"Aunt Wang, don't force Anna too much. She is now bent on pursuing her career. When her career is successful, men will flock to her." Qin Xin said comfortingly.

"Oh, miss, please don't comfort me. I know Anna is too fat to get married. When she was a child, she shouldn't have died eating and can't stop talking!" Aunt Wang showed her hatred for women.

One side of the Hot Spring Creek blinked twice. Is it guilty to die? Aunt ~

"Aunt Wang, you can let your daughter lose weight and find a fitness coach. Lose weight hard!" Wenquan Creek gave his opinion.

"I've tried, but she can't hold on. Alas, I'm so angry too." Aunt Wang sighed and said, "I'm also to blame. My genes are bad and hurt the child."

"Aunt Wang, please be open. It's best to let nature take its course." Qin Xin didn't know what to say, so he had to comfort him.

"I'm all right now, that's all." Aunt Wang reluctantly smiled and said, "have you finished? Then I'll clean it up!"

"OK, Aunt Wang. Don't worry too much," Qin Xin advised.

"Alas!" Aunt Wang sighed deeply when she thought of her daughter Chen Anna, and then began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Qin Xin and Wenquan stream returned to the sofa and continued to pack the wedding candy for the wedding.

Seeing Aunt Wang doing dishes in the kitchen, Wenquan Creek couldn't help but say to Qin Xin, "sister Xin, Aunt Wang's daughter is only 25 years old. Why is she so anxious to marry her out? This is not the old society, even if she doesn't marry!"

"Baby, you are still young now, and sometimes you can't understand the elders' thoughts." Qin Xin sighed and said slowly, "Aunt Wang is getting old. She still has a daughter to support the elderly, but if her daughter doesn't get married and doesn't have children in the future, who will support her daughter?"

Wenquan Creek blinked a few times, thinking about what Qin Xin said in his mind, and suddenly realized something. If you are alone, you will be very sad when you are old.

It turned out that Aunt Wang was worried about her daughter, not because she had to urge her daughter to marry because of face.

"But ah, I saw on the microblog that many parents are urging their children to get married, but in the end, they are bullied by their mother-in-law, bullied by their husband and hurt their daughter!" Wenquan Creek sighed and said.

"Baby, you don't have to worry about this problem!" Qin Xin patted Wenquan Creek on the shoulder, smiled and said, "if Shan Jiang dares to bully you, we will go to him desperately!"

"Sister Xin, if my brother bullies you, tell me that I will stand on your side!" Wenquan Xi patted his chest and said with assurance.

"OK! With your words, I don't worry!" Qin Xin said jokingly.

"Uh huh." the hot spring stream nodded fiercely.

Qin Xin and wenquanxi were chatting and packing happy candy. They were very leisurely and complacent.

Suddenly, Qin Xin stopped moving and his hand was still in the air. Wenquan stream turned his head and looked at Qin Xin. Qin Xin's face was very white and looked very serious.

As soon as Wenquan Creek started to ask her what happened, Qin Xin suddenly stood up and rushed into the bathroom. Hot Spring Creek followed.

"Vomit -"

As soon as he rushed into the toilet, Wenquan Creek saw Qin Xin holding the toilet cover and vomiting desperately. She hurried forward and gently patted Qin Xin on the back.

When Aunt Wang heard the sound, she also ran over from the kitchen. Seeing the situation, she shouted anxiously: "Miss, stop dragging and go to the hospital quickly! If you're afraid to disturb the young master, just don't tell him first. Today, Miss Wen is also here. Just let her go with you!"

"Vomit - no, I'll just take a break. Vomit -" Qin Xin held the toilet with both hands, and his facial features twisted together in pain.

"Sister Xin, it's no way for you to go on like this! I'll take you to the hospital!" Wenquan Creek saw Qin Xin's touch like this, and asked, "Aunt Wang, how long has sister Xin been like this?"

"One week. Sometimes I vomit and I don't have a good appetite every day, but after the young master comes back, the young lady refuses to say, pretending to be very good and doesn't want the young master to worry." Aunt Wang replied.

"Aunt Wang, I'm fine. I'm just too tired recently." Qin Xin waved his hand and said weakly.

"Miss, this is not your way. You must see a doctor. If it's a stomach disease, you must take medicine!" Aunt Wang said anxiously, "Miss Wen, you must persuade miss! Miss, if you don't go to the hospital again, I really have to tell the young master."

"Aunt Wang!" Qin Xin saw that Aunt Wang insisted, so he had to wipe his mouth, sighed and said, "well, I'll just go. Baby, you go with me!"

"Uh huh." Wenquan River nodded and agreed, "sister Xin, I'll drive you to Wen's hospital!"

"OK," Qin Xin said.

Hot Spring Creek is very excited to see a Lamborghini sports car in the garage! She was jealous when her brother bought this car at that time. Today, she finally had the opportunity to drive this car.

With the help of Wenquan Creek and Aunt Wang, Qin Xin sat in the co pilot's seat. In fact, after vomiting, Qin Xin was not so uncomfortable. Normal actions can be done.

"Miss Wen, slow down on the road! Pay attention to safety." seeing Wenquan Creek hurriedly starting the car, Aunt Wang said with some worry.

I'm not worried about Qin Xin's body, but about the driving skills of Wenquan Creek.

"Don't worry! Aunt Wang, I'll drive slowly." after that, Wenquan Creek started the Lamborghini.

Because it was an important event to take Qin Xin to the hospital, Wenquan River didn't dare to be careless and drove seriously. This generation is a villa area with wide roads and few vehicles, so the Hot Spring Creek is very convenient to open.

But when you pass through the villa area, you will arrive at the downtown area where people come and go. At this time, the hot spring stream will be counseling. It's about a quarter of an hour away from Wen's Hospital, but according to the turtle speed of Wenquan Creek

Fortunately, it's lunch break. There aren't too many vehicles on the road. The hot spring stream is slowly driving. After a while, the palms and back were full of sweat.

"Baby, are you all right? You never drive, or I'll drive!" Qin Xin asked anxiously.

I didn't open the convertible, closed the window and turned on the air conditioner, but sweat also seeped from the forehead of Wenquan Creek. Qin Xin saw her like this and knew that she must be very nervous.

"It's all right, sister Xin. I can. You're not feeling well now. I'd better come! It's coming soon. There are few cars now. There's only ten minutes left!" Wenquan Xi's eyes stared at every move in front of him, and his hands held the steering wheel tightly. The whole person was in the state of an arrow on the string.


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