"I just saw you in the corridor, so I came out to say hello." Qiao Yangzhi has been in this workplace for several years, so he said politely.

"Don't bother Mr. Qiao. My baby and I are going to dinner." Shan Jiang looked at Joe with an unhappy look, full of warning.

Qiao Yangzhi didn't see Shan Jiang's warning to him, but the mystery in his heart must be solved.

"This gentleman." when Shan Jiang was about to leave with Wenquan Creek, Qiao Yangzhi shouted to him.

Because Qiao Yangzhi doesn't know who Shan Jiang is, he can only shout "this gentleman", not "Mr. so and so".

So that's what he wondered. From beginning to end, neither he nor the man in front of him introduced himself. Why could he call out his last name? Was it... Xiaoxi once mentioned himself to this man?

If so, does that prove that Xiaoxi had him in his heart? Haven't you forgotten him?

"What else?" Shan Jiang's impatience has reached a certain extreme. If Qiao Yangzhi bothers him again, he will really ask someone to drive him away.

"I want to ask, how do you know my last name is Joe?" this sentence was asked by Qiao Yangzhi to Shan Jiang. Then he smiled and joked at the hot spring stream: "stream, have you talked about our affairs with your friends before?"

The head of Wenquan Creek suddenly seemed to be stabbed by a toilet plug, and then it suddenly opened and suddenly realized.

What's strange to her just now? There seems to be something wrong. It's here!

How can Shan Jiang know Qiao Yangzhi's name? In a series of conversations just outside the bathroom, neither side has introduced their names!

What the hell is going on?

"I... I didn't..." Wenquan stream looked at Qiao Yangzhi and subconsciously denied.

Hearing the denial of Wenquan Creek, Qiao Yangzhi felt a strong sense of loss, but soon, his sense of loss was replaced by a strong feeling of doubt.

"Well, sir, have we been in contact before?" Qiao asked, looking up at Shan Jiang.

"How do you know Qiao Yangzhi?" Wenquan stream turned to look at Shan Jiang and asked curiously.

Just then, the door of Joe's box was opened again. At this time, a drunken middle-aged man came out, staggered, flushed and drunk.

He walked awkwardly in the direction of Joe Yangzhi and Wenquan Creek. He saw his hand touching his belly. I'm afraid he was going to the bathroom.

"Yo! Little Joe, why are you here? You go to the bathroom fast and slow!" Mr. Wang said drunk when he saw Joe Yang Zhi.

The smell of tobacco and alcohol in his mouth sprayed on Joe Yangzhi's face. Joe Yangzhi felt that his nose was no longer his own. He's getting dizzy.

"Mr. Wang, I saw two friends and said hello." because Wang is always a big customer this time, Qiao Yangzhi had to say it in a low voice.

"Oh, OK! Then I'll go to the bathroom first!" President Wang is not that unreasonable person, and he thinks Joe Yangzhi is young and promising, so he doesn't mind him leaving the table twice.

President Wang patted Joe on the shoulder and was ready to move on. Suddenly, he was stunned in place and said, "Shan, President Shan!"

Qiao Yangzhi wanted to ask Wenquan Xi's boyfriend how to know his name after President Wang went to the bathroom. Now I see that President Wang actually knows his boyfriend in Wenquan Creek and yells "President Shan".

Qiao Yangzhi's heart "clattered" for a moment, thinking that Wang and Shan were always together? So, this order is always likely to have seen yourself in business before?

However, this list always looks dignified and dignified, which people can't forget at a glance. If you really have contact with him, how can you have no impression at all?

Joe's heart was full of doubts at the moment. At this time, President Wang had rushed to Danjiang.

"Mr. Shan! What a coincidence! I met you here!" Mr. Wang woke up a lot, grabbed Shan Jiang's empty hand and said excitedly.

The smell of alcohol and tobacco in his mouth filled the air. Wenquan river stood beside Shan Jiang and felt what was called "despair".

"Hello, Mr. Wang!" Shan Jiang responded politely, and then took Wenquan Creek back a step.

Mr. Wang took another inch and wanted to stick it on Shan Jiang. He asked flatteringly, "is Mr. Shan here to talk about business? Some of the things we did before were really inappropriate. I'm really ashamed of Mr. Shan! Please don't be surprised."

"It's all right, Mr. Wang." Shan Jiang held his breath, pretended to politely point to the toilet at the end of the corridor and said, "Mr. Wang, you'd better solve it as soon as possible! It's bad for your health if you hold it badly."

"No problem, no problem. Mr. Shan, it's a fate to meet you! It's a fate!" Mr. Wang couldn't help peeing at the moment. Compared with Mr. Shan Jiang, going to the toilet is hardly worth mentioning.

"Eh? Is this the hot spring stream?" Mr. Wang was still a little confused. He put his head to the hot spring stream, then stared at the hot spring stream and said.

"Yes, I am!" Wenquan stream replied unhappily, frowning and holding his breath.

President Wang was suddenly awakened by the sound of the hot spring stream. Seeing that Shan Jiang and the hot spring stream were colluding, he suddenly understood what was going on!

So he quickly apologized and said, "Miss Wen, I'm sorry. It's Wang who was dazed and didn't see clearly."

"It's all right!" Wenquan Creek couldn't stand it. He covered his nose with his hands and turned his head to the side.

"Xiaoxi, do you know Mr. Wang?" Qiao Yang stopped and was stunned for a while. At the moment, he reacted and asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Qiao, Miss Wen is the contracted actress of Hager entertainment! And President Shan is also the president of Hager entertainment. Of course we know each other! President Shan also bought the scandal of Miss Wen from me! Hey, hey..." President Wang smiled foolishly. The whole person was crooked and seemed to be drunk.

"Ah? Scandal? What's the situation?" Wenquan Creek suddenly became curious and shouted.

President Wang was startled and quickly replied truthfully, "it's Miss Wen's affair with Jack Lin!"

"Ah?" the hot spring stream shouted again, "what ghost?"

"Hei hei!" Mr. Wang smiled, patted Wenquan Creek on the shoulder and said with a smile, "misunderstandings, all misunderstandings! At that time, we Chinese entertainment really didn't know that Miss Wen was Mr. Shan's girlfriend. There will certainly be no such thing in the future, all misunderstandings!"


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