"Baby, mom wants to thank you. We will always be with you." Jiang Yue has also experienced such pain. She knows that Wenquan Creek has been taken care of since childhood.

No pain, no difficulty, even injections and medicines are rare. How much courage does a woman have to have to choose to have a child?

If not because of necessity, it is because of love, because of enough love.

"Don't worry, I'll be a strong mother." the pain was stronger and stronger, but with more and more people in the room, Wenquan Creek didn't dare to show too painful expression.

Maybe this is growth. I want to show my most comfortable side to my family and leave the most painful side to myself.

Pregnant women are not allowed to have too many people around in the room waiting for birth. They will grab fresh oxygen with pregnant women, so Jiang Yue can only wait outside.

"You are very different today. You are very strong. I want to look at you with new eyes." Shan Jiang gave his wife a thumbs up. He really didn't expect his wife to be so strong.

Originally, when chatting together, he joked that his wife would cry very ugly when she gave birth. She is so afraid of pain.

But the fact is that he is wrong. His wife is much better than he thought.

"If someone dotes on you, why should you be strong?" in fact, Wenquan Creek is not so pretentious at all, just because it is around the person you love.

Although she is a daughter, her living environment is no different from that of ordinary girls, but she has more pocket money. She is also like a well-off family in school, so she can accept many things.

"I will always spoil you. You don't need to be strong around me." during the period of just pregnancy, when Wenquan Creek was suspected of prenatal depression, Shan Jiang felt that his wife didn't trust him so much.

Besides, now it seems that she just wants to find someone to rely on. It's very normal to think wildly at home alone.

The two chatted, and the time passed quickly, but the pain did not decrease at all. At the end, Wenquan Creek still cried out, and tears had hung from the corners of Shan Jiang's eyes.

For ten hours, from the morning to the evening, the rest of the mattresses in the Hot Spring Creek had been changed three times, all soaked in her sweat, and finally she could give birth.

"Don't worry, sweating so much can just help me lose weight. Do you think I'll lose 100 Jin when I come out?" Wenquan Creek joked while lying on the bed to the operating room.

"Yes, I will. You will always have only 90 kilograms in my heart. I will never forget your most beautiful appearance." Shan Jiang decided to accompany me.

If you really can't bear to see it, the more you need to see it. As long as contacting your wife and giving birth for you is the most painful side, you will have more reasons to tolerate her and love her in the future.

For such a long time in your life, there will always be bumps between you. At this time, let her, she once walked through the gate of hell for you.

The most important thing in the operating room is blood and cruelty. Shan Jiang has never let go of Wenquan Creek, but he has never dared to open his eyes.

He had received professional military training. It was normal to see others break their hands and feet. At that time, he chose to treat them coldly.

Now the whole operating room is full of bloody smell. It goes straight into your nose. I don't want to vomit, but I just want to force you to escape.

In the whole process, Shan Jiang was like a string puppet. He didn't say anything, laugh or make noise. He was stunned, as if he had been scared silly.

"It's good to see the head, just hold on..." this is a gratifying news, but no one here can laugh.

At this time, Shan Jiang had only one idea in his heart. Why did he let his family have children? She was like a child who didn't grow up.

If there is regret medicine in this world, he would rather be a DINK family and live a two person world. What's wrong?

"Sorry, wife, I made you suffer..." he is the culprit of this situation.

"I'm still saying this... Ah... Do you want me to beat you... I'm going to have a baby. I want a boy and a girl. If you look like this again, I need to abandon you and find someone else."

Having a child is what you love and I want. The arrival of the child shows that there is fate between you. Why should we stop him from appearing in this world?

Having a baby is really very painful. Wenquan Creek has fully appreciated it, but why are so many people willing to have so many people continue? Because you can get more beautiful things from children.

The continuation of life should be beautiful.

"I won't say anything. Keep your strength. I'm wrong..." Shan Jiang took Wenquan River's hand and tightened it for two points. He was afraid of wasting her strength, so he didn't dare to speak.

"You can chat, which can effectively divert the attention of pregnant women." the child came out half, only a little short of the last.

"Ah... Your mistake is that such an expression makes me want to hit people. Obviously, such a handsome face has been wasted by you..."

The hot spring stream shouted out with the last bit of strength. The loud cry rang through the whole operating room. The severe pain was relieved in an instant, and the breath of the hot spring stream began to calm down slowly.

"Congratulations, I'm a golden lady. Even if it's two days earlier than the due date, I'm very healthy." the doctor told the child's gender at the first time, and then the nurse took her out to take a bath.

"I have a daughter, but she doesn't have a brother..." my brother and sister are the most wanted family in the heart of Wenquan Creek, but the girl is also very cute. She can wear the small skirts she bought with itching hands.

"No, no..." Shan Jiang didn't want to have children anymore. Looking at his wife suffering, his heart was twisted by a knife.

"You go and see our daughter. Why doesn't she look like a father at all?" she didn't have time to take a look at the child. She was too weak and didn't have strength at all. Shan Jiang was not weak and didn't want to go.

"Some time later, she will be tortured. Where does my wife matter?" Shan Jiang likes children and his sons and daughters, but today he really doesn't want to see the man who makes his wife suffer for so long.

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