At this time, Qin Xin also woke up vaguely, looked around blankly, and immediately cried.

"Sister Xin."

Wenquan stream wanted to comfort, but I didn't know what to say. The words said by the man in black made her heart tremble all the time.

Two lives, double money

Isn't kidnapping just for money?

Why did you say that?

Isn't it for money? But for life?

"Baby..." Qin Xin sobbed: "do you think we have a chance to go back?"

A voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Sister Xin, don't cry. Pretend to faint first. Someone is coming." Wenquan Creek said vigilantly when she heard the voice.

Qin Xin was so scared that he listened to the words of Wenquan River, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

So is hot spring Creek.

The rusty gate was pushed open with force, making a "creak" sound, and the hot spring stream heard the footsteps of two people coming in. Her ears were so clever that she dared not open her eyes, but she was sure there was only the sound of two people's footsteps.

Are the other helpers gone?

Wenwenxi knows that she has a safety chip in her body. If she struggles, Ji minde will be signaled. Just now she was worried that she would disturb the criminals.

If they want to kill people, why put her and sister Qin Xin in this factory?

You shouldn't just kill them and bury them somewhere, right? Is it true that they were kidnapped only for money?

Wenquan Creek did not dare to act rashly at this time. He was afraid to annoy the other party. What if the other party tore up the ticket in a hurry!

She's actually scared.


The female voice could not hide her surprise, but she held the volume alive for fear of waking them up. She lowered her voice and asked, "why did you tie her up? Send her back quickly!"

Wenquan Creek thinks that "she" here should refer to herself, and this female voice is somewhat familiar. Looking back carefully in her mind, she suddenly shivered. This woman is

Dai Shuya! No, Meng Shuya!

"I'm not going to tie her up. She sent it to the door by herself. Of course I took it along." the male voice warned, "now send it back. Do you want me to die? You can't even do business at that time!"

"Qin Xin did it! Baby Wen, you must send it back to me!" Meng Shuya stared at Meng Jun and said meticulously.

Because the marriage between Qin Xin and Wen Zeyu made Wen Zeyu abandon herself, she hates Qin Xin to the bone. Only by getting rid of her can she marry Wen's family.

But... Unexpectedly, her useless brother tied Wen Baobao to her!

That's Wen Zeyu's favorite sister!

"My good sister, OK, OK, I'll take care of you, but I have to be happy before I send it back? Ha ha... Your brother hasn't touched a woman in ten years." Meng Jun's obscene voice immediately became gnashing his teeth and threatened, "Meng Shuya, don't forget! Our current experience is thanks to their Wen family!"

When Wenquan Creek heard this, he couldn't help pretending to sleep. He sat up reflexively, startling Meng Jun and Meng Shuya.

"You!" Wenquan stream was incoherent and didn't know how to say: "you..."

QJ! killing!

She only saw these terrible things on TV, but now she has to face them?

"Baby... Did you hear it?" Meng Shuya was startled and asked in surprise.

Wenquan Creek looked at her with hatred, and her eyes were so angry that they were about to burst out fire.

"Shuya, my good sister, now that she knows, it seems that I can only rape first and then kill. Although I don't want to do this, after all, it will cost them more money to deal with one more body! It's not cheap!" Meng Jun's voice at the moment was as gloomy and terrible as black and white impermanence.

Qin Xin heard everything they said and felt that he was doomed to escape today. Tears rushed out and he was shaking.

Wenquan stream looked at Meng Shuya fiercely: "Meng Shuya, why did you do this? I've never seen such a vicious woman like you!"

"Baby, it's nothing to do with you. It's your previous life that's so good, so God will take away your blessing." Meng Shuya paused and sighed: "You know what? Your brother abandoned me. It must be because of this woman. She has always been a hindrance. Relying on her wealth and power, she took your brother away from me! After I get rid of her, I can marry into your house, ha ha... Baby, go with peace of mind. I will make you less painful. Don't worry. I will take good care of your brother."

"Bah! You fart!" Wenquan stream scolded fiercely, sneered and said sarcastically, "Meng Shuya, do you think my brother will marry you without sister Xin?"

"Of course, we were so in love before. If Qin Xin hadn't stood in the way and forced your brother to marry her by virtue of his family's wealth and power, otherwise how could your brother abandon me?" Meng Shuya angrily pointed to Qin Xin.

Seeing Meng Shuya's stubbornness, Wenquan Creek didn't seem to know that Wen Zeyu already knew the facts, so he said excitedly, "my brother already knew you were from the Meng family! Meng Shuya!"

"It's impossible. You can't cheat me to spare you!" Meng Shuya said with a ferocious expression. "Your brother wants to marry this woman for you. As long as she's gone, your brother will marry me! You can't provoke the feelings between me and Zeyu!"

"Hum! Meng Shuya! Do you think you're perfect? The heaven's net is broad and careless without omission! Then why didn't you find that I knew all the facts without asking you? Why did I call you Dai Shuya instead of Meng Shuya?"

Meng Shuya began to be skeptical. The whole person felt crazy and said, "no, no, Zeyu won't know. He loves me and he will marry me!"

"Shuya, what's the matter with you? Wake up! Don't listen to Wenbao's nonsense! How could she know about us!" Meng Jun quickly advised his sister when he saw something wrong.

Once this thing is done today, you must not screw it up!

"I'm talking nonsense? Meng Jun, you've been in prison for ten years, and the world has long changed!" Wenquan stream sneered and said sarcastically: "Ten years ago, your Meng family owed huge bank loans. They were corrupt and incompetent, bribed corrupt officials and were suspected of money laundering! Do you think if you Meng family could take the development land in East City, the Meng family would not go bankrupt? Do you think we don't know anything? I tell you, Meng Shuya, you can never marry my brother!"


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