The first thing Su Mengmeng did when she got home was to call Wenquan Creek. It was not too late at more than nine o'clock, but no one answered.

I thought she didn't hear something. After two minutes, she called again, but no one answered. Maybe she was asleep. Su Mengmeng sighed, so she had to talk again tomorrow.

Lying on her one meter two small bed, Su Mengmeng didn't want to move or take a bath. She could smell the smell of Fu Ziyan on her body, and she couldn't bear it.

Giggling back to today's day, as if in a dream, dream? Can it really be a dream? Will you wake up and live the same life as before? For a moment, I dare not even feel sleepy.

Nine o'clock is really not too late. It is absolutely impossible for Wenquan Creek and Danjiang to go to bed so early. In Danjiang's view, it is a pure waste of time.

When the phone rang for the first time, Shan Jiang pushed his mobile phone aside. He imprisoned his baby in his arms. How can he let it go so easily?

Wenquan Creek couldn't refute. She thought that if there was something urgent, she would call the second time. As a result, the second time came right away. She began to worry. Maybe there was something urgent.

"Shan Jiang, give me the phone quickly." at this time, Shan Jiang was dazzled by his primitive desire. The hot spring stream was very speechless, pushed his face away and refused his provocation.

Shan Jiang is also very speechless. Who in the middle of the night has no eyes and has to bother him? As soon as he fished, he saw that the caller ID was su Mengmeng, and resolutely lost it where he couldn't get it.

"It's su Mengmeng. She must get along well with Fu Ziyan, so I want to share it with you." the two of them really match. They both like to entangle the hot spring stream. He can only own the hot spring stream alone.

"Mengmeng? She and Ziyan's brother have been on a blind date?" Wenquan Xi was very excited and directly pushed Shan Jiang away to pick up her mobile phone. She wanted to know what the final result was like.

She spent too much effort on Fu Ziyan's blind date and had too much expectations for him. How can she not be in a hurry? She hoped the two of them could go on.

At this time, it is impossible for Shan Jiang to make Wenquan Xi think of other men. Originally, he had great opinions on Fu Ziyan, and they were all stuffy in his heart.

It's not easy for him to get in the way. She still bothers him. Shan Jiang just wants to teach the distracted Hot Spring Creek a lesson. She can only have him in her heart.

Pulling the foot of the hot spring stream, he dragged her back to his side, turned over and pressed her. We must give her some color to see, so as not to ignore him.

"I want to answer the phone." Wenquan Creek shouted, and she immediately caught her cell phone. My cell phone, you're poor. Wenquan Creek wailed in her heart.

Shan Jiang didn't say any nonsense. She conquered the hot spring stream directly with action and strength, leaving her no energy and ideas to take into account other things.

"Overbearing, beast." Wenquan stream scolded her with her only remaining consciousness. She had no personal freedom, but she had no ability to resist.

"Don't the baby like it?" Shan Jiang's evil spirit smiled. The slender Danfeng eyes released 10000 volts of high voltage, and the electric hot spring stream was dizzy.

She wanted to say she didn't like it, but she didn't dare. If she said it, Shan Jiang would be more energetic. In the end, it wasn't her who was tired and painful. I can only shake my head in vain.

Meng Meng, I'm sorry. I can't do this power.

When Wenquan Creek regains its freedom, it's nearly twelve o'clock. It's time to go to bed. Wenquan Creek still wants to take a chance. Maybe Su Mengmeng is too excited to sleep? It is estimated that this is her first blind date in her life!

Every time I finish, my body will be sticky. Shan Jiang will take a bath with the hot spring stream before going to bed.

"You go, I want to sleep, I want to sleep." Wenquan Creek took out the remaining strength and covered himself in the quilt without coming out.

"You don't have to do it, wash and sleep." it hasn't been like this before. Shan Jiang thought she was really too tired, a little worried and distressed.

"Go and take a bath quickly." suddenly, he yelled angrily. Shan Jiang was stunned. He didn't look like a tired man. He nodded to see what she wanted him to take a bath.

As soon as he got in, she climbed out and picked up her mobile phone, then rolled back into her quilt and dialed Su Mengmeng. She was still thinking of Su Mengmeng and Fu Ziyan.

"Hello?" Su Mengmeng was always excited and couldn't sleep at all. Seeing Wenquan Creek calling in, she picked it up at the first time.

"Brook." Su Mengmeng was a little excited and shouted loudly. She was so frightened that Wenquan Creek almost didn't lose her cell phone. She wasn't ready and thought she would sleep.

"How about today's blind date?" Wenquan stream came straight to the point and directly entered the theme. The result is the most important.

"It's going well..." Su Mengmeng said shyly. Fu Ziyan didn't say he liked her or wanted to be with her from beginning to end.

So she didn't know, but Fu Ziyan didn't show that he didn't accept the way she hated her. They also agreed to meet again next time. Is that smooth?

"What does it mean to be smooth?" Wenquan Creek is a little incomprehensible. Being together means being together, and not being together means not being together. Is the answer too ambiguous?

"Oh, I don't know." Su Mengmeng covered herself in the quilt and giggled.

Wenquan stream naturally heard it. Su Mengmeng's reaction should be that he likes brother Ziyan very much. Wenquan stream is very happy.

"Why don't you know? Obviously I like brother Ziyan. Did you ask him if he likes you?" Su Mengmeng's dull people laughed so obviously that brother Ziyan should see it?

"I'm so kind to ask?" Su Mengmeng said angrily. She couldn't breathe at the thought that Fu Ziyan would like her.

"How do you know if you don't ask? You don't tell, he doesn't know. It can't achieve the effect of blind date at all." Wenquan Creek is a little speechless. She seems to only know that Su Mengmeng likes Fu Ziyan. As for Fu Ziyan's attitude, it seems that she has to start.

"I'll ask for you." she was a little worried about their attitude. They were so old and dragged on. Her brother Wen Zeyu was married.

"He must have gone to bed. Don't disturb him?" Su Mengmeng said reluctantly for fear of disturbing Fu Ziyan's rest.

"I love him so much before we are together? Brother Ziyan won't say anything, he won't."


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