The hot spring stream is salivating!

Saliva slowly slipped down the corner of his mouth. Shan Jiang reached out and wiped it with his thumb.

"Hmm..." Wenquan Creek opened his eyes vaguely. Seeing Shan Jiang's face in front of her, he murmured, "Shan Jiang, are you awake?"

"I've been awake for a long time, little sluggard." Shan Jiang reached for the bedside cabinet, took out a piece of paper, wiped his fingers, and then touched the head of Wenquan Creek with his hand.

"Hum!" the hot spring stream hummed and said softly, "it's not because of you... Otherwise how could I sleep so heavily?"

"Goblin, you didn't sleep well before?" Shan Jiang chuckled. The warm baby always sleeps second and sleepy, and he can't wake up with thunder.

"Er..." the hot spring stream was speechless.

"Didn't you say you wanted to eat me?" Shan Jiang asked jokingly.

"Want! Eat! You?" Wenquan Creek asked with wide eyes and surprise. The whole person has been sober a lot.

How could she not know the meaning of this sentence? What a shame! When did she say that!

"HMM." Shan Jiang answered.

"No, no, Shan Jiang must have lied to me." Wenquan Xi immediately covered himself tightly with a quilt, stared at Shan Jiang and asked, "do you want to plot again in the morning?"

"I don't seem to have finished..." Shan Jiang said with a slight hook on his lips and a sly smile: "didn't you say you wanted to eat my... Fried steak?"

"..." Wenquan Creek gave two lashes in his eyes, then put one hand behind his head, took out his pillow and hit Shan Jiang.

"Ah! Shan Jiang! You lied to me!"

Wenquan Creek stood up while howling, holding a pillow in his hand, and began to run after Shan Jiang.

Shan Jiang rushed forward and hugged her tightly from behind. His cheek was close to the cheek of the hot spring stream and asked, "do you want to eat?"

"No!" the hot spring stream angrily refused.

"Really don't want to?" Shan Jiang's breath is very provocative, which makes the Hot Spring Creek feel that his cheeks are beginning to be hot.

"I really don't want to!" the little temper of Wenquan Creek is still a little.

"Fresh Kobe beef just delivered by air in the morning, so... Really don't want to?" Shan Jiang continued to lure.

"..." the hot spring stream swallowed a mouthful of water and struggled fiercely in his mind.

Finally, she shouted impulsively, "yes!"

"What do you think?" Shan Jiang asked with a smile.

"I want to eat you..."

Before the hot spring stream finished shouting, Shan Jiang teased and interrupted her, saying vaguely, "I'm right here, whatever you eat!"

"Shan Jiang! Are you looking for another fight?" Wenquan Xi stamped her feet angrily. When she was angry, her voice was very waxy. She said, "I want to eat your fried steak!"

"Agree!" Shan Jiang couldn't stand the sound of the hot spring stream, which tickled his heart. He asked cunningly, "but you have to promise me a condition, or you can't eat steak."

"Ah? What conditions?" Wenquan stream's eyes Gulu earned a few times, thinking that Shan Jiang would not want that in the morning!

"Fry the steak together." after that, Shan Jiang took Wenquan Xi's hand and took her to the kitchen.

"Ah?" asked Wenquan stream in surprise, "but I can't fry steak!"

"I'll teach you!" Shan Jiang said.

"Wait!" the hot spring stream felt chilly. Looking down, he didn't wear clothes.

His face turned red at once.

Shan Jiang looked back and found it. He hurried to the bathroom, took a bathrobe and put it on the hot spring stream. Then he took her to the kitchen.

"Shan Jiang, I can't cook. Why do you have to pull me in?" Wenquan Xi saw Shan Jiang take out beef from the refrigerator. She looked at the raw meat and said.

"Come with me!" then Shan Jiang pulled the hot spring stream to the pot, put his tall body behind her, grabbed her hands and said, "just follow me."

Then, Shan Jiang put the cut beef in a bowl and poured some seasoning to marinate it. He held the hand of Wenquan Creek, stirred the beef little by little, and stirred them all.

"It's quite fun!" Wenquan Creek grabbed the beef in her hand, which aroused her playfulness.

After grasping for a few minutes, Shan Jiang turned on the switch of the pot and poured some oil into the pan. After a while, the oil was almost hot.

"What's next? Throw it in?" Wenquan Creek grabbed the beef and asked.

"Put it in slowly. If you throw it in, be careful that your face blooms!" Shan Jiang controlled Wenquan Xi's hand, grasped her strength, and then slowly sent the beef to the pot.

The sound of "crackling" suddenly rang, and the oil pan began to crack. The Hot Spring Creek retreated in fear.

"I'm scared to death. It's terrible!" Wenquan Creek didn't cook. When he saw the oil splashing in his close position, he was very frightened.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Shan Jiang was pushed back because of the retreat of Wenquan Creek. He stepped forward and comforted, "come, stand behind me and hold my waist."

"HMM." wenquanxi nodded, then walked forward and hugged Danjiang from behind.

Shan Jiang felt warm all over and had the power to cook. He rolled the small steak in the pot with chopsticks.

Wenquan Creek has been secretly observing the appearance of Shan Jiang's fried steak from the back. She put her face on Shan Jiang's broad back and sighed: "Shan Jiang, you really look like a good wife and mother!"

Good wife and mother... Shan Jiang's mouth twitched a few times.

"Wen Baobao, I'm not a woman. How can I describe it as a good wife and mother!" Shan Jiang corrected. He thinks Wen Baobao's Chinese skills are really poor!

"Well... A good husband and a good father! That's what I should say!" the hot spring stream rolled its eyes, and a new word came.

"..." Shan Jiang surrendered.

The steak doesn't need to be fried for long. It needs to be tender before it tastes good. It's almost good to talk. Shan Jiang began to put them on a plate.

"You just said you want to eat eggs, how many eggs?" after Shan Jiang took out the steak, he turned to open the refrigerator and prepared to take the eggs.

"Eat eggs?" the hot spring stream was confused. He didn't remember whether he had said this sentence. He scratched the back of his head and said, "one, just one!"

"Won't it be enough? Eat another one!" Shan Jiang worried that the big stomach King baby would be too little. After all, she ate a lot.

"Ah? Eat two eggs?" Wenquan Creek asked in surprise when he looked at the steak with enough weight in front of him.

"Well, if you want to eat, just eat two eggs!"


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