Wenwenxi came home with a swollen lip. Aunt Zhang opened the door for her. After entering the house, wenwenxi sat on the sofa to have a rest.

"Miss, I've sorted out all the clothes in your suitcase!" Aunt Zhang poured a glass of water, came over, handed it to the hot spring stream and said, "drink more water."

Aunt Zhang is from the old house. She worked at Wen's house when she was young. She grew up in Wenquan Creek.

"Uh huh." Wenquan stream took the water cup, gulped a few drinks, wiped his mouth, smiled and said, "thank you, Aunt Zhang."

Suddenly, Aunt Zhang covered her mouth and smiled, saying in a bad tone, "our Miss has really grown up!"


The hot spring stream was confused for a moment. Aunt Zhang's tone was abnormal!

Unconsciously put on the swollen lips. Did Aunt Zhang see that she was swollen?


yes! trunk!

Is it Lin Yufen who stuffed in those bikinis and erotic underwear? Then Aunt Zhang thought she was going to

Wenquan stream "rubbed" and stood up, then put the water cup on the tea table, took a step and ran to the boudoir upstairs.

After entering the room, Wenquan river put down the suitcase and couldn't wait to open it. The clothes were neatly folded by Aunt Zhang, and the hot spring stream dared not mess up. She carefully glanced around. It was really the swimsuits and underwear she put on, not those bought by Lin Yufen.

"Hoo -" the hot spring stream breathed a sigh. Fortunately, Lin Yufen didn't make trouble again.

That Aunt must have laughed because her mouth was swollen. Later, she said she ate mango on the set!!

Ha ha ha


"Baby! What time will you go to the airport tomorrow? Let Uncle Li see you off." Lin Yufen's voice came in.

Wenquan Creek turned around and found that Ms. Lin had come to the door, so she said, "OK, I'll meet at the airport at 8 o'clock. I'm sure it's too late to go by myself."

"You really don't want your mother to accompany you?" Lin Yufen said sadly. She offered to go to Bali with her baby, but she was ruthlessly rejected.

"Oh! Mom! Didn't you travel with me last time? Isn't it boring for you to go again? I'm going to shoot, not to play." Wenquan Creek explained patiently.

"OK, OK! But mom is worried about what danger you have over there!" Lin Yufen is worried. Gan Mengjia is not with the baby this time, and the child can't say it. Isn't the baby alone?

"I've made a new friend! She's also an actor in the crew. Her name is clove. She's with me!" Wenquan Xi sat down by the bed and said happily with her legs shaking.

"New friends? Your friends are unreliable in the exam? What if they are not good people?" Lin Yufen took out a bracelet from her bag, went to Wenquan Creek, picked up her hand, put it on her, and said, "I've asked Ji minde to send someone to Bali first."

"Mom! You sent someone to follow me again!" the hot spring stream said angrily.

In the past, every time the school had any spring and autumn outings, the Wen family would send some people in black to follow secretly.

The feeling of Hot Spring Creek is that you have been peeped!

"Silly boy! What's tracking?" Lin Yufen pointed Wenquan's head with food and said: "Good! I told them not to stay in your crew's hotel. As long as you're not in danger, I won't disturb you. All right? Don't take off this bracelet. It's waterproof for swimming. If there's danger, if the security chip doesn't start, you can press this bracelet, okay?"

The security chip will only turn on the alarm device when the main body struggles and resists fiercely, but it may be too late to rescue at that time. The last time Wenquan Creek was kidnapped by Meng army, if Shan Jiang hadn't found it in time, he might not have come when the security chip starts.

Therefore, later, Wen zhicen secretly sent someone to develop a bracelet connected with Wenquan Creek security chip, which is more convenient and fast and can be positioned immediately.

"Well, well, I know, I know!" Wenquan River nodded and said.

"Oh!" Lin Yufen touched Wenquan Creek's face and said, "baby, I can't see you for a week. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, mom." Wenquan Creek stood up, opened the wardrobe and said, "I'll change my clothes. Let's go to Grandpa and grandma's for dinner in the evening! Otherwise I'll go out for a week, and they won't see me!"

"Your father will come back to pick us up after dealing with the company. Your brother won't go and take care of Xin'er in the hospital," Lin Yufen replied.

"By the way! I haven't gone to see sister Xin again! How's sister Xin?" Wenquan asked anxiously.

"It's almost better. I'll be out of the hospital in two days and I can resume normal activities." Lin Yufen sighed and said, "but it still has some effects on the body. We Wenjia are really sorry this time."

"Mom, when sister Qin Xinjie leaves the hospital, you can quickly discuss with aunt Ding about the wedding day of my brother and sister Xin!" Wenquan Creek snapped his fingers and said, "how about we go to the hospital to see sister Xin later, and then go to Grandpa?"

"OK! I think so too." Lin Yufen smiled and said.

After Wen zhicen came back, he took his wife Lin Yufen and his daughter Wen Baobao to Wen's hospital first. The three went to the VIP floor and came to Qin Xin's ward.

"Sister Xin!!" Wenquan Xi stepped forward quickly, sat down by Qin Xin's bed and shouted happily.

"Baby!" Qin Xin's face has been ruddy. He took Wenquan Creek's hand and said, "listen to ah Yu saying you're going to Bali tomorrow?"

"Uh huh." Wenquan Creek nodded and said, "yes, I'm going for a week! But I don't play much, so I mainly go to play!"

"Ha ha..." Qin Xin smiled and asked, "where's Jiangzi? Will you go with you?"

"He?" the hot spring stream glanced and said hard, "he won't go! This time our crew went to shoot. Why did he go?"

"I heard that Jiajia went to Canada to study, so don't you find someone to accompany you?" Qin Xin knew that the little sister-in-law looked careless and heartless, but she actually had a strong sense of dependence.

If you don't have a friend to go with, you should be lonely.

"I have..." Wenquan stream smiled and joked, "my mother sent a bodyguard to accompany me!"

Qin Xin knows this funny point. No matter from small to large, if Wenquan Creek has a spring outing or autumn outing, the Wen family always wants to send someone to watch. They often hide it from her, but she finds it again. Then Wenquan Creek has to make a big noise every time she comes back.

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed.


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