The hot spring stream smiled and asked, "Joe Yangzhi, why are you here?"

She didn't see the owner of Honda Accord just now. In addition, she thought Joe Yangzhi had just seen her, so she came to say hello.

Seeing that Wenquan Creek didn't know anything, Qiao Yangzhi had to scratch the back of his head and said awkwardly, "Creek, it was me who crashed with you."

"Ah?" the Hot Spring Creek shouted, and then quickly opened the door.

Before Qiao Yangzhi could react, Wenquan Creek came to the place where the two cars collided.

Her Lamborghini was going to turn out, and Joe's Honda Accord was going to turn in, so the front of the Lamborghini hit one of the Honda Accord lights.

Since both sides brake in time, it seems that there should be no problem.

"Qiao Yangzhi, if this kind of problem... Why don't we take care of ourselves?" said Wenquan Creek, pointing to the place where the collision occurred.

Even if she hasn't experienced such things, she has seen them on TV. Taking care of themselves means that they repair their own vehicles, solve them privately and don't interfere with each other.

"Brook, what are you doing here?" Qiao Yangzhi didn't answer the question of Hot Spring Creek directly. Instead, he seemed to ask.

Wenquan Creek feels so strange. Since last time I accidentally met Qiao Yangzhi in the Wanshan waterside pavilion, it seems that I was under some magic spell. I also met him when eating barbecue. Qin Xin can meet Qiao Yangzhi even if he sees a disease!

"My sister-in-law is not feeling well. I came to take her to see a doctor." Wenquan Creek answered truthfully.

"So it is! I came to see my colleague today. My colleague broke his leg and was hospitalized here." Qiao Yangzhi changed his "boss" into "colleague" because he didn't want Wenquan Creek to think he was very humble.

However, he was a little puzzled that... Wenquan Creek drove a Lamborghini, and it didn't look like an ordinary model, it seemed to be a limited edition!

Wenquan Creek is just a little actor. I'm sure I don't have so much money to buy a car. So... Should Shan Jiang buy it for her?

In the end, he is the childe brother of Shan's group and the heir of the Shan family. He is quite generous!

Although Qiao Yangzhi felt a little uncomfortable, he was still blessing the hot spring stream.

After all, how much a man is willing to spend for you proves how much he loves you. It can be seen that Danjiang should be quite good for Wenquan river.

"Oh, oh!" Wenquan Creek wondered. She didn't ask Qiao Yangzhi what he was doing. Qiao Yangzhi looked like asking and answering himself.

"Brook, cough..." Qiao Yang Zhi cleared his throat, smiled and said, "we certainly don't have to shirk our responsibilities to each other. We must take care of ourselves! And I don't think we touched it. It's probably nothing."

"By the way, this car looks so cool! Shan always bought it for you?" Qiao Yangzhi still couldn't help his strong curiosity and asked.

"No!" Wenquan Creek naturally shook his head and blurted out, "this is my brother's car."

"Brother? Brook, do you have a brother?" Joe asked with some doubt.

"Yes! It's my sister-in-law sitting inside. I brought her to see the doctor." Wenquan Creek has explained just now. Joe Yangzhi has a lot of nonsense.

"Oh, I thought it was the kind of cousin, but I didn't expect it was your own sister-in-law. Isn't family planning in our generation? So I'm surprised to hear that you have a brother." Qiao Yangzhi was really surprised. He was the only child in his family.

Wenquan Creek's eyes turned. The family planning policy does exist, but for her family... Yes is equal to no!

Only do not want to live, no can not live!

"Er... I don't know! My parents gave me birth like this!" replied Wenquan stream with a smile.

Qiao Yangzhi felt strange in his heart, even more strange after thinking about it. Since Lamborghini is the brother of Wenquan Creek, is... Wenquan Creek the rich second generation?

If their family had no money, how could her brother have the money to buy such an expensive Lamborghini limited edition? If she started from scratch, her brother must not be very old and the possibility is too low.

So the only conclusion is... Their family is rich! Joe was startled when he came to this conclusion.

"Hello, sir." Qin Xin came over, smiled, and then asked Wenquan Creek, "brook, how are you talking? Are both sides taking care of themselves?"

Qin Xin was very bored in the car and saw that Qiao Yangzhi was entangled with the hot spring stream, so he came out to see what the man was!

"You... Good!" Qiao Yangzhi replied in a daze when he saw Qin Xin's face.

Where does he seem to have met this woman?

"Sister Xin, this is Qiao Yangzhi, my former high school alumni!" Wenquan stream introduced. She can't say he's an ex... Ex boyfriend in front of Joe, can she?

Qiao Yangzhi was a little lost, but he smiled, stretched out his hand to Qin Xin, introduced himself and said, "Hello, my name is Qiao Yangzhi."

"Hello, I'm Qin Xin, Xiaoxi's sister-in-law." Qin Xin also replied politely.

Qin Xin

Qiao Yangzhi finally remembered that he once went to the Qin group with the company's team to attend a large conference, and Qin Xin was not just one of the leaders of the Qin group at that time, but also the eldest lady of the Qin family.

The eldest miss of the Qin family is actually the sister-in-law of Wenquan creek?

He also heard about the marriage between Wen and Qin. After all, this is a major event in Beicheng and even the whole country.

So... That is to say, Wenquan Creek is the daughter of Wen family?

Joe Yangzhi felt that he was too surprised to speak.

"Qiao Yangzhi, Qiao Yangzhi!" the hot spring stream was stunned when it saw Qiao Yangzhi, and the whole person was stunned there and shouted anxiously.

"Ah? Ah, brook. What's the matter?" Qiao Yangzhi finally regained his mind and looked at the hot spring brook as if it were in high school.

I really want to go back to the campus life at that time! Joe looked up and thought.

"Qiao Yangzhi, my sister-in-law is still not feeling well. I have to take her back to have a rest. I won't talk to you more! We've settled the car, ha, it's for both sides to take care of themselves!" Wenquan Creek said quickly because she felt Qin Xin gently pinching her behind her.

"No, it's okay. Let's get together sometime." Qiao Yangzhi asked reluctantly, "Xiaoxi, I met you twice last time, and I don't have your mobile phone number! Let's add a wechat!"

After that, Qiao Yanzhi couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and open the wechat QR code.


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