When Shan Jiang didn't know how to answer the question "will he make crab roe dumplings" in Wenquan Creek, his mobile phone rang.

Shan Jiang picked up his mobile phone, looked at the hot spring stream and said, "it's sister Lian's phone."

"Sister Lian?" Wenquan stream asked in surprise. She hasn't contacted sister Lian since she went to Hengdian.

"Shh! I'll take it first." Shan Jiang made a gesture and then pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Shan. Good morning!" he Qiulian said politely.

"Hello, sister Lian. What can I do for you?" Shan Jiang asked.

"Well, is Xiaoxi with you? I couldn't get through with her. Today is Beicheng Film Festival. I want to take her to visit, know the director and show her face in the circle." he Qiulian said seriously.

"OK, I'll ask her and let her reply to you later." Shan Jiang also replied politely.

"Thank you, Mr. Shan." he Qiulian hung up after thanking him.

Shan Jiang put his mobile phone on the table, looked forward to his Hot Spring Creek and said, "sister Lian said she wanted to take you to the Beicheng Film Festival. Do you want to go?"

"But I haven't been in a movie. Can I go?" Wenquan stream asked expectantly.

Shan Jiang has seen Binlin's flash in the eyes of Wenquan Creek. At a glance, she can see how much she wants to go.

"Yes. It doesn't matter if sister Lian takes you with her. Besides, you are the contracted artist of Hager and the president's wife of Hager. Isn't it OK to participate in this?" Shan Jiang smiled and said, "don't worry! Hager entertainment will invest in Beicheng Film Festival every year."

"Madam President... She's not married yet! It's hard to say so." Wenquan Creek is a very institutional person. Since I don't have a license, I'm not the president's wife.

One day she didn't get a license. One day she was Miss Wen Baobao of the Wen family. Not a single little grandmother.

"What's hard to say? Although we didn't get the license, we have lived a married life..." Shan Jiang picked his eyebrow and said vaguely.

"Er..." the hot spring stream was speechless.

After eating the steak, wenquanxi went to get his mobile phone and was ready to call he Qiulian back. But when she saw that the mobile phone was dead, she quickly took the hotel charger to charge the mobile phone.

"Shan Jiang, lend me your phone." Wenquan stream ran to Shan Jiang who was washing his face and said, "my mobile phone has no power. I'll charge it."

"On the table, take it yourself!" Shan Jiang said while wiping his face.

Wenwenxi ran to the table and got Shan Jiang's mobile phone. As a result, Shan Jiang's mobile phone had a password and she couldn't open it. Because she hasn't played Shan Jiang's mobile phone before and doesn't know the password.

"Shan Jiang, what's your mobile phone password?" Wenquan stream called and asked.

"Your birthday!" Shan Jiang threw away the paper, then came out of the bathroom and replied faintly.

"Ah?" Wenquan stream was stunned, and then his fingers began to enter his birthday date.

As a result, it really opened.

So... Does Shan Jiang love her so much? The mobile phone password is actually her birthday... Somehow, Wenquan Creek feels a little happy.

Wenwenxi directly found sister Lian's number from the call record, and then dialed out. It was soon connected.

"Hello! Sister Lian, this is Xiaoxi. My mobile phone is dead." Wenquan Xi told the truth.

"It's all right. If you run out of electricity, I'll contact Mr. Shan." he Qiulian smiled twice and said. Looking at the situation, she must have lived together.

"Uh huh. Sister Lian, I heard Shan Jiang talk about the Beicheng Film Festival. I want to go and see the situation. I haven't participated in any film festival yet!" Wenquan Creek said expectantly.

"OK, come to me at the company at noon. I'll take you to make-up and modeling, and then go to the film festival." he Qiulian said sonorously. Every time he Qiulian's words make Wenquan Creek feel endless power.

"Good! Sister Lian. See you at noon!" agreed Wenquan Creek.

After hanging up the phone, wenquanxi handed Shan Jiang his mobile phone. His eyes were shy and he asked in spring, "Shan Jiang, why did you set my birthday as a password?"

This silly girl, don't you know why?

"Of course... It's easy to remember!" Shan Jiang joked.

"Ah? So it is..." the hot spring stream skimmed his lips and said with some loss.

But what's wrong with you? Where is it convenient to remember? All four numbers are different.

"Fool!" Shan Jiang touched the head of Wenquan stream and said fondly, "it's not because I love you?"

"Ah?" cried the hot spring stream, and his face looked like a fire.

Become hot.

"You, why don't you go to work?" Wenquan stream asked excitedly, trying to change the topic.

"Don't want to go!" Shan Jiang suddenly hugged Wenquan Creek, as if to rub her into his body. He said vaguely, "my wife is in my arms. I really don't even think of a way."

"What a lovely wife! Not married yet... Go to work! Go to work!" Wenquan stream separated from Shan Jiang's arms and pushed him to the door.

"I haven't changed my clothes yet! Are you so anxious to throw me out?" Shan Jiang said somewhat lost.

"I'm just making an analogy to let you go to work quickly!" Wenquan Creek glanced and said, "it's getting late. I have to go out. You take me to Hager and I'll find sister Lian!"

"What time did you make an appointment with sister Lian?" Shan Jiang asked.

"Sister Lian asked me to find her at noon, and then take me to make up, do modeling, and then go to the film festival. I didn't say a specific time." Wenquan Creek replied truthfully.

"Then we'll have lunch and I'll take you." Shan Jiang touched the small head of Wenquan stream and said spoiled.

"OK!" Wenquan stream nodded and agreed. Then he asked, "do I have to accompany you to work? Can I take the hotel charger away? The mobile phone is dead and has just been charged."

"Well..." Shan Jiang flashed a good idea, and then immediately hugged the hot spring stream.

"What are you doing?" Wenquan Creek was just asking Shan Jiang a question. Suddenly he was picked up and didn't react at all.

"It takes about two hours to be fully charged, so we can also exercise in the morning... Just ate the steak and eat," said Shan Jiang, holding the hot spring stream to kingsize's big bed.

"You let go of me! You're not going to work?" the hot spring stream shouted.

"After digestion, it's not too late to go to work after lunch with you..." Shan Jiang said badly.

Then he put the hot spring stream gently on the bed and bullied him.

"Shan Jiang, I've really taken you!" roared Wenquan stream, "if you don't accept the local conditions, I'll take you!"

"What did you serve me?"

"I've convinced you, rogue!"

"It's awesome!"


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