Just when everyone was ready to see a good play, Wenquan Creek was angry and slapped president Li's oily and pitted face.

Suddenly, there was a hiss around.

President Li's face suddenly turned blue, red and purple, and finally twisted horribly. He grabbed Gan Mengjia behind him with one hand and pushed him to the ground.

Gan Mengjia gave a painful "ah" and frowned with pain.


At this time, not only the hot spring stream, but also Tan Linlin, who had just been afraid to speak.

Tan Linlin looked at them and finally couldn't sit still. She quickly got up and helped Gan Mengjia.

"Mr. Li, in my face, can you spare them?" Tan Linlin pleaded.

Behind Tan Linlin is Wang Feng, who is also one of the investors, but he is not specialized in TV dramas. This time I invested some money to make Tan Linlin the female number two. Tan Linlin thought, maybe Li can always look at Wang Feng's face and give it up.

After all, these two women are her friends. If she doesn't come out and help, she will be a little difficult in front of everyone.

However, instead of being grateful, Li kicked Tan Linlin down: "what are you, and dare to beg me?"

Tan Linlin was kicked hard and clenched her teeth in pain. She couldn't help regretting her "goodwill" impulse just now. She was very upset!

"Linlin!" the hot spring stream screamed when it saw that Tan Linlin had also been kicked.

The old Coyote dared to treat her friends like this in front of her!

She can't stand it!

Just when others thought Wenquan Creek was about to surrender, she rushed forward and kicked president Li into the air.

President Li fell to the ground twisted and felt that his bones were about to crack and screamed with pain.

In an instant, everyone was silly and the whole audience was quiet.

Wenwenxi can't help but relieve a lot of Qi when she sees president Li's pain. She went to Mr. Li, put her foot on his chest door, kicked him twice, and said, "old coyote, look at your face. It's disgusting. Do you still want to soak me?"

President Li, who was pressed on his chest, said incoherently. He grinned with pain and said out of breath: "you... You... You wait for me... Wait... I'll let you... The three of you... Serve me together..."

Wenquan Creek looked at him and didn't know how to repent. He thought of three together?

Suddenly she was angry again, kicked him hard again and scolded, "you think beautiful! You won't have that day in your next life!"

"You wait for me... You... This... Little bitch... Man." Mr. Li was unconvinced and said dirty words.

Hot Spring Creek kicked a few more times. President Li finally couldn't move and lay on the ground panting in pain.

Just as Wenquan stream proudly stepped on him, President Li suddenly hesitated and said, "Shan... Shan... Shan is always good!"

What kind of fan is good for Hot Spring Creek? Is Mr. Li stupid to be kicked by himself?

However, she has played enough. She thinks it's inappropriate to stay here for a long time and plans to leave quickly.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly bumped into a man face-to-face and almost fell down. At this time, the single president happened to have a hero to save the United States!

Wenquan River fell into Shan Jiang's arms and looked at him suspiciously. This handsome man... How does he look familiar?

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