After taking the bus to the airport, I was already a little late, but because of Shan Jiang, the back door was opened at the airport, and everyone boarded the plane very conveniently.

This time, Wenquan Creek and Danjiang sat together, in first class, by the window of the plane. In addition to the two of them, Li Yuansheng and Liu Yimin, sister Wang, Zhang Dawei and Liu Tiantian were in first class. The others were in business class.

Li Yuansheng was very lucky. He felt that he had been damaged by lilac last night, which must have offended president Shan, but what he didn't expect was that President Shan still arranged a first-class seat for him.

Do they actually don't believe what clove said? After all, lilac was like yesterday. Anyone thinks she's crazy!

Li Yuansheng thought with luck that if lilac said anything to that cheap woman, he would kill her without admitting it. He insisted that lilac wanted to seduce him without success, so he slandered him.

Yes, that's it.

Li Yuansheng lifted his lips and thought silently.


Due to the serious lack of sleep time in Wenquan Creek last night, she just lay down and felt sleepy, and then fell asleep.

Shan Jiang looked at the hot spring stream, with his eyes closed and his mouth open, and couldn't help laughing. Moreover, the mouth also shed crystal saliva. Shan Jiang took a paper towel, wiped her saliva, and covered her with a blanket.

"Ha ha..." when Shan Jiang was watching the sleeping position of Wenquan stream with love, she suddenly giggled twice.

Shan Jiang thought she wasn't asleep and found that he was looking at her, so he was a little embarrassed and asked coldly, "Wenbao, didn't you sleep?"

In response to him, there was a boundless silence and two strings of snores.

"What a good dream?" Shan Jiang shook his head helplessly and said to himself in an angry tone.

Of course, what's the good dream in the hot spring stream dream? She dreamed that she was playing chess with Shan Jiang, and the competition was very fierce. Finally, she won, and then she laughed.

Shan Jiang also looked at the hot spring stream, sleeping so well and sleepy, so he also lay down and closed his eyes.


Lilac sits alone by the window. Next to her are the female staff of the two crew. She is a kind of fat man. It's hard to squeeze her. At first, no one wanted to sit with her. Later, the two brave women sat down and were able to coordinate the extremely embarrassing atmosphere at that time.

She didn't say anything. She just sat silently in the innermost part and looked out of the window with empty eyes. White clouds blossomed and the blue sky was clear. How beautiful it looked!

She should have been sitting in first class, enjoying luxurious food, the treatment of the best stewardess, and sitting in a spacious and comfortable chair in first class. Not here, living like an ant.

Especially last night, such a humiliating thing happened to her lilac. When she remembered, she wanted to die, but she told herself, No. As soon as he died, all his efforts fell short.

She can't die! She wants to live!

All the treatment she should have enjoyed was taken away by a woman called Hot Spring Creek.

"Creak, creak..." clove squeezed her fist hard and made a sound of bone separation.

Because everyone in the business class was chattering and noisy, everyone didn't hear the voice from clove. Only the fat woman around her heard it and glanced at her discontentedly.

Clove glared at the fat woman and looked out of the window again.

Hot Spring Creek, Hot Spring Creek!

Do you think you can sleep with Danjiang? I told you there was no way. Lilac said in her heart.

"Let me go out. I want to go to the bathroom." clove took the bag in her arms and said to the fat woman.

The fat woman said impatiently to another fat man around her, and then both stood up to make way for clove.

Clove walked all the way with her bag, through several engine rooms, and then came to the door of first class.

"Hello, miss. You can't go in here." the stewardess standing at the door looked at the unkempt lilac and frowned slightly, but soon put away her dissatisfaction, showed a standard smile and said.

"I'm looking for someone." clove said in a pleading tone, "please let me in! I really have something important to find her."

"Miss, who are you looking for? I can help you go in and report." the stewardess was very helpless, but had to ask politely.

"I want to find..." clove pulled the corners of her mouth, and then said with a smile: "I want to find a girl named Wenquan Creek."

"OK, miss. Please wait here for a moment. I'll find the Miss Wenquan Creek." the stewardess said politely, then motioned lilac not to go in, and turned and walked inside.

Clove rushed in while the stewardess didn't notice and shouted to the first-class cabin, "brook! Brook! I'm clove! I have something to say to you!"

The stewardess looked back in horror and found that clove had rushed in. She was shaking her head and looking at the passengers in the cabin. It seemed that she was looking for the man named Wenquan Creek.

"Miss, why did you come in?" the stewardess walked over and grabbed clove with dissatisfaction. She said angrily, "didn't I let you stay outside? If the Miss Wenquan Creek really wants to see you, she will come to you with me."

"I... I really have something urgent!" the volume of cloves was very loud, as if they were howling.

Other stewardess in the cabin also rushed over one after another. I don't know what happened.

Li Yuansheng heard the sound of cloves and was scared into a cold sweat. He quickly covered himself with a blanket.

Shan Jiang woke up when clove shouted for the first time. He didn't know what clove was going to do, so he frowned.

"No, miss. You're not qualified to come in." the stewardess was angry and said angrily, "please wait at the door! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"Xiaoli, what's the matter? What happened?" the other stewardess looked at cloves and Xiaoli, wondering.

Raise a hue and cry. "Make complaints about first-class cabin guests, I let her wait outside the door, I help her find people, she took advantage of me not to pay attention to sneak in, still shouting." Xiao Li frowned, very unhappy looking at the cloves, Tucao road.

"I'm really looking for someone. Something urgent!" clove said to several stewardess present. Then, she shouted at her throat to the cabin: "stream! Stream! Stream!"


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