Shan Jiang felt that he must be engaged to Wenquan Creek first.

Because after getting engaged, he can live openly with Wenquan Creek.

Then, you can do something recklessly.

But now.

He had to force the Hot Spring Creek back to Wen's house.

When Wenquan Creek got home, Lin Yufen said, "eh? Why are you back?"

"Ah? Why don't I come back?" Wenquan stream replied in wonder.

"Xiaoshan sent you back?" Lin Yufen looked at the hot spring stream and said, "didn't I take you anywhere else?"

"Take it!" Wenquan River pointed to his whole body and said solemnly, "take me to foodie modeling museum to do modeling. Then when he had something to do, I went to the youth killing press conference first. Then something happened at the meeting, so I came back late."

"Ah? What happened?" Lin Yufen's thought was suddenly transferred and asked curiously.

When Wenquan Creek thought of the bloody scene, he couldn't help feeling terrible. He shook his head and said, "watch the news yourself tomorrow! I'm so tired. I want to sleep."

With that, Wenquan Creek went up the stairs.

"Baby, it's OK not to come back in the future! You're so old. Your mother agrees to spend the night outside!" Lin Yufen said with a smile.

"Say again!" Wenquan Xi waved his hand, didn't bother to pay attention to Lin Yufen, and went straight back to the room.

After taking a bath in Wenquan Creek, he lay down on the bed and brushed his microblog. As a result, he saw such entries as "Liu Yimin was taken to the hospital by ambulance late at night".

Everyone commented that Liu Yimin fainted because she worked too hard. For a time, the voice of comforting Liu Yimin raged on the microblog.

"Alas!" the hot spring stream could not help sighing at the thought of what had happened today.

Then she put her cell phone aside and went to bed.


When I woke up the next day, Wenquan Creek habitually touched the bedside table, got his mobile phone and looked at it. It was already ten o'clock.

Suddenly, the microblog headline sent a push message.

Wenquan Creek quickly clicked in. The content of the microblog is as follows: [after the last love killing press conference last night, Liu Yimin and Tan Linlin beat each other in the hotel because of personal resentment, resulting in facial disfigurement at the same time. Please poke the web link for details...]

Wenquan Creek first ordered the following pictures. There are photos of Liu Yimin's face wrapped in zongzi, and Tan Linlin's ears wrapped in drums.

At the moment, the two women who used to be gorgeous in front of the screen now have a face like a pig's head.

Hot Spring Creek once again entered the website link, which is a video. So she opened it.

In the video, the reporter went to the ward to interview Liu Yimin and Tan Linlin. Both of them covered their faces with their hands and didn't want to be photographed at all.

"Miss Liu, is your nose fake? The doctor says it's hard for you to recover!"

"Miss Tan, your ear doctor says it can't recover. Will you be engaged in the performing arts industry again in the future? Will this affect your career?"

"Miss Liu, Miss Tan, why are you beating so hard?"

"Disfigured, what are you going to do in the future?"


Reporters desperately asked questions about falling into the well, while Liu Yimin and Tan Linlin tightly covered their faces and didn't answer anything.

As soon as the report came out, the wind of netizens turned one after another. Only Liu Yimin's loyal fans were still struggling for her.

For a time, the news of Liu Yimin and Tan Linlin covered the wind of Li Yuansheng, and the crew of the last love was in a mess.

Known as the "harmful" crew, all three of the stars were severely punished, including two well-known actors, Liu Yimin and Li Yuansheng. A new generation of star Tan Linlin and a fellow actor clove were also jailed for intentional wounding.

On the contrary, the bad influence also affects the ratings of "the last love", which makes Fang Jun happy.

Liu Yimin, who had been hard trained, fell down. Fang Jun thought Yokota was dying. Instead, the play "the last love" became even more popular. More and more investors have come to invest in ancient costume plays in the lower part of Yokota.

Fang Jun took a fancy to a newly graduated girl from the performance department and was ready to hold it up.

Liu Yimin and Tan Linlin were completely abandoned by Fang Jun and Wang Feng because of their disfigurement.


After watching the news, Wenquan Creek sighed again and again. She had a good life and had to practice it by herself. She really didn't think why Liu Yimin had to do so?

And Tan Linlin also paid a painful price for her behavior.

Wenquan Creek was like a flower in a greenhouse, but she found that she had seen a lot of social ugliness since she joined the crew.

She sighed again at the thought of what had happened.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng..."

Just then, the cell phone rang.

The caller ID is Shan Jiang.

"Why did this Danjiang come to me in the morning? No, it's not the morning, it's already noon." Wenquan Creek muttered to himself, looking at the mobile phone screen.

Then she pressed the answer button: "Hello!"

"Wake up?" Shan Jiang didn't know if Wenquan Creek woke up, so he didn't call until 10:30.

"Well, I just woke up and read the news on Weibo." Wenquan Creek lay in bed, sighed and said faintly.

"It was yesterday, wasn't it?" hearing the tone of Wenquan Creek, Shan Jiang guessed what it was. He also saw the news in the morning. Now all major websites are frantically forwarding it.

"Alas!" the hot spring stream sighed silently again.

When she woke up in the morning, she didn't know how many times she sighed in just half an hour.

"That's their retribution." Shan Jiang comforted, "it's none of your business or anyone else's business. They deserve it."

"HMM." Wenquan River thought Shan Jiang's words were reasonable, so he nodded. Suddenly, she asked, "Why are you calling me?"

Shan Jiang won't let her go to his office to study the script again, will he?

She's not going!

"Qinggong Mingyue Zhuan" is already in preparation and will start in another week. "Shan Jiang said solemnly.

"So fast?" the hot spring stream sat up in fright, and everything felt caught off guard.

"And you have to arrange accommodation two days in advance to adapt to the site." Shan Jiang was very upset when he thought that Wenquan Creek was so far away from him.

What can I do?

But what if this little girl likes this business because she has to act?

Shan Jiang twisted the bridge of his nose and felt his head hurt!


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