"I... i... where did I buy it? It's none of your business?" Yang Xiaoyu was flustered and stammered.

"Hehe! Can't you tell? It doesn't matter where you forgot to buy it. How much you paid for it?" Wenquan Creek smiled, spread his hands and said.

"You... Hot spring stream... I..." Yang Xiaoyu was speechless for a moment. She had never bought such a stool. She really didn't know how much to say.

"This stool is only available in Wenyue supermarket, 99 pieces, and the invoice is still in my wallet. I can show it to you." clove summoned up her courage and said to you.

At this time, the masses began to talk again.

"Unexpectedly, it's really Yang Xiaoyu who stole clove's stool? Really!"

"Why is Yang Xiaoyu so bad? Seeing lilac is bullying, even her stool is occupied!"

"It's disgusting! You look so ugly! I don't know how to be an actor?"

"Steal all the stools? There's no one else!"


Yang Xiaoyu's face has changed from red to white and then to black. She stared at the hot spring stream and cloves, and said gnashing her teeth: "Well, clove, you really think you're great when you climb the Hot Spring Creek? When she falls down, you can be proud? How many onions do you think you are? And Hot Spring Creek, I wish you marry into a single family, otherwise you'll die miserably, I swear by Yang Xiaoyu."

"OK! You all think so. I can't say anything! Then you think so." Wenquan Creek shrugged and said helplessly.

Really! Han Lei said so, Yang Xiaoyu said so, and others thought so.

She can't get worse when Wenquan Creek leaves Danjiang, okay? What a bunch of pig brains!

Yang Xiaoyu was confused.

"Lilac, let's go!"

Wenquan Creek turned back and said to clove, then took her in one hand and a stool in the other, shuttled through the crowd and left here.

Only Yang Xiaoyu with an ignorant face and a group of melon eaters were left.

Looking at the back of the hot spring stream and clove leaving, Su Haitang frowned suspiciously. This girl must not be as simple as they thought.

An actress who climbed to the top through President Shan. It's not that kind of arrogant, domineering, eager to stand out and marry into a rich family.

Absolutely not.

That is a kind of pride from the inside out.


"Brook, you're so kind! You're really kind." back to the corner, clove grabbed the Hot Spring Creek's hand and said, "I don't know how to thank you. You've done too much for me."

"It's all right! Clove, it's all a small effort. Do you want to be patient in the future. If you are dissatisfied, you have to say it." Wenquan Creek waved his hand and said.

"However, Xiaoxi. You offended Han Lei and Yang Xiaoyu for me. Han Lei still has many director friends in the circle, and Yang Xiaoyu has a relationship with many rich businessmen. In case later..." clove looked at Wenquan stream sadly and said with worry.

Wenwenxi knows what clove is worried about. She is afraid that these people will retaliate after she is abandoned by Danjiang.

"Lilac, don't be afraid. I'll be fine. You'll be fine with me." Wenquan River patted his chest and said with confidence.

"But, in case... In case..." Lilac stammered.

"You mean if my sheets are always abandoned, right?" Wenquan Creek smiled and said.

"No, no, brook, don't misunderstand me. I'm just worried about you." clove lowered her head and said guiltily.

"Hahaha... Of course I know. But don't worry. My relationship with Shan Jiang has legal effect." Wenquan Creek thought about it and thought it should be right.

Since she was a child, she has been educated at home and can't tell others her identity, even friends. Therefore, she has always had a habit of not telling others about her family. Moreover, now everyone thinks she is Shan Jiang's girlfriend, so it's normal for her to take Shan Jiang out and say that clove should be able to understand her.

Moreover, she and Shan Jiang signed a marriage contract, so there is a legal effect between them. She is right to say so.

"Ah? Xiaoxi, you... You and Mr. Shan..." clove widened her eyes and wanted to ask in surprise.

She asked if wenwenxi and President Shan had married, because she said that she and President Shan had legal effect, that is to prove that they had obtained the license.

"Chen Xiaojiao, it's your turn. Come and prepare quickly!"

Clove's words were interrupted by the staff, so she took them back, smiled and said, "brook, go shoot, come on!"

"Hmm, OK! You can have a rest here! I'll be back later." Wenquan Creek smiled and left with the staff.

Clove went to the recliner beside the hot spring stream, stretched out her right hand and touched the magical chair again.

This is Louis's limited edition. It's very valuable. Cloves have only been seen in magazines. Now it's an eye opener to see their true face.

She sat up and felt very comfortable. It must be very enjoyable to sleep on such an expensive chair in Wenquan Creek every day!

She felt it and closed her eyes comfortably.


"Hello, Mr. Shan, I'm Tiantian." Liu Tiantian hid in a corner and called Shan Jiang.

"What happened to the baby?" Shan Jiang asked.

At noon today, he Qiulian was going to talk to her about the next play, so Shan Jiang didn't go to lunch with her.

"Yes... Yes." Liu thought of the scene when Wenquan Creek hit Han Lei every day. He felt all over painful and said tremblingly, "Miss Wen, she, she beat deputy director Han."

"What? Tell me about it."

Shan Jiang was not surprised, but amused that this little woman beat a big man?

"That's right, Mr. Shan. Miss Wen helped her when she was on the road. There was a little actor named clove in the crew. Han Lei was preparing to strengthen J her. Then Miss Wen found out, and she kicked Han Lei. Then she took the big broom and hit him crazily."

When Liu Tiantian reported, he thought of Han Lei when he was naked. He couldn't help laughing and said, "hahaha... That Han Lei didn't even have time to pull his pants! Don't mention it. Hahaha... Miss Wen is so awesome!"

"You! Say! What!" when Shan Jiang heard the last few words, his face was completely black.

This warm baby! She... Saw

Other men's!!

He's so angry!

I'm so angry with him!!


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