"Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng..."

In the empty corridor came the ring of a cell phone call. Wen Zeyu took out his cell phone and connected the phone: "Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

Wenwenxi and Qin Xin's mobile phones have long been thrown away by Meng Jun, so wenwenxi called Wen Zeyu with Uncle Li's mobile phone.

"Brother, it's me." the smell of Hot Spring Creek is a little weak.

She regretted not having had a meal at home. Now she felt weak and couldn't sit upright. She was paralyzed in the back seat of the car.

"Baby, are you awake? How's it going?" Wen Zeyu asked eagerly.

"Brother, I'm fine." Wenquan Xi paused and said, "I'm on my way to Wen's hospital now. I've heard from my mother about sister Xin."

"I'm at the door of her ward. She... Hasn't woken up yet." Wen Zeyu said with guilt, heartache and regret, "I should have taken measures after you told me the Meng family. Now... It's my brother who hurt you and Qin Xin."

Wen Zeyu didn't know what the consequences would be if Shan Jiang didn't remind him in time?

He was afraid when he thought about it.

It's all because of him.

"Alas." Wenquan Creek sighed and comforted, "brother, don't think too much. Mom said Sister Xin's life is not in danger. It has nothing to do with you. The hateful thing is their Meng family."

The last sentence, Hot Spring Creek, was said with strength.

"Baby, I'll pick you up at the gate of the hospital now." Wen Zeyu didn't know what else he could say. He was very tired now.

"OK. I'll be there in a minute," agreed Wenquan Creek.


Wenquan Creek was startled when he saw Wen Zeyu. His handmade suit was wrinkled, some beards appeared around his lips, his eyes were full of red blood, his lips were pale and his face was very bad.


Wen Zeyu felt hurt when he saw the messy hot spring stream in front of her. He reached out and stroked her messy hair. The corners of his eyes were sour and said sadly, "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you."

Wenquan Creek felt a layer of fog in her eyes. She shook her head desperately, and then hugged Wen Zeyu.

"No, No. you are the best brother of the day."

Wen Zeyu couldn't help laughing and touched his sister's head. Hearing this sentence, he seemed to have some relief in his originally corrected heart.

"Brother, take me to meet sister Xin. I'm worried about her." Wenquan stream said anxiously.

"OK." Wen Zeyu nodded.

Due to the weakness of Wenquan river at the moment, especially the two legs, blue and purple, it is very painful. Therefore, Wen Zeyu held the hot spring stream in his arms and walked slowly all the way.

"Meng Shuya... How is she?" Wenquan Creek didn't know whether to mention this person to Wen Zeyu, but she had to ask.

Such people can no longer be merciful. She was worried that if her brother didn't have the heart

Then she'll do it herself.

"Her mind is a little unclear, and I sent her to the Fourth People's hospital." Wen Zeyu's words revealed a sense of sadness and hatred.

No one will feel better if they are betrayed by their loved ones!

The Fourth People's hospital is a specialized psychiatric hospital in city A. all psychiatric patients sent in will be imprisoned, just like going to jail.

There is only endless darkness, medicine and meaningless life passing by day.

do well!

The heart of Wenquan Creek has fallen half.

"Well... What about the disgusting Meng Jun?" Wenquan Creek thought of Meng Jun and felt disgusted, as if he was going to vomit something in his empty stomach.

That shot was really cheap for him. He should be cut into pieces and put into the oil pan to fry meat sticks, and then feed them to the dog.

No, feeding the dog is an insult to the little dog! Wenquan Creek can't find an adjective to abuse Meng Jun.

"There was no treatment in the place where you beat him, so you threw him directly into 025 prison." Wen Zeyu paused, with a choking feeling in his words: "it's my brother's bad, and I almost hurt you. If it weren't for Shan Jiang..."

025 prison is a devil's prison, which is full of men with special hobbies. If you throw a person in, you will be tortured to death. You can't live or die. Generally, even if a particularly strong man is thrown in, he can't survive. If he survives, he will be "paraplegic".

Moreover, Meng Jun has no prison term.

"Well, don't say this again. I'm not all right now! Shan Jiang? What's the matter with him?" Wenquan stream asked suspiciously.

"He found out that you and Qin Xin had been kidnapped. So he immediately called me and asked me to start the security chip. Otherwise, we couldn't find you so soon. If it weren't for him, we really didn't know what would happen!" Wen Zeyu was full of gratitude to Shan Jiang at this time.

After hearing this, Wenquan stream was stunned and didn't speak. How did Shan Jiang know she was kidnapped? Is it true that someone has been following her? So you know her like the back of your hand?

So why is Shan Jiang so concerned about her? Is it true to her?

However, it is only a contract between them.

"How did you and Shan Jiang know each other? How long have you been together? Have you learned to hide it from us?" Wen Zeyu still couldn't restrain his curious heart.

"It's a long story. Let me make a final decision after reading sister Xin!" wenwenxi expected that Wen Zeyu would ask about Shan Jiang, so he changed the topic.

The two men walked slowly to the VIP elevator, and then took the elevator to the VIP floor.

When the elevator door closed, a furtive figure in the distance ran over and stared at the floor where the elevator stopped.

Yao Xiang originally came to inquire whether a actress's pregnancy is true. He will serve Liu Yimin from tomorrow to track Wenquan Creek.

Unexpectedly, Wen's hospital was too confidential and found nothing, but he met Wenquan Creek... And Wen Zeyu.

Just when they were walking in the hall, Yao Xiang had seen them from a distance, hid in a corner and took a lot of pictures of them.

Wearing loose pajamas and messy hair, wenquanxi snuggled in Wen Zeyu's arms and appeared in the hospital of Wen's group. In addition, sister Wang told him yesterday that wenquanxi was sick and went on strike. Yao Xiang didn't have to think about it. He knew that Wen Zeyu must have brought wenquanxi for a pregnancy examination.

The Hot Spring Creek looks so haggard. It must have been pregnant and overjoyed, so it didn't go to the set.

Yao Xiang couldn't wait to get on the elevator and press the floor where Wen Zeyu and Wenquan Creek had just stopped.


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