"Oh, I bumped into it when I woke up accidentally. I was late..." when it comes to being late, she doesn't know how Shan Jiang told sister Ling.

At the moment when Wenquan Creek spoke, Qiu Hengling had conceived countless kinds of scenes with her mind of writing a manuscript, and each scene was inseparable from ambiguity

Otherwise, how could two good people collide? The answer is no longer important. No matter what Wenquan Creek says, she has her own answer anyway.

"Oh..." deliberately raised his tone and smiled vaguely.

"No, sister Ling, it's really careless..." Wenquan Creek reacted to sister Ling's expression. It must be that she bullied Shan Jiang, and she was particularly embarrassed.

Does she look like that? Although the injury was really caused by her, the Hot Spring Creek flushed. The whole person is shy to death.

"Oh, I know it's careless. Go make up! It's almost noon." you'll see your future husband soon, but Qiu Hengling held the last sentence in her heart.

Because the skin of the hot spring stream is too thin, she is afraid to say that the hot spring stream will be red all day.

"No, really no, not what you think." Wenquan Creek wanted to explain, but she was also confused in the morning. She really didn't know where to start.

"Well, I see." Qiu Hengling just went on as she said, but she didn't believe her face at all, so she still smiled secretly.

The hot spring stream sighed. Forget it. There's nothing to explain. So what? Shan Jiang is her boyfriend and will be engaged soon.

It's not too much for fiance and fiancee to do something inappropriate for children. It's not too much at all. Every time it's too much, it's Danjiang and Wenquan Creek who comfort themselves.

After entering the set, as long as she sees Qiu Hengling smiling at her all day, she will feel that she is laughing at her, and then she will feel that everyone is laughing at her.

"What's the matter? Xiaoxi, why are you always absent-minded?" finally, Shen Yunsi couldn't watch it. He used to be very serious about his lines with him. Today, he just looked at others laughing and was in a daze.

"No, no, I really don't..." Wenquan stream answered subconsciously. She thought she was going crazy.

She's really not that violent. She won't deliberately bite and swell his lips or abuse his chin.


In the blink of an eye, it was time for lunch break.

However, in Fu Ziyan's body, we can learn the spirit of perseverance. As soon as she was about to finish work, her mobile phone rang, faster than Shan Jiang's alarm clock.

She had a good conversation with Shen Yunsi. For a moment, Fu Ziyan was in no mood. Although it was not good to think so, she really didn't want to answer.

"Pick it up." Shen Yunsi looked at Wenquan river for a long time. Their lines were about to be right. They were going to play directly. Wenquan river was staring at the phone in a daze.

He found that Wenquan Creek liked to be in a daze more and more. The smiling girl turned into a dull two Leng. I don't know what she was thinking?

She must have something on her mind recently.

"Hello? Brother Ziyan." Wenquan Xi thought it was bad not to answer, so she accepted it. She believed that even if she hung up, he would still call and care more about her.

"I was investigating the scene today, near the set where you were filming. I'll pick you up for dinner at noon." in fact, he was lying at home, and Fu group had nothing to do.

"Will it bother brother brother? My theater has fast food. I eat fast food every day." Wenquan brook does not want to accept Fu Ziyan's kindness. He thinks he is just too busy.

She would be happy to change to normal, but she has a jealous Shan Jiang around her. As long as it is a man who can make him jealous, she doesn't want to be too close.

For example, Fu Ziyan

"You call me brother anyway. How can you be in trouble? Eating too much fast food is bad for your health. I happen to be here. If I don't invite you to dinner, am I still your brother? I'm sorry myself." Fu Ziyan takes the emotional route every time he hesitates in the hot spring stream.

Every time he did so, she didn't shirk it every time. She never tired of trying.

"Well, OK." Wenquan Creek suddenly thought that when they were at home last night, they hadn't asked him clearly about finding his girlfriend. It's better to ask him face to face again.

Maybe the tone of Wenquan Creek suddenly became very cheerful. Fu Ziyan automatically understood it as welcoming his desire.

He thought that Wenquan Creek was still interesting to him, but it was not very interesting. She was still very happy to have dinner with him.

"OK, that's settled. I'll pick you up now." Honey self-confidence made Fu Ziyan feel good.

"Well, bother brother Ziyan." Wenquan stream politely thanked him. After all, they are adults. I haven't seen them for six years. There should be some etiquette.

"It's all right. I'll observe the scene here for another ten minutes, and then come right away." when I hung up, I didn't forget to pretend that he was very busy, as if to tell Wenquan Creek how difficult it was to take time to have dinner with her.

The feelings accumulated over the years were not in vain. Wenquan Creek still had feelings for him, and Fu Ziyan began to be excited.

"Come on, come on, then talk to her lines." Wenquan Creek lost his cell phone and took Shen Yuns to talk to her lines. Shen Yuns was a teacher in her eyes, almost as old as her.

"Xiaoxi, you'd better be lively." Shen Yunsi likes hot spring Creek, that is, she likes her vitality and endless vitality.

"I've always been like this." Wenquan stream smiled heartlessly, but was recently frightened by Fu Ziyan's hospitality and Shan Jiang's jealousy.

When I was in a good mood, the filming was much smoother. I didn't remake much. I was affirmed, and Wenquan Creek laughed more happily.

For lunch with Fu Ziyan, Wenquan river has reported to Shan Jiang in advance. Before Shan Jiang could make her refuse, Wenquan river said he wanted to talk to him about helping him find a girlfriend.

When Shan Jiang thought about it, he didn't stop it. He wanted to see what Fu Ziyan looked like when he heard that the woman he wanted to bubble wanted to find him a girlfriend. Anyway, he felt happy inexplicably.

He said a lot not to have any physical contact or eye contact with him, so he hung up with confidence.

Today, Wenquan Creek performed very well. We all know that we took the initiative to call him and reported it in advance. It turned out that we didn't tell him until after it was over, or even didn't tell him. Every time they quarrel about it.

At twelve o'clock, on time, Fu Ziyan came to the gate of the studio to pick her up, and then found the most upscale shopping mall and restaurant nearby.


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