Her goal as an actress is to play the number one actress, not a servant girl.

An actress who doesn't want to be number one is not a good actress.

What's more, if she takes over the role of Pei Qing, she will be laughed to death by Tan Linlin, Yang Xiaoyu, Liu Yimin and sister Wang, as well as the people waiting to see her jokes.

There are two big words on Wenquan Creek's face, tangled.

"Pei Qing is loyal to his beloved Lord and has blocked Huo Mingyue. Many viewers will be very moved!" Shan Jiang coaxed. "Moreover, Pei Qing has no emotional line and won't drive ah Chen's fans crazy. If you want to take the first daughter or other concubines, you are related to ah Chen. Which one do you think is better?"

"This......" Wenquan Creek frowned and thought.

Indeed, I think she was just playing Li Yuansheng's sister, and was wildly attacked by fans, not to mention the woman who played Lin Yunchen.

"What's more, Huo Mingyue's scenes all include Pei Qing and Su He. These two female No. 1 servant girls actually play more than other concubines." Shan Jiang's slender fingers beat regularly on the desk, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said lazily, "will the audience remember?"

"Ah! You're right!" Wenquan Creek suddenly realized, nodded fiercely and said, "OK! I've decided! I'm going to play Peiqing!"

"Are you sure?" Shan Jiang asked with an eyebrow.

"Hmm! I'm sure!" Wenquan Creek nodded and said, "I'll find sister Lian! Talk to her!"

"OK! Then come up to me and I'll take you home!" Shan Jiang smiled and said.

His goal has been achieved!

"Hmm! What floor is sister Lian's office on?" Wenquan Creek was ready to go. Suddenly he remembered that he didn't know which floor he Qiulian was on, so he asked.

"16th floor!"


Wenquan Creek took the elevator down to the 16th floor, grabbed a little sister passing by the elevator and asked, "Hello, which is manager he's office?"

"Ah! You are... You are the national sister hot spring creek?" the little sister said excitedly, "I finally saw you as a real person!"

"Hi! Hello!" Wenquan Creek smiled politely.

"I knew before that the company signed you and arranged for you manager he who just came here! The company must attach great importance to you! You will be super angry!" the little sister danced excitedly, waved her hand and said, "manager he's office goes in from here, and the top one is!"

"OK! Thank you!" Wenquan stream thanked.

"Miss Wen, can you sign for me?" the little sister looked at Wenquan Creek with expectant eyes and said, "I'm afraid you won't come back to the company when you're busy!"

In fact, many people working in entertainment companies can hardly see the stars at a glance, because the more popular the stars are, the less they will go to the company, because the itinerary is too busy.

"OK, no problem!" Wenquan Creek grinned happily and agreed boldly.

The little sister had rushed into an office without covering her ears. Then a second later, she took a pen and paper and rushed over again.

"Wen... Miss Wen, write... Write here!" the little sister handed the pen and paper to Wenquan Creek and panted.

Wenwenxi took up his pen and paper and signed his name on it. He felt good and had a sense of achievement.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Miss Wen." the little sister thanked her repeatedly.

"You're welcome." with that, Wenquan Creek waved and walked in the direction pointed by the little sister.

"Dong Dong Dong..." Wenquan Xi knocked on the door of the office and said, "sister Lian, it's me, I'm Xiaoxi."

"Is the stream coming? Come on in!" he Qiulian's angry voice sounded.

When Wenquan Creek heard he Qiulian's voice, it opened the door and went in.

"Sister Lian!" Wenquan Creek shouted politely.

He Qiulian was sitting at her desk reading some documents. Then she closed the documents, smiled and said, "are you coming to me to discuss the role?"

"Eh? Sister Lian! How do you know?" Wenquan stream asked curiously.

"Because I'm also reading the script! I think it's better not to take the female number one! I'll show you some supporting roles!" he Qiulian stood up, walked to the hot spring stream and motioned her to sit on the sofa.

Wenquan Creek and he Qiulian both sat down.

"Sister Lian! Do you think so?" Wenquan stream continued, "I have chosen the role."

"Oh? Which role is it?" he Qiulian asked.

In fact, the reason why she read the script came entirely from Shan Jiang's will. She originally wanted Wenquan Creek to take the role of Huo Mingyue, the first female, but later she was denied by Shan Jiang.

Shan Jiang believes that this role will be attacked by Lin Yunchen's fans who acted for the first time, and Wenquan Creek's acting skills are not enough to play the female number one of the big play, which will be questioned by the outside world. And Shan Jiang also suggested that he Qiulian take a supporting role in the play to Wenquan Creek.

He Qiulian also thinks it makes sense. Wenquan Creek has just entered the industry and its acting skills are very immature. In addition, it has made a direct leap from a small online drama to the first female producer, which is really not very good for the public image of Wenquan Creek.

Of course, what he Qiulian doesn't know is that these reasons are Shan Jiang's excuses. He just didn't want Wenquan Creek to play against other men, that's all.

Otherwise, as a top-level president, you don't have to worry about the role assignment of these actors. It's all done by your people.

"It's one of Huo Mingyue's two servant girls, Pei Qing." Wenquan stream replied.

"Servant girl? Do you want to be a servant girl?" he Qiulian stared at him strangely.

She has been hesitating among many concubines about which one she should choose for Wenquan river. As a result, Wenquan river unexpectedly told her that she wanted to play a servant girl.

"Yes! Sister Lian, think about it. When Huo Mingyue was there, Pei Qing and Su he were there, so as long as female No. 1 had a lens, I had a lens! Are you right?" Wenquan Creek said happily.

"But... But this servant girl can't be regarded as a female at all! Although there is a camera, there is no line!" he Qiulian obviously disagrees with the role of the servant girl: "Moreover, the servant girl has no emotional line, which is difficult to cause controversy. I have also seen Pei Qing. The highlight of the starring role is that she blocked Huo Mingyue, but the screenwriter didn't write about her in detail. After all, she is only a servant girl."

"Sister Lian, I think it's more simple to have no emotional line! The audience likes this role, not what is fried CP, and isn't fan Kexin popular as a servant girl?" Wenquan stream said wisely: "And the audience will certainly be moved by the spirit of Pei Qingzhong's beloved Lord. If I choose to play other concubines, in order to compete for favor, I will inevitably be sprayed by Jack Lin's fans!"


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