The next second, Wen zhicen came in from the outside, looked surprised at the fighting brothers and sisters, and asked helplessly, "you two, what are you singing?"

"Dad!!" Wenquan River jumped up to Wen zhicen, pulled his arm and said coquettishly, "brother, he bullied me. He doesn't want me to get married, but he wants me to get married!"

"Where's your brother not getting married? Your brother is going to marry Xin'er soon." Wen zhicen pointed to Wenquan stream and asked angrily, "it's you... Xiaoshan, have you come?"

Small order?

Why is father Mao also called Shan Jiang Xiaodan?

The whole family took the wrong medicine!!

Wenquan Creek had a black line and was about to answer. Shan Jiang had come over, bowed respectfully to Wen zhicen and said, "Hello, uncle."

Ah! a beast in human clothing!

Well dressed animals.

Just now I was in the car with her like a ten thousand year old pervert. At this time, I pretended to be a model person and was polite?

"Hello, hello." Wen zhicen looked at Shan Jiang, smiled, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "we sit in the house, in the house."

It's like a new son-in-law.

"Husband!" Lin Yufen rushed out of the kitchen again and held Wen zhicen coquettishly.

"Wife, how's your cooking?" Wen zhicen collapsed when he heard that Lin Yufen was going to cook himself.

When he was in love, he was lucky to eat once, which made him unforgettable forever!

"That's great! It's definitely more delicious than 30 years ago!" Lin Yufen said confidently.

Wenquan Creek has never eaten the food cooked by her mother, so it is still very much expected. The legendary... Mother's taste.

Wen zhicen silently pulled the corners of his mouth.

Lin Yufen suddenly turned her head, smiled at Wenquan Creek and Danjiang and said, "baby, take Xiaodan to your room!"

"Mom, you... I... what is there to visit in my room?" Wenquan Xi pointed to himself and asked in surprise.

Later, Lin Yufen lost her eyes to Wen zhicen and Wen Zeyu.

"Yes, baby, take Xiaoshan to visit your boudoir." Wen zhicen nodded and said.

"Well, baby, go quickly. Call you when you eat." Wen Zeyu also relayed.

Lin Yufen went to Wenquan Creek and Danjiang, pushing and dragging them up the stairs.

In this way, Wenquan River reluctantly took Shan Jiang to his boudoir under the coercion of all parties.

A smile flashed across Shan Jiang's cold face. It seems that the father-in-law and the great brother-in-law are very awesome.

Wenwenxi reluctantly opened his door, went in, and said to Shan Jiang, "this... Is my room."

"I've been here." Shan Jiang smiled and said calmly.


Wenquan stream looked at Shan Jiang in surprise, scratched his head and thought hard.

In fact, just the day before yesterday, Shan Jiang came back with Lin Yufen and Wen zhicen and spent a day by the bed of Wenquan Creek. So he probably has seen what her boudoir looks like. Just didn't look carefully, because at that time, her eyes were full of coma.

Wen zhicen and Lin Yufen naturally knew that he had been in Wenquan Creek's room for a day, but the intention of letting Wenquan Creek take him to visit again should be an affirmation of him.

"Ah... Yes, it was yesterday!" Wenquan Creek felt as if it had been centuries. When she woke up in her room yesterday, Shan Jiang was by her bed.

"Hmm!" Shan Jiang nodded and joked, "I thought you... Lost your memory."

"You... I..."

Wenquan stream wanted to retort, but Shan Jiang had passed through her and came in.

The room was full of pink and white. The pink curtain is lifted up, and a large and soft pink mattress is neatly stacked. The pink broken lace is only a few centimeters away from the light pink floor. The tassel dream bed is covered with shallow pink yarn like a dream. The evening mist flower velvet is quietly pasted on the curtain, tied by the mahogany bed column, and small and exquisite photos are placed on the pink table in front of the bed. Lace is laid on the outermost layer, The beautiful scenery outside the window came into view. It was so quiet, a dreamlike feeling.

"Your room is fantastic!" Shan Jiang smiled and said.

He was a little stunned. It was like a fairyland. No wonder he kept the hot spring stream free of human fireworks.

"Hum!!" Wenquan stream looked at Shan Jiang discontentedly, raised his small pink lips and said, "are you thinking that I'm a very flower crazy person?"

"Hmm!" Shan Jiang pretended to nod with a positive expression.

The hot spring stream was so angry that it clenched its teeth.

Shan Jiang looked at the mattress in Wenquan Creek. Yesterday, he helped him sleep on it for a while. There was a unique aroma unique to girls.

Shan Jiang stepped forward and wanted to go to the bedside of the white European style big bed and sit on the familiar sheet.

Suddenly, the soles of his feet felt stepping on something. Shan Jiang looked down and couldn't help blushing slightly.

He picked up two items on the carpet with both hands, one in each hand, and turned to look at the hot spring stream not far from him.

"What is this...?" someone asked frivolously.

Wenquan Creek wasn't looking at Danjiang just now, so I didn't pay attention. At this moment, all his eyes focused on the items in Shan Jiang's hands.

It was the small cup and small inside she had just changed in the morning. She threw it on the carpet and went out directly.

Wenquan Creek felt as if his face was on fire and was ashamed.

"You put it down," ordered Wenquan Creek.

"Don't let go!" Shan Jiang refused.

"You... Ah... Dead pervert!!"

As Wenquan stream spoke, it rushed towards Shan Jiang and said, "give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

"No! No!"

Shan Jiang was very tall. He lifted his hands up. The hot spring stream couldn't reach it at all. He had to jump desperately.

After jumping a few times, Wenquan Creek gasped for breath, his eyes were on fire, and stared angrily at Shan Jiang: "you pervert! Give it back to me quickly!"

"If you have the ability, come and take it yourself!" Shan Jiang picked his eyebrow and said teasingly.

"Shit! Shit!" Wenquan stream scolded, and then his eyes turned and an idea came.

She put her hands over someone's armpits and scratched desperately.

Shan Jiang was scratched all over and stepped back. The hot spring stream is unwilling and pressed step by step.

Shan Jiang hid by the bed. Suddenly his center of gravity was unstable, so he fell back. When he fell, he reached out and pulled someone down.

At this time, on the big European bed.

Women go up and men go down.


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