have a girlfriend now. The child is slowly taking shape and her stomach is getting bigger and bigger. As for her figure, it's natural that she's getting more and more round.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt that her oval face had become a big cake face, and she had gained more than one or two circles, which made her very desperate.

Only one thing she is very satisfied with is her skin. Since she was pregnant, she has never stayed up overnight. She sleeps during the day and at night. Her skin is no worse.

"God bless, God bless..." the hot spring stream said. She didn't believe in ghosts and gods. She was willing to go out for her own body.

Pink's cartoon appearance looks beautiful and harmless. At the beginning, she was cute. In fact, she also bears a very heavy pressure.

As soon as she stood up, the value broke 5 in an instant. Wenquan Creek quickly covered her eyes. When she was heaviest, she was 101 kg.

Wenquan Creek can't bear to look at the value before it is clear. Now she is only five months pregnant and the fetus has just taken shape, which is only 250-300g, so she

Carefully open a finger seam. The value above shows 56.86kg. If 56.86 times 2, it is equivalent to 113 kg. It has to go up.

It seems impossible for some people that a girl's weight exceeds 100, especially for female stars. The height of 168 is only kept at 45 kg. She is relatively fat among some female stars. Now

How can she say she's a female star? Now she has 113 in only five months. If she keeps it at home for another five months, she will become a fat man of 200 kg.

Depressed, depressed, what mood does such a number make her eat? She watched her turn into a fat man of 200 kg.

"Wife, she's just fine. Why does she look so unhappy?" after pregnancy, the taste of Wenquan Creek is relatively light, especially in the morning. She just cooked millet porridge for her.

"I, I..." it should be shameful to say such a weight. How do you think that other female stars are pregnant and still hot? Why is she an exception?

"Say, is there something uncomfortable?" put down the millet porridge in his hand. Did the man fall? Shan Jiang hugged the shoulder of Wenquan Creek and looked east and West. There were other things besides his bad face.

"Did I get fat and ugly?" she may be too casual. What if Shan Jiang is scared away by her?

"I'm getting fat, but I'm still as beautiful as I think." Shan Jiang boasted that the level of love talk is still first-class. His good words can't cover the worry of Wenquan Creek. Hearing that it's about weight, Shan Jiang also put down his heart.

"Do you know how much I weigh? 113 Jin, I gained more than ten jin. Do you know how big a pot of ten jin pork is?" ten jin pork is unimaginable, and the expression of Wenquan Creek is more painful.

"I don't feel anything, I think I can still hold it." a woman is equivalent to a time bomb, and her weight can make the time bomb explode instantly.

A pregnant woman is very cranky. What Shan Jiang said is really the truth. No matter what you become in Wenquan Creek, he will accept it and love her as before, so it doesn't matter whether you pay attention or not.

"Don't you really dislike me? I'm beginning to dislike myself." I didn't eat sea and drink before, and it wouldn't be like this, because although she was lazy, she was also a very lively person.

"I love you too late to dislike you? You suffer for me and have children. I love you too late. How can I dislike you?"

Shan Jiang sometimes really thinks about his wife's head. Dig out to see what's in it. Didn't she take all his promises to heart?

"But I'm really fat." Wenquan Creek holds Shan Jiang. It would be an epic disaster if her colleagues get together in the future, or if the media photographed her so fat.

"I won't abandon it. If you don't believe me, I'll punish you." Shan Jiang said very seriously and Wenquan stream was stunned.

"Thank you, I really think I'm so happy." fortunately, she has a husband who loves her very much, but she still needs to eat less in the future. After all, beautiful clothes are also important.

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