"Wow! She's so beautiful! Who is she?" some peripheral fans screamed.

"She's Hot Spring Creek! She played Chen Xiaojiao in the last love."

"How beautiful! It must be red!"

"It's really beautiful. How can it be so beautiful!"

"The dress on her looks so expensive! I don't know whether the company rented it for her or bought it by herself?"

"The company must have borrowed it for her. She is a contracted artist of Hager entertainment?"

"Hager entertainment? The future is limitless?"

"Will it be Bian Yuer's successor? Or will it be another popular flower?"

"I don't think she and Bian Yuer are the same type at all. They should rebuild a new type of Huadan!"

"I've seen her play the last love. The acting skills in it are a little poor!"

"I heard that she cooperated with Bian Yuer in the legend of the moon in the Qing palace, playing a servant girl."

"Servant girl, don't you give it to the hostess? Isn't that flattering?"

"I think I'm training her acting skills. If it weren't for her praise, would the newcomer be qualified to finish the show? She's the end!"


Fans of all kinds of stars outside the stadium are talking about Hot Spring Creek.

At this time, Wenquan Creek had reached the middle of the red carpet, and then faced the reporters and made several poses.

When he turned and walked away, Wenquan stream was carrying his skirt and found that his palms were sweating. Really... Nervous.

"Click, click..."

"Miss Wen, please stay."

"Miss Wen, let's take some more pictures!"

Reporters called to the hot spring stream across the railing.

Wenquan stream was flattered, opened his eyes and asked in surprise, "do you want to stand here and take some more pictures?"

"Yes, put a few more poses? We want to give you a special report. There are a few photos just now!" a male reporter said excitedly.

"OK!" the hot spring brook grinned.

At that moment, several cameramen took this picture into the camera. Each picture was so charming from different angles.

"Well, please hurry to our Hot Spring Creek, and our red carpet show will be over. Please hurry into the venue for the award ceremony." the hostess said with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing the host urging her, Wenquan Creek quickly smiled and waved with a group of reporters and said, "then I'll go first! Bye!"

"Bye! Miss Wen! Bye!"

The male reporters lingered and waved their hands and looked at the back of the hot spring stream until she disappeared in front of them.

"She is so beautiful!" a male reporter said foolishly.

"Super feminine, super cute!"

"I like her so much!"

"Me too. I'm infatuated with her!"

"If she's popular, we'll have a chance to interview her all the time in the future!"

"Yes, yes! Let's help her! Write a column for her!"


Male journalists have forgotten what they are here for, and their minds are full of the qiaoxiaoqianxi appearance of the hot spring stream.

However, if Shan Jiang knows this... Their work may not be guaranteed!

Wenquan stream came to the host. The male host immediately rushed up and handed over his signature pen. Also give one-on-one guidance and ask Wenquan Creek to sign on the background board.

The hostess was jealous of the newcomers who became popular as soon as they entered the circle and felt unbalanced. In addition, the Hot Spring Creek was particularly beautiful, which stimulated her woman's jealousy. So I'm not in a good mood.

"Then, this is the end of our red carpet show! Thank you for your hard work and fans' support for your idols. Next, we will hold an award ceremony in the inner hall. If you want to watch it, you can open XX software, watch the live broadcast, or watch Beicheng satellite TV. Thank you." the official female supporter said.

In fact, the male host originally wanted to interview Wenquan Creek. Because the purpose of the host is to interview artists on the red carpet, but when the female host says so, the male host can't interview. I had to give it up.

Wenquan Creek also wondered why everyone would be asked when they came to this place. She signed it and it's over?

However, seeing that reporters and fans are beginning to end, Wenquan Creek is also anxious to find he Qiulian.


Under the leadership of he Qiulian, Wenquan stream came to the inner hall. As soon as I went in, it was full of people. Although I can't see it from the outside, as soon as I go in, I feel that the site is quite large.

Looking around, people seem to become small. Of course... It's not so exaggerated.

He Qiulian took wenquanxi to her seat. Because they are not the participating crew of the film festival, they sit back, but they are already the front row of non crew members.

The whole process is still boring. It's nothing more than awards. What "Best Actress Award", "Best Actor Award", "Best Supporting Actress Award", "Best Director Award", "best screenwriter Award" and so on

Hot Spring Creek is asleep!

Then, unfortunately, the camera brother gave her a close-up. This is what he Qiulian did not expect.

Moreover, this is a national live program!

Everyone in the venue didn't watch the live broadcast, but the live barrage has been all screened by Wenquan Creek.

Later, some people posted the screenshot of Hot Spring Creek sleeping during the live broadcast to the microblog, which immediately aroused heated discussion.

When Shan Jiang was reviewing the documents, he received a call from Jing Ming. Jing Ming told Shan Jiang the matter intact and asked if it needed to be handled.

Because before, things like xiaowanghong lilinana, Shan Jiang said not to deal with them. Therefore, Jing Ming didn't make up his mind.

Shan Jiang logged in to his microblog and went to see the exposed videos and photos of Wenquan Creek. He couldn't help laughing.

The award ceremony was being held solemnly on the stage, and Wen Baobao fell asleep while sitting. In sharp contrast to other serious people.

He looked through the comments and found unexpectedly that there were few people scolding her in the comments, on the contrary, there were many people supporting her. What's more... I think Wenbao's sleeping face is very beautiful and greasy.

Sleep, you can be praised. Shan Jiang felt a strong sense of crisis. Why does baby Wen sleep so cute?

Shan Jiang scratched his hair.

I'm really more and more afraid that baby Wen will become more and more red. Then he may not be able to hold it in the palm of his hand.

Shan Jiang knew that he might not be able to see it when he called Wenquan Creek, so he called he Qiulian. He Qiulian took her cell phone in her hand. Seeing that it was Shan Jiang's call, she quickly answered it.

"Sister Lian, wake up the baby, let her read the microblog, and then give me back to wechat." Shan Jiang ordered.

"Yes!" he Qiulian nodded and whispered.


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