Seeing that things had been solved, Wenquan Creek breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry now?" Shan Jiang couldn't help pinching the baby's fat cheek in Wenquan Creek and said.

"Well." Wenquan River nodded and answered.

"I really want to eat you now," Shan Jiang said teasingly, holding the small chin of Wenquan stream.

In the face of the sudden shocking quotations from Shan Jiang, Wenquan stream was scared and fell on the big bed behind him.

Enchanting posture!

"So active?" Shan Jiang couldn't help laughing when he saw the frightened appearance of Wenquan Creek.

"Hey! Danjiang! You..." Wenquan Creek got up, stood in front of Danjiang, angrily pointed at him and said.

Shan Jiang smiled without saying anything.

"All right, all right. No more. The time is coming!" Wenquan Creek waved his hand and said, "there will be a good play tonight!"

"About the video of clove?" Shan Jiang frowned and said, "I think the punishment is light for her."

How can such a woman just let go?

"Of course it won't be so simple!" Wenquan Xi patted her chest and said with a smile, "I helped Wang Yanyan when I had a rest this afternoon. Then she asked me if the person who published her video had found it. I told her to know it at night. She looks very excited. I think she won't let cloves go. Hei hei..."

With that, the hot spring stream smiled.

"You little girl, there are many ghost ideas!" Shan Jiang pinched the nose of Wenquan stream and said spoiled.

"Of course! Don't look at who this clove annoys? She annoys me, but I'm warm baby!" Wenquan Creek boasted disapprovingly.

"Pooh!" Shan Jiang couldn't help laughing. This warm baby is really, he looks, anyone can annoy her. You can't stay cute.

However, today is a smart one!

"Oh, what time is it?" Wenquan Creek cried in surprise. Then he picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already six ten, so he hurriedly said, "Oh, it's time. We haven't changed our clothes yet."

"Don't worry." Shan Jiang said calmly.

What if he and Wenquan Creek are late?

"Oh, Shan Jiang, you can't ignore this time rule just because you're the president! It's immoral." Wenquan Creek taught Shan Jiang that he didn't care.

"You are educating me now?" Shan Jiang said helplessly.

"No, No. that's what I'm talking about!" Wenquan Creek said as he walked to the wardrobe, opened the wardrobe, took a suspender skirt and walked to the bathroom.

"Just change here." Shan Jiang grabbed Wenquan's arm, hooked up the corner of his mouth and said badly.

"You..." the hot spring stream flushed with anger, shook off Shan Jiang's hand and said, "big hooligan."

With that, she took her skirt and ran straight to the bathroom without looking back. Just now she felt that Shan Jiang's image had become particularly perfect, and now it had become very abnormal.

Unexpectedly, let her change here?

No way!

Wenwenxi quickly changed his clothes in the bathroom, and then came out with his nightdress. This time, Shan Jiang didn't stand naked in front of him, but solemnly changed his clothes.

"I thought I would see you naked when I came out." Wenquan Creek thought Shan Jiang was so abnormal that she might change her clothes when she came out. It seems that she miscalculated.

"So expect me to change clothes in front of you?" Shan Jiang approached Wenquan stream, leaned close to her ear and asked jokingly.

"Just... No." the hot spring stream blushed and sophisticated, "who makes you so abnormal? I thought you would wait until I came out."

"Then I'll change it again?" Shan Jiang asked with an eyebrow.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to pull his clothes. He was stopped by the hot spring stream and begged, "brother, I'm wrong. Don't play with me!"

Play with?

Where did Wen Baobao learn these words?

Shan Jiang silently pulled the corners of his mouth.

Depressed inside.

When did he play with her?

"Warm baby!" Shan Jiang said gnashing his teeth.

"Ah. I'm here!" Wenquan stream answered weakly, looking at Shan Jiang's cloudy look.

"Where did you learn the word" play? "Shan Jiang was really curious. What exactly was in this warm baby's brain?

"From..." the hot spring stream turned its eyes and said with a smile: "Learned from the overbearing president's novels! Those novels are all about a big president, how overbearing and how to play with the heroine. Finally, he fell in love with the heroine, but the heroine was hurt by him, so he had to escape him. The overbearing president was not allowed, then imprisoned the heroine and continued to play..."

Shan Jiang felt his face twitching constantly.

"Say, Shan Jiang. Do you want to read a romantic novel to cultivate yourself?" Wenquan Xi grinned and thought it was very fun to tease Shan Jiang. He held back his smile and said, "I've read a particularly good-looking romantic novel called the president's proud pet little wife. The president is very kind to his girlfriend. I recommend you to read it!"

"Wen! Bao! Bao!" Shan Jiang couldn't help roaring.

What the hell?

Romantic novels?

Is he the kind of man who wants to read romantic novels to cultivate his moral character?

What does this warm baby think!

"Brother! Spare your life!" Wenquan Xi clenched his hands and begged Shan Jiang for mercy: "let's go to the banquet hall quickly!"

With that, Wenquan River took Shan Jiang's arm and dragged him forward.

"By the way, Shan Jiang, I won't sit with you tonight!" Wenquan Xi's eyes showed a trace of cunning and said, "lilac is estimated to leave a place for me. I want to see her expression when she sees the video, ha ha ha..."

"Then I'll sit with you too?" Shan Jiang smiled helplessly when he saw the hot spring stream.

"No! Just sit at the main table. Otherwise it's inappropriate!" Wenquan Creek shook his head and said, "then, I told clove that I had a quarrel with you, first make her happy, and then... Ha ha..."

Shan Jiang shook his head reluctantly and said, "OK! It's up to you. But after the party, you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Wenquan stream asked suspiciously.

"You have to promise me before I promise you this." Shan Jiang said foolishly.

"All right! All right! I promise you." Hot Spring Creek was full of cloves at the moment, so he promised without thinking about it.

"OK! It's a deal." Shan Jiang's mouth gently hooked, revealing an unknown smile.


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